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  • Jan 30th, 2019 @ 10:29am

    Re: I don't see any problems for Ajit Pai ahead

    First off, it is Congress' job to hold both the FCC and the FTC accountable as they are agencies put in place to do their work.

    Second, the courts are yet to determine if the FCC could actually relinquish the authority it is trying to relinquish to the FTC.

    Third, as noted in the article, location data still falls under the authority of the FCC.

    Lastly, Pai is a tool that does not serve the people of the US and needs to be removed from his position.
  • Nov 19th, 2018 @ 10:58am


    But, they aren't discriminating against CNN's viewpoints, they are addressing a reporter that should had been escorted out right after he was asked 3 times to sit down and be quiet.

    As I posted, CNN could easily send another reporter to get their viewpoints. They are not entitled to send Jim, just because that is who they want to send.
  • Nov 19th, 2018 @ 10:56am


    Maybe, I am missing something but what law is it that says Jim Acosta is entitled to enter the WH?

    I would understand if the WH said that CNN reporters can't enter, but why can't they stop a single person from doing so? The PRESS is not Jim Acosta, it is the organization he works for and reports for. They can easily send someone else in there to do the same job he was doing and to get the same "press" he was getting.

    BTW, the content of his questioning had absolutely nothing to do with his removal. It is the same BS content that CNN continues with. He was asked numerous times to sit down and be quiet after he asked and Trump responded to him the first time. He rudely continued on after multiple request, even after the microphone was actually taken from him. He should have been removed immediately after he had to be asked a 3rd time to sit down and be quiet.

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