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  • Jan 26th, 2016 @ 1:33am

    Be Proud, 5% (as LAquaker)

    An old friend edited some of Jerry Bruckheimer's propaganda tripe. The US Navy set up recruiting tables in the theater lobby on Top Gun.
    The LAPD disavowed the film "Colors" at the last moment to INCREASE the distribution of it's 'telegraphed*' message. The Deal: we give you $tons of free production value, you sell our budgets to the taxpayers.

    The negative message is the point of most of Hollywood's crap; how many of us started dressing like Darth rather than wearing a white pullover in 1978? (colorful disco was dying)
    How many Americun children watch 50 hours a week of gun entertainment, just to get blown away because they twisted their bread to look like a pistol?

    Institutionalized futility and hopelessness plus a violent solution to every human circumstance was the PRODUCT of Euripides' 'theater' and Homer's epics. See Simone Weil's 'The Iliad or Poem of Force'

    Five percent of us saw Oswald was the patsy & saw representative democracy get replaced with a glorious State Funeral. After a thousand rejected JFK scripts (i saw many) Oliver Stone was ALLOWED to include the other 90% of Americans AT THE MOMENT Bush invaded Iraq and Rodney King got beat up 1,500 times. Moving the center of the road IS the job of Hollywood, that's why many people act like they got their moral compass from spending to much time inside a public restroom.

    *'Telegraphing' is film speak for a subliminally delivered image.
  • Dec 11th, 2015 @ 4:36pm

    Re: One person's festering sore is another's crown jewel (as LAquaker)

    In 1998 the B.L.M. (Bureau of Land Management) issues a 20 year gravel mining permit (fifteen times larger than any issued previously in the US) to TMC (Transit Mixed Corporation) at a location in Sand Canyon, 27 miles north of LA City Hall, half way between Saugas and Acton. The Canyon is a large "ventura" or air restriction, speeding up winds funneled between Antelope Valley and the ocean one direction in the morning, and the other direction at night as the Mojave heats and chills.
    Los Angeles County Supervisor Antonovich comes to the affected; Canyon Country, Valencia, Santa Clarita, Saugas, Newhall, Agua Dulce, Acton in his district and says the CUP (Conditional Use Permit) for one 88,000 Lb.truck with twin trailers every 2 minutes, 24/7, for the first 10 years.... and than one a minute for the second 10 years... won't happen "if we don't want it".
    "Fines" or micro dust will be controlled, or not, by spraying a million gallons of well water a day, OUR water.
    An 18 inches thick report of EPA charts and pages is distributed.
    Jobs are waiting to be filled.
    Nothing is offered for traffic or roadway compensation.
    We claim we will never see the stars again. Our children will never play outdoors again, except during the rain.
    (The people of South Central never see stars. Their children can't play outside their door, rain or not.)
    A second 18 inch thick report of EPA charts and pages is distributed.
    Santa Clarita puts up $1.3million to stop the new operation.
    TMC is bought by CEMEX (Mexico) in late 2000. Antonivich becomes George Kerby, the invisible debutante http://homepage.ntlworld.com/forgottenfutures/smith/topper2/top2-07.htm .
    We're monotheistic in the 5TH district, no other layer of politician exist in "unincorporated" areas of Los Angeles County, god's; (ie. Antonivich's) trusty Tonto retires, replaced by a likable Italian Ms.
    CEMEX sues LA County Board Of Supervisors for $2or3 billion in "lost profits".
    This new BIG pit will undercut the hundred LOCAL gravel pits (within a market area that includes Arizona) and will revolutionize gravel marketing, moving gravel out of the mom and pop "era" into economy of scale per the 21centry. No more one-for-you, one-for-me haggling for peagravel.
    A three judge panel of persons knowledgeable in the industry under NAFTRA will now decide.
    Health, quality-of-life, "stikle fish" specie loss, Diesel fumes are moot and specious arguments.
    I spend six months putting a concert together on both sides of the Tijuana-San Diego border, dragging people from 'Global Phobia' in TJ, 'Global Exchange' in SF, 'AFSC' (Quakers) in Tucson to complement the Quebec City North American Free Trade Agreement events in April 2001. 2,000 kids show up in San Diego. I drag myself out of post-protest debate in a borrowed hottub on Monday too a 8:30am meeting of the Los Angeles Board Of Supervisors on Tues. morning back in LA.
    650 hard nose Republicans and Libertarians are in a room that might see twenty in the audience on an average Tuesday.
    Three or four of us knew that we were staring Free Trade in the face.
    No one blinked till 2015; http://scvnews.com/2015/08/28/feds-cancel-cemex-soledad-mining-contract/

