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  • Feb 23rd, 2022 @ 9:52am

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    When major US agencies, think FAA, don't pay attention to turn on, turn off tech notices, why should we expect private companies to react differently?

    Add to the list of possibly impacted gizmos - cell connected game cameras.

    I recently looked for a replacement phone for my father who was on a 3G AT&T flip phone. Many of the 'new' flip phones being offered were still only 3g. Then unexpectedly, a package arrived from AT&T that had a free new 4G flip phone and service transfer instructions.

    Time for the FCC to issue a '4G Life Cycle Schedule' similar to a Microsoft OS life cycle announcement. List a Last Date a new 4G gizmo can be legally sold. Allow a several year warranty period after that. Forbid any turn off of 4G towers until several years after the expiration of the final warranty period. Minimum 4G life cycle should probably be at least 20 years. If the 3G shutdown is bad, the future 4G shutdown will be worse. Almost every car being sold is connected and cars often last 20+ years.

  • Nov 29th, 2021 @ 7:58am

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    In no way am I defending Charter/Spectrum but "Rob" needs to wake up and get a different job. Sounds like a "Do you want fries with that" job from McDonalds or being a Walmart greeter would yield more net income then the current independent contractor job with Charter. Which,if true, says a lot about the Charter job setup.

    I have to wonder if Rob knows about the Self Employment FICA Tax? If not, he is going to get a nasty surprise from the IRS in the form of a 15% tax on all his income on top of the normal income tax. Another of the wonderful things about being a self employed independent contractor. Avoiding this tax plus getting rid of having to pay for medical insurance is a big reason a lot of companies go the contractor route.

  • Oct 19th, 2021 @ 12:26pm

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    Smartphone = Personalized Tracking Device.(PTD)
    Always connected car = PTD.
    Most 'smart' home devices = PTD.

    Anyone surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.

  • Oct 19th, 2021 @ 12:17pm

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    I played the inkjet game once. Cheap Epson printer spent more time and ink cleaning the head then printing. Still had banding several times. When the final cartridge fouled up, pitched the thing. My HP 1200 Laserjet is 20 years old and still working. Don't print a lot, self test shows 7028 pages. It can sit for weeks and be printing good pages in a matter of seconds.

    Sad thing is that if you watch the sales, you can often get a decent laser printer for not much more then an inkjet + a spare set of cartridges.

  • Mar 19th, 2021 @ 3:29am

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    And now for something really scary. It seems that another town was willing to hire this guy even after he shot Tamir and lied to Cleveland about his prior record.

    He may be currently unemployed if this article is correct: ootball-team-resigns-after-protest-coverage-of-timothy-loehmanns-participation

  • Mar 2nd, 2021 @ 5:16am

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    Pretty sure that all TSA agents have to swear an oath to "Protect and Defend the Constitution..." as part of their hiring process. For the TSA to claim lack of education as an excuse for violating that same Constitution seems rather hypocritical. Maybe the supervisors that thought this case was defensible should be brought up on charges of violating their oath of office.

  • Jan 25th, 2021 @ 8:19am

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    This is why those often forgotten off cycle/down ballot elections are so important. Everyone worries about who is President, Senator or Representative. But this program was created and approved by locally elected Sheriff and School Officials. As are things like Resource Officer contracts. Pay attention to these elections and go vote.

  • Dec 28th, 2020 @ 6:37pm

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    Most Policing is local, the US Federal Government has very little real authority here. If you don't like how your local police are behaving, pay attention to those City council and mayor elections. That is where reform can be done. Sheriffs often have a high degree of control over how their departments operate, another one of those elections that is often off cycle. Even school board elections are important in this. They have a lot of control over the School Resource Officer/Security Officer contracts. Depending on your state, many of these elections may be 'non-partisan', where party affiliation isn't listed on the ballot and doesn't limit who can file to run.

    Most of these elections are off cycle from the high turnout Federal election dates and often have very low turnouts. A precinct that had a thousand voters for the 2020 General Election may have fewer then a hundred for a mayor or city council election. An organized group of a hundred like minded people may well be able to unseat an unsuspecting incumbent.

  • Oct 5th, 2020 @ 9:02pm

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    Which way did the money flow? If Orton paid Alexander for the tattoos, the tattoos would seem to fall under the "Work for Hire" concept and belong to Orton. If Alexander paid Orton for the use of his body to display her art, then things get more complicated.

  • Oct 2nd, 2020 @ 11:47am

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    I have just read both Op-Eds. Don't see anywhere in Sen Cotton's piece where he advocated using the Military on peaceful protestors. He was suggesting that troops be used to deal with the other folks using the protests as cover while they burned, looted and destroyed innocent business owner's dreams and livelihoods. Wonder how many of the people who were outraged at Sen Cotton's opinion would feel if it were their homes and businesses being smashed, burned and looted while the police politely stood by on orders to not interfere with 'peaceful protestors'.

