kyle clements’s Techdirt Profile


About kyle clements

Toronto based Artist, photographer, and nerd.

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  • Apr 3rd, 2019 @ 11:09am

    (untitled comment)

    "it will require any website to take down content deemed to be terrorist content within one hour, based on demands from "competent authorities" within countries"

    One hour?

    What happens if the person running the website is asleep or at work when this demand arrives?

    It's almost like they want to make it impossible for individuals, and only allow big established companies to run websites.

  • Mar 28th, 2019 @ 5:09pm

    (untitled comment)

    In America, my understanding is that jurors are sequestered, where they are put into hotels and forbidden from watching or reading any news for the duration of the trial, out of fear the media coverage will influence their decisions.

    In other countries, we find this loss of juror freedom to be unreasonable , so instead, we ban the media from covering elements of a trial until it is over, so the jurors are still free to go home and be with their family and friends, and the media will not influence their decisions.

  • May 25th, 2018 @ 9:24am

    (untitled comment)

    "here at Techdirt, I've never actually told any of our writers how much traffic their stories get, because I don't want them thinking about clicks at all. I want them to write the best stories they can write, and then they can let me focus on how to monetize good content and a good insightful community, rather than just going for scale and clicks."

    So, because TechDirt has integrity and is thinking beyond the next quarter, other outlets probably have some integrity and brains as well?

    Sorry Mike, but I'll only believe that once I've seen it...

    Seriously though, the way the media covers things *does* create a heavily skewed image of the world in people's minds. The world is better now than it has ever been for more people in nearly every measure, yet everyone is convinced the world is going to hell in a handbasket. And I think part of that is because disasters are the most newsworthy events, so that's what gets the attention.

    The news will cover the one person killed by a car in autopilot, without even mentioning the 9,000 people killed that day (and every day) by a human-controlled car. Where is the news coverage comparing the average kilometers per collision of a human vs an AI, because *that* is the real story.

    Is the media terrible? I think so.
    Is Musk right to criticise it? Yes.
    Is Musk's plan going to work? Not a chance in hell.
  • Apr 5th, 2016 @ 8:13pm

    Re: Automation Isn’t New

    The difference is that in the past, automation was large, dumb, singularly focused, and prohibitively expensive, with automation costing so much only large scale factories could afford the machines.

    New automation is cheap, flexible, and smart. The world has never seen anything like this before.

    This time, it will be different.
  • Apr 3rd, 2015 @ 11:01pm


    But we shouldn't have to.

    As citizens of what is supposed to be a liberal democracy, we should be able to implicitly trust our government not to spy on us.
  • Jan 30th, 2015 @ 8:36pm

    Re: Humans are the exception...

    Mammals generally don't drink milk when they're adults. We should be asking why anyone drinks milk as an adult

    Most mammals generally don't have a space program or copyright/trademark law, either...
  • Sep 20th, 2014 @ 4:31pm

    crtc issue is complicated

    I'm divided on the issue.

    The issue that this article is ignoring is that America, being 10X bigger audience-wise, tends to have productions with 10X bigger budgets, which translates into astronomically more revenue generating potential. How is Canada expected to compete in this environment?

    It's sort of like how Canada has way more softwood lumber than America does, so we can sell a higher quality product to America at a much lower cost. America responds to the situation by violating the Free-Trade agreement and their own court decisions, and taxes the Canadian wood anyway, because they can't compete with what we offer.

    Made in Canada content taxes are the same thing, only these taxes don't violate any pre-existing agreements between our countries.

    The writing and acting quality may be nearly equivalent, but the level of production quality is no where near the level of polish American content can achieve. So we take a few bucks from the big players to help the little guys get their project finished. I don't see anything wrong with that idea for big, professional, commercial productions.

    However, per capita, Canadians are among the most prolific content generators and consumers on YouTube. We are punching well above our weight class in the area of user generated content, and all this is happening organically without any tax incentives, and this fact needs to be taken into consideration. The CRTC tries to sweep user generated content aside because to be "really Canadian" content needs to be scripted and available in both official languages.

    Well, as a producer of user-generated content, I'm not going to dryly read from a script, and double my effort and expenses to produce everything in a second language to appeal to an insignificantly small audience; I'm going to use my mother tongue, and keep it off-the-cuff and organic.
  • Jul 22nd, 2014 @ 9:52pm

    Re: eSports?

    While living in South Korea, I started watching the televised Star Craft tournaments, and it actually is pretty engaging.

    Since I was somewhat familiar with the game, I was able to see just how spectacular the professional's performances were.

    The gimmicks of television - commentators, dramatic lighting, animated show segment dividers, cutting between screens, players faces, bio segments, etc. also helped sell the material as exciting.

    Just because eSports are uncommon here doesn't mean it can't work.
  • Jun 13th, 2014 @ 11:07pm


    Why do so many other countries appear to have more intelligent leaders/courts than the good old USA?

    For a multitude of reasons.

    Globally, the parliamentary democracy system has been shown to form far more stable governments than American-style republics.

    In Canada, when a corporation gives a large sum of money to a politician in exchange for passing certain laws, it is considered "bribery", rather than "lobbying".

    Having 3 major parties (Liberals, Conservatives, and New Democrats) that span the political spectrum instead of just one party (Republicrats) also helps.

    In the rest of the developed world, religion isn't nearly as big of a problem as it is in the United States. We prefer to evaluate reasons and examine evidence rather than blindly having faith that things will 'just work'.

    Our education system focuses on education, rather than teaching students to pass tests.

