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  • Mar 17th, 2016 @ 5:32pm

    Re: I have an IQ less than Walter O'brien

    Ok, you probably do have an it lower than Walter O'Brien. That's not a good thing at all.

    That said, the article is providing what some would call background. You see, one of the shoe's conceits is that it is based on a real story. This helps lead you to the next step, which is, Is the show based on what he says or is it a complete falsification of his own words? Which leads to the next step, investigating Walter O'Briens actual, real, human statements.

    That is what this article addresses. It does not attempt to investigate the show in any way. It investigates the human being.

    If you like the show, no one here cares. Just keep on its not real.
  • Mar 9th, 2016 @ 3:57am

    Re: The guy who is on top of my comment

    Trump 2016!

    See, now I understand. I though you meant Santa Anita 16th race, and that it was an even money bet. Very confusing.

    Aside from that, your logic is soind. I can't imagine how anyone could out think you. Perhaps you're the genius. Perhaps Walter is your father? I'd say it's 50/50. So it must be true.

    p.s., if you hear what sounds like two pogo sticks coming up behind you, do NOT hide in the bathroom.
  • Feb 9th, 2016 @ 3:23am

    Re: Truth will set u free

    Seriously? We are still dealing with people talking about a TV show?

    Read the article. Consider it. Is the writer of said article referring to a TV show or a real, live human being?

    And yes, when we are lied to, even if it was by a TV show which promises to show events based on reality, it should be called out. We were lied to by Mr. O'Brien when he told his tales of being brought to the US by the NSA, or was it the FBI? He doesn't know because it never happened.

    The real human being said all of these things and was given a television show for it. The real Mike Masnick exposes his lies and has to deal with people who don't know the difference between a TV show and reality.

    It really does bring to mind the question, what is the average IQ of a Scorpion watcher?
  • Dec 15th, 2015 @ 3:55pm


    Wow. My patience on this thread has been legendary. Perhaps you've confused me with Ehud, who got tired of you quite early. Shameful.
  • Dec 15th, 2015 @ 2:54pm

    Re: NASA

    I'll go with no. From Wikipedia:


    O'Brien claims that when he was thirteen years old (c. 1988), he hacked into NASA under the pseudonym "Scorpion".[9] IrishCentral and Irish Daily Mail said the incident was unconfirmed.[8][10] In an interview with Silicon Republic, an Irish technology news website, O'Brien claimed that the NSA, through Interpol, appeared at his home following the hack.[11] O'Brien said the NSA was providing security for NASA at the time. He told the agents he would help show them vulnerabilities in their network in exchange for not getting into trouble.[3] According to O'Brien, he had an extradition document ready in his backpack, but he couldn't provide more details on the deal that was made due to non-disclosure agreements.[5] French tabloid Telestar said there is no trace of the NASA hack.[9] Techdirt pointed out that the United States Department of Homeland Security, cited by Gabel as having surrounded O'Brien's home, did not exist at the time of the alleged hack.[4]


    Feel free to visit the site for references.

    At this point, I wouldn't trust him to tell me he's got brown shoes.
  • Dec 15th, 2015 @ 9:24am

    Re: Re: Re: alternatives

    Here was the EXACT response to your question when it was asked:


    Honestly, no. Extensive research us not done. Otherwise claiming the story is based on real events would not have gotten past first steps of research.

    That said... Reddit has multiple people discussing this particuoar episode and though they don't even bother asking if the method of blood cycling would work, I can help with this point...

    If one receives merely a single bubble of air into their veins they die. It happens often enough. This this episode is not believable.

    However, though you do have questions about the show and I am happy to refute items that are obviously falsified, please do keep in mind that the article above is about the man, not the show.

    You did prove my point that folks come here after seeing the show, so I do appreciate that. If you wanted to know about the man the show is supposed to be based upon, please do read the article above.

    It is definitely one thing to watch the show for what it is, a TV show. No argument there. To add the layer of "truth" is sort of like saying all those shows on TruTV aren't setups. Know the show is not reality and we can all high five over it.


    Please know we have it all in writing. Holier than thou won't work here. Reading the responses in thread, it was made clear prior to your first comment that this thread was not.about the show, yet you asked your question anyway. You received a very appropriate response. You refused to leave it at that. You persisted for no apparent reason.

