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  • Oct 19th, 2016 @ 11:49am

    Vox partially owned by Comcast

    I stopped paying any attention to VOX shortly after Comcast ponied up a sizable $200m investment to increase their holdings in the site. It wasn't long after that that Vox did a story that read like a fawning love letter to Comcast, suggesting that they are fabulous deal. I saw the story on Facebook and many people in the comments there were rightly pointing out that right below that article were other articles calling attention to the now cozy relationship Vox has with Comcast via the $200m investment. The Vox article in question made no mention of their relationship with Comcast.

    So, it is little surprise to me that Vox continues to pull bullshit such as this. They are content to suck at Comcast's teat and won't be doing anything remotely close to suggesting how people can ditch overpriced cable TV.

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