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  • Apr 10th, 2012 @ 2:44pm

    re: phil

    Just because YOU don't or won't pay doesn't mean everyone is like you.

    I WANT to give my money when i've been entertained.

    I have purchased DVDs many times after an initial pirate viewing, for the bonus features, ability to loan to non tech friends, and because I want to pay the creators for their efforts.

    Same with Cds, though these generally don't have so many bonus features :-)

    Music, in particular, is easier to discover through torrents. Much of it I don't like, and I delete it.

    Others I really do enjoy - these become my next album and/or live music I pay for
  • Mar 22nd, 2012 @ 12:34am

    Re: Re: Re: A CLASSIC!

    i do, too

    And the 'Shadow' sequels more than Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide
  • Mar 2nd, 2012 @ 3:12pm

    No idea...

    In Australia, we have been charged >$1,785/MB for SMS messaging (@ 25c/160 character message, which is actually only 140 bytes - SMS uses a 7-bit byte, at least on the GSM network)

    I actually work for a major carrier, and in a testimony to the clueless-ness, we were recently told about all these 'over-the-top' 'players' making money from our network without having to pay a cent.

    Now, leaving aside, for a minute, that it is actually the end-user paying to use the network in the form of their monthly bill, so the powers that be seem to be saying they want 2 bites of the same cherry, the real hilarity comes from the fact that, during the presentation, the names of a whole bunch of these 'freeloaders' was mentioned.

    I know of several people in that audience who were taking down the names of these aps so that they can start using them!!

    In a classic example of misunderstanding human nature, they are actually advertising to their staff the very companies and applications that they are complaining about
  • Feb 17th, 2012 @ 9:57pm

    as an aussie

    I've been watching with incredulity your SoPA/PIPA fight.

    To find that it has now landed here is depressing, but not surprising

    I have now decided - I will not spend a single dollar more on these arseholes.

    There a few movies released recently that I wouldn't mind seeing, but fuck them. I'll wait til they're available on-line

    There are a few new TV shows starting up, here, with our ratings season having just started, that look intriguing, but fuck them. I'll wait til they're available on line

    I will not buy another newspaper or magazine - Rupert murdoch is probably the evilest fuck in the world, and he owns far too much of the media, here.

    I have a DVD collection numbering over 200 titles - i've always enjoyed the special features - and about 30 blu-rays, but fuck them. I WILL not buy any brand new media anymore.

    I will wait to find second-hand copies of any movies or TV shows or music CDs I want so that I do not give these evil fucks a SINGLE hard-earned dollar EVER again.

    I have actively argued with friends and relatives that only ever download content about needing to pay the creators for their work.


    Never again!
  • Feb 17th, 2012 @ 9:34pm

    as an aussie

    I've been watching with incredulity your SoPA/PIPA fight.

    To find that it has now landed here is depressing, but not surprising

    I have now decided - I will not spend a single dollar more on these arseholes.

    There a few movies released recently that I wouldn't mind seeing, but fuck them. I'll wait til they're available on-line

    There are a few new TV shows starting up, here, with our ratings season having just started, that look intriguing, but fuck them. I'll wait til they're available on line

    I will not buy another newspaper or magazine - Rupert murdoch is probably the evilest fuck in the world, and he owns far too much of the media, here.

    I have a DVD collection numbering over 200 titles - i've always enjoyed the special features - and about 30 blu-rays, but fuck them. I WILL not buy any brand new media anymore.

    I will wait to find second-hand copies of any movies or TV shows or music CDs I want so that I do not give these evil fucks a SINGLE hard-earned dollar EVER again.

    I have actively argued with friends and relatives that only ever download content about needing to pay the creators for their work.


    Never again!
  • Feb 4th, 2012 @ 6:07pm

    (untitled comment)

    I'm afraid I don't see the point of this.

    PR people can contribute, right now, registering a user name and 'correcting ' any errors they come across.

    If their corrections meet guidelines, they'll be left in place.

    If not, they're reverted.

    If they continue making biased edits they will be banned.

    So far, so good.

    There are only 2 reasons I can think of for wanting to change this to 'allowing ' paid-for contributions:

    1) this new category of contributors should have more 'discretion ' in their ability to contribute (no thanks) ;
    2) PR people want to be able to add their WP 'contributions' to their portfolio (no thanks)

    Any company that has the cash to pay PR people should have enough money to put up their own web site, on which they can practically say whatever they like.

    I realise that this would not allow them to co-opt WP's credibility for their own benefit, but...

    Oh, wait a minute
  • Jan 27th, 2012 @ 7:16pm

    Re: Re: Hit the dirt

    I'd say, if the word 'dirt' in a domain name is relevant, you're screwed!

    Since you don't host user generated content, 'no soup...'

    I mean 'no safe harbor for you'

    (Insert Seinfeld SoPA-, I mean Soup-nazi joke)
  • Jan 24th, 2012 @ 3:09am

    (untitled comment)

    It's all well and good to claim the (intellectual [moral]) high ground in these arguments, and be utterly sincere in declaring victory. But why, then, is the victory not celebrated by everyone?

    Because, victory is in the eye of the beholder.

    What this means is that many a 'victory ' is phyric - the battle isn't winning the battle, the battle is fighting the battle without seeming lke the high school loser, whatever else may happen.
    Hence the pride of not being a 'nerd' - no matter the consequence.
    Ignorance is still 'cooler' than wisdom - despite wisdom being a loftier goal in the eyes of the wise
  • Jan 19th, 2012 @ 9:52pm

    Re: Re:

    Don't tell me you're going to circumvent their perfectly reasonable determination that you can't watch their show? :-)

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