I know I'm a bit late to this debate, but what an impact that petition made. It at least helped others raise the volume about how bad SOPA was. Glad to know it's been dealt with.
Also, what DC startups do you all think we're most instrumental in getting this law kicked out? I wrote a post about the recently at http://startupratings.com/5-hot-tech-startups-dc/, and am curious on everyone's thoughts. Feel free to let me know your thoughts (or burn me) if you feel it necessary./div>
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DC Startup Culture
Also, what DC startups do you all think we're most instrumental in getting this law kicked out? I wrote a post about the recently at http://startupratings.com/5-hot-tech-startups-dc/, and am curious on everyone's thoughts. Feel free to let me know your thoughts (or burn me) if you feel it necessary./div>
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