    http://www.vision.com/c ase-studies/it/cemex-patrimonio-hoy.aspx
  • Sep 18th, 2015 @ 3:05pm

    back doors are for wimps

    Like 'electronic vote tallying' in this country, a myriad of gaps in 'security' makes traceability impossible:(

    I.E., the joy of slipping your contraband into someone else's luggage.

    Back Door? We donn't need no stinking back door

    Haven't had a back door on this house since a burglar destroyed it in 1997.
    Haven't locked a door in this house since a burglar separated the bathroom wall from the hall wall, taking out the door jam on someone's 'locked' office in 2008.
    Haven't locked the front door since an office 'renter' (others were present) tried to kill me with our own garden tools and wiped out three internal doors and one window; LAPD said 'no crime, he says he 'lives' here.

    I have never wanted nor needed a back door here in California, NSA has everything that goes through the pipe.
  • Aug 5th, 2015 @ 9:25pm

    Peace Officers

    As a 1% childhood friend of mine (we started in the 99%, he moved away to a 1,000 acre spread) says: they should remove their testicles as the first condition of they're employment.
  • Jul 16th, 2015 @ 2:58pm

    LAPD guns, over and over and over

    A little of my 27 years in the Hood:

    lone 14 year old shot 5 times across the street, 'gang colors'; dead by LAPD. I'm told i will 'go to jail the hard way'.

    Traffic stop, big red drop-top caddy, guns in my face (i'm watching from sidewalk in front of the house), guns in father's face, kids face down on hot pavement.

    LAPD chases suspected burglar up this driveway and 'arrest', i spend a few days washing away the blood.

    My church let's out on Sunday, then LAPD stops and writes 'ticket' to a local black child on his bike, AMONG US WHITES AS WE STAND ON SAME SIDEWALK.

    My 75 year old black neighbor was shot dead by the LAPD last year on the back lawn of his own gorgeus home in broad daylight. The TV news interviews were of an unknown actor-witness, placing nonsensical blame on the homeowner.

    And, every time anyone calls 911 in the Hood, it goes badly for us; we haven't seen a black LAPD officer in a patrol car in ten years. Except- all local motorcycle officers are black.

    What the Phuc would i know?
  • Jul 16th, 2015 @ 2:00pm

    The Hood

    Uber / Lyft have saved my ass a few times this year. I don't believe i have seen a 'permited' cab driving on this major street more than once or twice in the last TWENTY SEVEN years, except for the drunk YellowCab driver that sleeps in his 'licenced' car around the corner. Phuc 'permited' cabbies, and our governing-entity's graft and protection money.
  • May 31st, 2015 @ 5:51pm

    sloppy seconds or nothing (as LAquaker)

    ...bulk collection, business records, executive order 12333, mass surveillance, NSA, patriot act, section 215, section 702, sunset, surveillance....

    We were promised a 'Space telescope' since Sputnik went up.
    NSA and the AirForce stole the first two space telescopes and commandeered the third for half the observing time, looking down your blouse.
    LATimes reported that the Hubble coincidently shipped in Lockheed's BigBird crate, thus no photographs were allowed.
    Perk&Elmer 'accidentally' re-figured the primary mirror for terrestrial observation; the janitor with a penlight and a razorblade would have caught any such 'mistake'.
    The AirForce refused to launch Hubble or Galileo with 'their' Titan rockets, thus Galileo was over 8 years old when it was useful, and the DOD's 'Space Shuttle' got a civilian cover story.
    Old Man George Bush locked up the photo library and shut off LandStat after Newsweek published photos of the burning Amazon.
    When walking through JPL i was told that NO interplanetary robot was ALLOWED to use a multi-element detector array until the late 1980's!
  • May 10th, 2015 @ 12:49am

    Resistance or suicide (as LAquaker)

    I live in 'South Central' Los Angeles. 25 years now.
    99% of the spraycan art in this town is the only real estate the artist will ever own. I painted the front concrete, between the curb and the sidewalk chalkboard green, the locals love it.
    The high schools here manage to eject way more than half of their male students before they can get a 'diploma' maintaining a buyer's market of black market labor. Of course, a career with the NBA is always open.
    I hope one of you guys send KATSU the auto-pilot hack he needs.

