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  • Apr 23rd, 2011 @ 10:47am

    Re: SONY HAS GUTS!!!!! yeah and they are falling out of their asses!!!!

    Well my little friend Anonymous Coward let me start by saying; bullsh*t.

    Back in 2009 Microsoft banned every flashed console from live: no court action was taken against anyone.

    Sony doesn't have the guts to stand up for honest people for the simple fact none of the Sony corporation are honest.

    If you don't believe me then check around, they're being very vague with details of times for so called "maintenance".

    I, for one, agree with the comments that the vast majority of people who 'jailbreaked' their consoles did so to reinstate features that sony promised, delivered the deleted.

    All they had to do was ban them from online play but no the b*stards got greedy. And its not like they need the money...

    When the Playstation 3 was announced I was really quite interested in it - but then after they held the launch back for two years so they could steal everyone else's' technology I decided to carry on my love for Xbox.

    Yes, I do have to pay �37 a year but, hey, at least when the network is down (which has been twice since I've been on Xbox which will be over 4 years) it is due to maintenance or because the servers are overloaded due to hype of a new game (Halo 3 and Black Ops are perfect examples).

    So you call sony honest? Defend that statement...

    In a console that has been created from everyone else's technology.

    Tell me what part of ps3 or the psn is original - blu-ray does not count because that is another companies product; and the only reason Xbox didn't have it was it was released when it was supposed to be.

    Other things I'd like you to think about;

    1. How many people will leave Sony now hackers have broken in so deep they've been able to see users details (addresses and bank details) and in reply to the can you ever trust sony again; if I found out hackers got into a worldwide company and got so deep they could see my address and bank details I wouldn't even buy toilet paper made by them!

    2. How long will it actually take for them to reinstate psn? (what you have to remember is it's going take time to rewrite a new security package then mega test it so this doesn't happen again.

    3. In this time will hardcore ps3 owners actually get sick of not playing online(imagine it took a month or so).

    4. (And this is the main one I want you to think about): how many games companies will abandon Sony now for exclusives - look how many Microsoft got off them when they held it back for two years.

    I will say tho that this is a mega blast against gaming and as I've been a part of that world for 22 years it is sad; however this is not acceptable and sony needs to start being honest.

    So, in closing - total bullsh*t

    Love from all Xbox users worldwide :D xx

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