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  • Jan 16th, 2015 @ 10:11pm

    Ting Mobile

    Ting Mobile. Pay for what you use. Your rate is based on your usage each month. My mobile has only been over $30 a couple times. Sometimes it barely breaks $20.
  • Jun 20th, 2014 @ 11:13am


    Why is no one singing Snowden praises for this? It's pretty exclusively his sacrifice that brought this about. And Hillary can shove it up her as that the dialog was starting without him.
  • Feb 28th, 2014 @ 9:53pm

    Re: Re:

    Because cops in this country believe that everyone they come across just might be armed and planning to shoot them

    Except that's complete and utter bullshit. Shooting deaths of police officers last year were the lowest since 1887. Yes, that isn't a typo, 125 years ago when the population of the entire US was only a little over 50 million. Overall deaths were the lowest since 1957 and most of those were traffic accidents. So tell me again why the police agencies are arming themselves with military equipment and weapons?
  • Jan 22nd, 2014 @ 10:29am

    Re: Re:

    have passed laws greatly limiting doctor's liability for pain and suffering.

    That's for malpractice, unwillful mistakes. This has nothing what so ever to do with malpractice. This is performing invasive risky procedures against someones will. They should have there license to practice medicine revoked and be facing criminal charges.
  • Jan 3rd, 2014 @ 11:02am


    The key question is why the NSA with all their absolutely critical data collection wasn't able to prevent this.
  • Sep 10th, 2013 @ 10:23am


    Register your post with the Copyright office and then sue them for Copyright infringement.
  • Jun 25th, 2013 @ 10:38am

    Re: Re: The truth hurts

    To be a journalist during an election takes a good relation with at least one of the candidates to get close enough to get the "good stories".

    You don't get the good stories by having good relations with at least one of the candidates. You get the crap stories that are typical of the MSM. You get the story the candidate wants you to print. The good stories are the ones they don't want you to print. The good ones should piss them off.
    If you are critical, you will end up with having to create your own stories.

    Isn't creating (and I don't mean fabricating) your own story the whole point of journalism? Reporting warmed over press releases any monkey can do.
  • Mar 29th, 2013 @ 2:51pm

    Tech Support

    Last time I call Verizon customer service I told them I couldn't ping the DNS server IP. She told me try pinging I heard her say to the mid level tech on the other line "Now he's laughing at me. Why is he laughing at me?".
  • Mar 14th, 2013 @ 11:20am

    EA Pressures to have modder charged

    How long before EA gets the modder arrested for violating the DMCA anti-circumvention provision?
  • Dec 29th, 2012 @ 9:58am

    Happened numerous times in the 20th Century

    The point is technology has moved on to the point that a 'citizen' has no ability to stand against an army on his own, not with his own resources.

    So I guess that explains Vietnam (both French and US intervention) and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. And yes there was some minor help from outside sources in both those cases but in neither case was it decisive. The reason US is not getting its ass whipped in Afghanistan right now has far more to do with a major effort not to fight the average citizen then any technological superiority over those average citizens.
  • Oct 9th, 2012 @ 1:09pm

    Re: Is Google going to make the FULL works FREELY available?

    And as I've said before, once in full control of such resources

    Ummm...You seem confused. Google has no control over the material. They're just trying to make it more accessible. It's the copyright maximalist that are trying to gain greater control over it and deny it to the public not Google.
  • Sep 27th, 2012 @ 1:22pm

    Re: Re:

    Are you kidding? Apple probable has 500 patents on various aspects of the iPhone 5.
  • Sep 27th, 2012 @ 1:13pm


    This is especially scary given that those same disruptive technologies usually also challenge the government's ability to control the people.
  • Sep 27th, 2012 @ 12:51pm


    may have contributed

    They also "may have contributed" to fairies coming out my ass. Although many have dug, no one yet has presented any reasonable evidence supporting either of those that I'm aware of.

    In a free and open society anything like Wikileaks would be condoned and supported. Let me explain the reasons why.