    Personally i despise the fact that my government 'permits' my visual horizon to the highest bider.
    See Abbey's 'The Monkey Wrench Gang'
  • May 5th, 2015 @ 5:22pm

    1977 me he he (as LAquaker)

  • Apr 17th, 2015 @ 4:00pm

    Re: Re: Re: These are features, not bugs

    ''a carefully crafted backdoor makes it clear who the guilty party is. Poor security that any script kiddie could compromise widens the suspect pool and can allow the guilty party to walk away clean''

    The Diebold machines at the voting precincts 'phone home' also.

    HeHe 10 years ago the LA Green Party was so hard on the LA County Reg-O-voters about 12 'donated' wired-in-parallel Dell machines and the 6foot tall 'donated' Cisco 19inch rack & the Cat-5 LAN cables running out the ceiling panels that they installed a new Honorary 'John Wenger' viewing window in the counting room; ''because we let the counters watch their laptops after the polls close''.
    That second floor has a few hallway 'viewing windows' AND two full walls of external glass.

    I say let a million 14year-olds get to work and pick the next US President!
  • Apr 16th, 2015 @ 12:45am

    friends in hell

    By Henry A. Kissinger 23 March 2015 US Secretary Of State from 1973 to 1977

    Lee Kuan Yew was a great man. And he was a close personal friend, a fact that I consider one of the great blessings of my life. A world needing to distill order from incipient chaos will miss his leadership.

    Lee emerged onto the international stage as the founding father of the state of Singapore, then a city of about 1 million. He developed into a world statesman who acted as a kind of conscience to leaders around the globe.

    Fate initially seemed not to have provided him a canvas on which to achieve more than modest local success. In the first phase of decolonization, Singapore emerged as a part of Malaya. It was cut loose because of tensions between Singapore’s largely Chinese population and the Malay majority and, above all, to teach the fractious city a lesson of dependency. Malaya undoubtedly expected that reality would cure Singapore of its independent spirit.

    But great men become such through visions beyond material calculations. Lee defied conventional wisdom by opting for statehood. The choice reflected a deep faith in the virtues of his people. He asserted that a city located on a sandbar with nary an economic resource to draw upon, and whose major industry as a colonial naval base had disappeared, could nevertheless thrive and achieve international stature by building on its principal asset: the intelligence, industry and dedication of its people.

    A great leader takes his or her society from where it is to where it has never been — indeed, where it as yet cannot imagine being. By insisting on quality education, by suppressing corruption and by basing governance on merit, Lee and his colleagues raised the annual per capita income of their population from $500 at the time of independence in 1965 to roughly $55,000 today. In a generation, Singapore became an international financial center, the leading intellectual metropolis of Southeast Asia, the location of the region’s major hospitals and a favored site for conferences on international affairs. It did so by adhering to an extraordinary pragmatism: by opening careers to the best talents and encouraging them to adopt the best practices from all over the world.

    Superior performance was one component of that achievement. Superior leadership was even more important. As the decades went by, it was moving — and inspirational — to see Lee, in material terms the mayor of a medium-size city, bestride the international scene as a mentor of global strategic order. A visit by Lee to Washington was a kind of national event. A presidential conversation was nearly automatic; eminent members of the Cabinet and Congress would seek meetings. They did so not to hear of Singapore’s national problems; Lee rarely, if ever, lobbied policymakers for assistance. His theme was the indispensable U.S. contribution to the defense and growth of a peaceful world. His interlocutors attended not to be petitioned but to learn from one of the truly profound global thinkers of our time.

    This process started for me when Lee visited Harvard in 1967 shortly after becoming prime minister of an independent Singapore. Lee began a meeting with the senior faculty of the School of Public Administration (now the Kennedy School) by inviting comments on the Vietnam War. The faculty, of which I was one dissenting member, was divided primarily on the question of whether President Lyndon Johnson was a war criminal or a psychopath. Lee responded, “You make me sick” — not because he embraced war in a personal sense but because the independence and prosperity of his country depended on the fortitude, unity and resolve of the United States. Singapore was not asking the United States to do something that Singapore would not undertake to the maximum of its ability. But U.S. leadership was needed to supplement and create a framework for order in the world.