    And most of all, because our countries are utterly insignificant compared to the United States, we have to pay very close attention to what you guys are doing. When we see America failing so spectacularly, it provides us with a very clear example of what not to do, and it is discussed immensely, and public concerns can become national issues. How much attention does the United States pay to some tiny place that no one has every heard of when things go wrong there?
  • Apr 30th, 2014 @ 9:56pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    What if it was a "DIY organic gardening" article about using a new technology to measure moisture content on the soil to power LED indicator lights?

    Glasses and shoes are technology. We just ignore everything that was invented before we were born and assume it is "natural".
  • Apr 9th, 2014 @ 7:27pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    "Musicians, filmmakers, photographers....writers....should be able to make a living from their work."

    I get about one email every day from some multimillion dollar company asking me to work for free to provide them with some content that "isn't in their budget for this project, but will lead to great exposure for me"

    Then when I point out that if they assume that working for free is ok, then the project director should transfer their paycheque over to me for the duration of the project, and they can work for the exposure, they make it sound like I'm the one being unreasonable.

    I don't care one bit if regular people infringe on my content; I'm all angried out by these big companies who are screwing the artists *and* screwing their fans.
  • Mar 18th, 2014 @ 9:08pm

    Re: Re: These seem fitting

    I have a fair number of good friends with PhDs, and I am acquainted with many other PhD havers.

    None of them ever point out the fact they have PhDs, it only comes up casually in conversation years later.

    "Hey can you help me with this coding problem I'm having? Oh, wow, you are really good at math! Oh, you have a PhD in the subject? So I should have been calling you "Doctor" this whole time? Hahahah! Another round?"

    The only person I've ever met to incessantly point out that they had a PhD was the worst, most useless prof I ever had the misfortune of studying under.

    Generally, people who are really good at something don't have to point out their qualifications, as their work speaks for itself.
  • Feb 10th, 2014 @ 2:39pm


    If the authorities think "wget" is some sort of elite hacker tool, just wait until they find out about "dd".


    Freaking out over wget is almost as laughable as hearing something like "using "Ctrl+C" and "Ctrl+V", a group of elite hackers were able to steal the contents of several websites and recreate various articles on their own computers at home."
  • Feb 5th, 2014 @ 5:37pm

    Re: Re: I once actually owned ...

    I'm seeing them in two weeks.

    After 30 years (1982-2014) these guys are still going at it.

    I read another interview that they never actually sent the invoice, but it was the idea that inspired their latest album, "Weapon".
  • Jan 24th, 2014 @ 9:08pm

    (untitled comment)

    "Or let me put it into perspective for a drug using, liberal, hippy pussy like yourself: 99% of people who smoke pot do it responsibly and safely, but 1% of the people who use participate in violent crime, or crash their cars when theyre high and kill others or themselves, but I don't see you posting about how ALL pot smokers should be punished."

    Well, that's because one is burning a leaf, while the other is a tool specifically designed for killing things. And if you're driving high and crashing and killing people, it's the motor vehicle, not the weed that is doing the killing. That's why vehicles have a long list of strict safety targets they must meet to be street-legal.


    Americans and their guns...if only they realized how silly their obsession looked to the civilized world...
  • Jan 23rd, 2014 @ 5:08pm


    "i see nothing wrong with his site. if you are foolish enough to give nudes to someone you should make sure they are mature enough to pull something like this if the relationship goes wrong."

    Well, without a signed model release, publication of images where the model is the clear focus of the image, and not an incidental background figure is exactly the kind of thing that can get you into some legal trouble. That's why photographer's assistants and Production Assistants are so insistent that everyone appearing on-camera signs the model release.
  • Dec 16th, 2013 @ 11:35am

    Re: Re:

    As a practicing artist myself, your comment is the only one so far that isn't a complete non-sequitur, and doesn't confuse different arts groups.

    This has nothing to do with the recording industry/RIAA/MPAA, etc.

    When old work resells for a lot, the price of new work goes up, too.

    If you work between distinct styles throughout your career, hold back a piece or two from each style, so when they take off, you can take the unsold old work straight to an auction house and cash in.
  • Sep 9th, 2013 @ 7:27pm

    (untitled comment)

    Bah! Sleep is just a poor man's coffee substitute.

    I've been working to get on 'the Da Vinci sleep schedule' for the past few years. a 20-30 minute nap every 4 hours. Eventually, your body gets so exhausted you jump straight to REM sleep - or so the theory goes.

    I find that irritability, diminished motor skills, poor decision making, vision problems, inability to concentrate and poor memory are the real outcomes of this bizarre schedule.
  • Jul 22nd, 2013 @ 9:54pm

    (untitled comment)

    As a Canadian, a person from the land of strict gun control, I don't know if my perspective is quite the same as everyone elses here, but rather than trying to ban something outright which is completely unenforcable, why not just do something like automatically double the sentence for any crime committed by a person in posession of a gun, 3D printed or otherwise, whether or not the gun was used, to disincentivise people from using guns for evil, while not restricting the rights of those who aren't huring anybody?

    You can't stop a guy with a lathe and a milling machine from making a gun, and that's been around for decades, what's so different about 3D printers? Nothing.

    Rather than freak out and try to do the impossible, why not legislate what you can control?
  • Mar 5th, 2013 @ 4:52pm

    Re: What's wrong with that jury idea?

    As someone who once successfully got out of jury duty, anyone who is in a jury is not one of my peers.

    Should I ever be on trial, I demand a jury made out of my peers - a jury of people who got out of jury duty.

More comments from kyle clements >>

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