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  • Jul 25th, 2017 @ 12:41pm

    Fixed batteries are ONLY so the NSA can listen to your phone all the time (as Luxi Turna)

    (I'm a grad student in digital forensics and network security, if that gives me at least a little credibility).

    Cut off contact with the cell network for privacy AND YOUR BATTERY WILL DIE.

    When they can't see a tower, phones turn up the RF power all the way and leave it there until they connect.

    The effect is maximum battery drain, more than anything you can do except the flashlight function.

    Not a solution except for brief times you want to talk about something you absolutely don't want them to hear.

    The fact that ALL phones now have fixed batteries when removable batteries have huge advantages (the battery dies, phone reset, etc) is SMOKING GUN EVIDENCE that the NSA either forced the companies or more likely bribed them with millions of our tax money, to force the phones to always be able to listen to you secretly and tell where you are.

    The NSA defeated the gold-standard, trusted RSA encryption by paying RSA 30 million dollars to put in a back door.

    Their excuse—that the phone looks prettier if you can't remove the battery—is so WAY beyond ridiculous that it's insulting to hear them tell it to us.
  • Jul 25th, 2017 @ 12:08pm

    leaving the light one (as Luxi Turna)


    Okay, it's 5 years later and you STILL win the Nobel prize for internet comments!

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