    Lee elaborated on these themes in the hundreds of encounters I had with him during international conferences, study groups, board meetings, face-to-face discussions and visits at each other’s homes over 45 years. He did not exhort; he was never emotional; he was not a Cold Warrior; he was a pilgrim in quest of world order and responsible leadership. He understood the relevance of China and its looming potential and often contributed to the enlightenment of the world on this subject. But in the end, he insisted that without the United States there could be no stability.

    Lee’s domestic methods fell short of the prescriptions of current U.S. constitutional theory. But so, in fairness, did the democracy of Thomas Jefferson’s time, with its limited franchise, property qualifications for voting and slavery. This is not the occasion to debate what other options were available. Had Singapore chosen the road of its critics, it might well have collapsed among its ethnic groups, as the example of Syria teaches today. Whether the structures essential for the early decades of Singapore’s independent existence were unnecessarily prolonged can be the subject of another discussion.

    I began this eulogy by mentioning my friendship with Lee. He was not a man of many sentimental words. And he nearly always spoke of substantive matters. But one could sense his attachment. A conversation with Lee, whose life was devoted to service and who spent so much of his time on joint explorations, was a vote of confidence that sustained one’s sense of purpose.

    The great tragedy of Lee’s life was that his beloved wife was felled by a stroke that left her a prisoner in her body, unable to communicate or receive communication. Through all that time, Lee sat by her bedside in the evening reading to her. He had faith that she understood despite the evidence to the contrary.

    Perhaps this was Lee Kuan Yew’s role in his era. He had the same hope for our world. He fought for its better instincts even when the evidence was ambiguous. But many of us heard him and will never forget him.
  • Mar 9th, 2015 @ 12:37pm

    Far more ass's than horses

    I call H.S.
    You can kill your horse with to rich a diet; thus the phrase 'feeling his oats'.
    Horses were the transportation of my fathers childhood, thus the term 'teamster'. How the fringing can these music losers ever hold on to a trademark consisting of two words from common speech? I guess Americans haven't pulled wagons in commercial use for a requisite three years.
    Just insert 'hauling oats' into Google'® https://books.google.com/ngrams/
  • Feb 28th, 2015 @ 11:42pm

    DSL over power lines (as doug)

    TechDirt quote from ten years ago; "This is a technology that has been hyped up for years (I remember in 1997 being told that it was "just around the corner)"
    My father owned the idea from 1963; US Patent 3,093,706 (with his partner on patent 3,010,024).
    The TV broadcast industry went nuts and convinced the California State Legislators to create, and voters to pass 'Proposition 15' on the November 1964 ballot.
    Charging for wired television was later invalidated in the courts as 'unconstitutional' and the FCC got involved:)
  • Jan 24th, 2013 @ 10:38pm

    Re: Those who forget their history are doomed. Period. (as )

    1969; Carter's suit ultimately culminated in the FCC 's landmark Carterfone decision .....AT&T arguments could be read to forbid the attachment of a rubber shoulder rest on the handset .... of moral support when it came to his case, Carter did not receive "a dime of financial help"
  • Jan 17th, 2013 @ 9:07pm

    spys is spys (as doug)

    For many thousands of years, combatants wore "uniform-s"
    Combatants out of "uniform" (spys) were automatically hung, for their actions endangered non-combatants (you and i).
    As these simple rules are subsumed in never ending Hollywood propaganda making subterfuge fun, "war" is changed;
    In the US Civil war, 750,000 combatants died and perhaps a thousand civilians (mostly in Kansas).
    WWI nine combatants for every civilian death.
    WWII one combatant for every ten civilian deaths (perhaps a million mostly women and children died on a Saturday morning 10 March 1945).
    1965-1973 in SE Asia, we lost 59 thousand men, they lost 3-6 million with "strategic bombing".
    My father had to remove his buttons and all Navy insignia in WWII when flying into or out of the Azores, Peru & Galapagos Is or Ireland.
    Rules is rules.

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