    First Wikileaks simple allows a channel for people to anonymously release information at least somewhat protected from retribution. The press use to be the channel for allowing this thus the protections for a free press in the US constitution as a check on government for it keeping it free and open. Unfortunately technology is changing the nature of how information is distributed. The main stream media is no longer the primary and exclusive means of distributing information. Because of this disruption of the gatekeeper role the main stream media has held in the past they are pushing the government to pass laws to help them slow down and/or stop the disruptive process. This pretty much negates the "free press" as being free from government interference as intended by it's constitutional protections. Add to this that even given the protections of the free press provided by the constitution the government has always had at least some limited ability to control the press. Historically they exercised this control often (likely far more often than we are aware of). How justified they were in doing this is no doubt variable and arguable. I have no doubt in many cases there would be a strong case it was justified. I also have no doubt there would be strong arguments in many cases the suppression was bordering on criminal. With Wikileaks they lose all control whether justified or not. In a free and open society, in my mind at least, the occasional release of information that would have been justifiable suppressed is far out weighed (I'll support this more below) by the suppression of information that exposes at best government inefficiencies or at worse down right criminal behavior by the government.

    Now there are occasions where the suppression of information may be justified. The case I'll make here is that if such information has made it way to Wikileaks most likely the people who could use this information for nefarious purposes already have access to it (unless of course the nefarious purpose is to expose questionable actions by the government). Those people are going to typically be far more motivated to gain access to the information. In a free and open society, although there may be a significant cost, the information leaking to Wikileaks exposes weaknesses in how information is protected. This should allow the government to fix these holes in their security. This also helps fix a governmental problem. Although, again, there may be a cost associated with this it may also allow fixing the security thus eliminating a continuing information leak or an even more costly leak later.

    The big problem with the recent documents Wikileaks published isn't that they "may have contributed to the death of soldiers" but who the government was trying to prevent from seeing those documents. First, given the obscenely piss poor security protecting those documents the information was likely already available to those who could use it to "contributed to the death of soldiers". Now obviously I have no way of supporting that assertion other than by general assertions as to the ease of which the security measures were circumvented. I will assert though that the primary person the government was trying to prevent from seeing those documents wasn't people who could use it to "contributed to the death of soldiers" but to the general public who would see many of the questionable things our government was doing. The rather scary part, other than operational and functional secrets our military shouldn't be trying to hide anything it does. Nothing functional was exposed that I'm aware of and Wikileaks tried to redact any operational information that could have put anyone in danger. And they would have been able do this much more effectively if our supposed "free and open" government had cooperated with Wikileaks in the redaction rather than working to attack them any way they could get away with. Wikileaks didn't leak the information. They just published it. But it's much easier to attack the message than to fix the source of the message they brought.
  • Aug 9th, 2012 @ 10:07am

    Re: Dirty Commie! do realize that patents and copyright are the antithesis of capitalism and free markets?
  • Jul 6th, 2012 @ 6:48pm


    Ummm...wikileaks doesn't target anyone. People give them stuff and wikileaks makes it makes it public. That's how it works. No targeting involved.
  • Dec 1st, 2010 @ 4:04pm

    Cookies no longer required to track you

    The latest craze in tracking: fingerprinting.

  • Nov 30th, 2010 @ 8:33am

    Could cross into net neutrality

    Where this could cross over to a net neutrality issue is if Comcast is threatening to disallow exclusively Netflix traffic in it's negotiations on a commercial peering agreement. If that's the case it's headed down that slippery slope of charging for specific traffic. If Comcast can establish that principal it makes it much easier to charge backbone providers for specific traffic that may compete with Comcast's other business offerings. The backbone operators would be forced to pass those additional costs on to the traffic originators. Without a lot more details of the negotiations and agreements it's difficult to say one way or the other if this is a step onto that slippery slope but it definitely has that potential.

  • Nov 17th, 2010 @ 8:50am

    Make all politicians sign non-competes

    Make all the politicians sign non-competes as a condition of serving in the government. They cannot work in any industry or job directly or indirectly related to government operations or any job or industry related to any work they were involved in while in government service (including legislation) for a minimum of 5 years after they leave government service.
  • Nov 4th, 2010 @ 2:29pm

    Re: Advertisers pulling out

    Hate to reply to my own post but it appears they're also finding hoards of other articles that were stolen by Cook's Source from a number of other sources.

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