    As much as we might wish it was otherwise, Hong Kong is part of Communist China and is going to have to adapt to the Communist way of doing things. This is a fair amount of what was expressed in the Regina lp opinion. Until the Chinese people have had enough of the Communist way, there is little we can do.

    I hope the NY Times keeps publishing these type op-eds. It is good for folks to see thoughts and opinions that make them uncomfortable.

  • Oct 1st, 2020 @ 2:49pm

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    In the US, there is a Federal mandate to move medical records to electronic format. Some of the requirements of that mandate including the ability to easily transfer patient records between providers, pretty well requires Internet access. Things like HIPPA mandate patient privacy but allow disturbing bypasses. Add in the growing tendency of developers to link to third party scripts/libraries to do important processing without checking what that code really does. Don't forget the whole 'Patient is the marketable data product' thing as well. This is going to get far worse before it gets better.

  • Sep 28th, 2020 @ 2:08pm

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    This suit has the hallmarks of sue everyone with money and see if something lasts long enough to encourage a settlement. Regardless of the legal merits of the case, FB doesn't want a case surviving to trial. FB vs Grieving Family has a good chance of a jury win for Grieving Family.

  • Aug 27th, 2020 @ 8:46am

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    Giant living critter in space. Not exactly new material for the Star Trek universe. ST-TOS The Immunity Syndrome featured a giant single celled critter. Not exactly a tardigrade but given the effects budget and ability at the time a pretty good try. Wonder how many monster in space games, stories and etc were inspired in part by someone watching that episode?

  • Aug 26th, 2020 @ 2:57pm

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    Quick Internet search:
    ASU - Appalachian State University
    ASU - Alabama State university
    ASU - Arizona State University
    ASU - Angelo State University

    Could be others.

    All seem to use some version of yellow/gold as one of their school colors based on website visuals. Guessing that each has an exact Pantone color definition for their school colors.

    Seems the use of ASU isn't exactly unique in the college/university trade area.

    Wonder if Arizona State verified the colors used on the accounts in question were the trademarked colors or merely generic yellow/dark red shades? Assuming they actually did get trademarks on specific colors.

  • Jul 21st, 2020 @ 6:48am

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    Any judge that signs a no-knock warrant that results in injuries or death(s) should have to go through an administrative review much as police do after a shooting. Questions like did the judge query the police as to why the no-knock was needed? Is the information leading to the warrant corroborated by a 2nd source?

    For that matter, perhaps there should be a periodic review of all warrants a judge signs. How many resulted in good arrests and prosecutions? How many resulted in evidence being tossed due to bad warrant or poor execution?

    If judges start being held accountable for their actions, maybe they will pay more attention to what they are being asked to approve.

  • Jul 7th, 2020 @ 1:32pm

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    I don't know what percent of classes have to be in-person to qualify a visa holder for staying but it should be possible for a university to create a in person class in a large auditorium or empty sports arena so that students can maintain proper safe distancing while attending an in person class. Or a class could have a mandatory in person "Expectations" lecture followed up with a series of on-line guidance sessions. Many possibilities if the schools want to keep the money flowing in from visa holding students.

  • Jul 7th, 2020 @ 9:05am

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    The UK probably got the best deal they could at the time. The earlier Falklands War with Argentina had shown the UK just how far they had fallen as a military power. They won but not by that much against a small country also fighting a remote war. China is neither small nor remote from Hong Kong.

    Anyone in HK that doesn't have a go bag packed and an escape plan prepared wasn't paying attention.

    China picked a good time. The rest of the world is dealing with Covid19 and other political issues.

  • Jul 2nd, 2020 @ 7:18am

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    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or in this case, repeat.

    When cable first came out, it was a affordable way to get a variety of local + new stations without the hassle of having to put an an antenna + rotor(if you were between stations.

    Once cable got enough folks hooked and the antennas had come down(sometime due to local laws or HOA rules), cable started jacking up prices.

    Streaming is following the same playbook. Low intro price, no or simple controller box, better channel options. Now that enough folks are hooked and have turned in those cable boxes, Streamers are raising prices and in many cases adding in those same high cost channels that folks used to hate in the cable bundles.

    If the Streamers keep this up, physical media may make a come back.

  • Jul 2nd, 2020 @ 7:08am

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    As a small child, I was taught to look BOTH ways before stepping into the street, for exactly this reason. You never know what idiot is doing something stupid on the road. Getting hit is on the kid.

    Shouldn't absolve the 'Professionally Trained' Officer of being disciplined for being stupid enough to speed the wrong way on a Trick or Treat night. Or the rest of the Dept for the follow on round ups and subsequent cover up.

  • Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 9:01am

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    The investigation will likely find that the 'Two Companies' have few assets subject to tort recovery and the contracts between the companies and Oracle and others clearly put all financial responsibility on the 'Two Companies'.

    Wouldn't be surprised if said contracts are being printed off now and back dated by a fully activated Oracle legal staff.

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