    Although it has been mentioned in so many ways, and I even begged for it to stop, continued mentions of a television show continue.

    And worst of all, I find it highly quesionable the age you claim, and find it beyond bizarre that one would mebtion it as an excuse for trolling.

    One would think a plea from the site owner would suffice...
  • Oct 22nd, 2015 @ 4:49pm


    Here is, was, and always has veen the issue. Please listen just one time.

    The article that all of your comments have been under is about the person.

    You have persisted in commenting about the show. The only reason this thread has continued to mention is the show is because you continue to do so. You may notice that others in the comments section have actually attempted to claim his works as real. That's problematic.

    You've made the most important statement; it's not real. And thats what we have been saying. I do believe it is a serious problem when any broadcast is allowed to claim that its contents are based on real life when they are not. This is not the first time that has occurred either, sadly.

    I don't want this to be an argument. I just would like one of the very few articles that has valid information about the real life person's lies to exist as a place where those with questions about the real life person can get a true answer. That's all I'm looking for.
  • Sep 28th, 2015 @ 8:35am

    Re: What do I think

    I get what you're saying, and its an interesting point. The supposed genius of this man is being used to put a positive spin on the actions of the military and other military organizations.

    Since there have been repeated attempts by multiple bloggers to dig into information only tocbe blocked, and with mainstream news sources refusing to do their own research, I am led to wonder what would cause such a thing.

    Could it be that there is a concerted effort to utilize a completely false character and claim him as real for the purposes of building up faith in the executive officers in our country? The stories are all unbelieveably false, and one need consider that as early as the first episode, one would be able to confirm or deny the instance of a large-scale network outage and re-routing of planes across one of the largest cities in the world. See, this is a true commentary on the real Walter O'Brien and his role in something quite nefarious. Fits perfectly within the confines of the article.

    Thank you for the thought-provoking comment!
  • Sep 26th, 2015 @ 4:37pm

    Re: Re:

    Yeah, I heard that when it aired. He was a waste of time on there. Basically only spoke up to say Adam was a genius, which even Adam knows is BS. He says as much all the time. This particular podcast was what made me.look Walter up. Fishy.
  • Jun 30th, 2015 @ 3:56am

    Re: Re: JohnG

    Ok. This took seconds.

    Homeland Security.

    Also, FBI claims, feel free to read their site...

    They would never go to another country to perform legal functions. They work with other countries when international incidents occur.

    As for his iq, he himself says he has no proof. l-life-claims-fueling-tvs-scorp

    So, your points ate all wrong. Consider your methods of research. They're bad.
  • May 25th, 2015 @ 2:09pm

    Re: Walter O'Brien

    While we see intelligence seems to have increased over time, the tests measuring said intelligence are refactored to match median intelligence at 100 points. So a test taken today with a score of 197 would score much higher if taken in 1950 in theory. However, individuals can score at varying results on different IQ tests, making the accuracy of an individual test somewhat dubious. One may consider a battery of IQ tests as perhaps more accurate to one's intelligence, hut you could go down a rabbit hole trying to quantify what intelligence is and what it is not.

    So I suppose the one thing My O'Brien has done productively is provided an opportunity for you and I to discuss the inherent difficulty in stating statistically who is intelligent. No matter how you slice it, I put DaVinci at the top of my ladder. Einstein and Tesla battle it out. Though Nikola wins in the end. There you go.
  • May 18th, 2015 @ 12:18pm

    Re: Walter O'Brien

    The point E is and I have made, albeit with differing methodologies, is that this article (the one that I hope everyone has read by now) is about a real human being. This article is not about a fictional TV show. So let's forget that the show exists. Does that make you want to leave the thread as you don't want to talk about the real life individual? That's great. There are other articles about the TV show. Comment on those and you will find many others with similar opinions.

    If you care to know about the human being, this article is for you. Although it has been mentioned in the article above, I would suggest perusing the reddit AMA he did:

    It is fascinating.

    Again, we could care less about the TV show. I don't watch the Kardashians or American Idol, nor do I care to discuss the shows. The same goes for Scorpion the show. I really have a hard time understanding the continued desire to discuss the show on a non-show related article. But it does help with finding this article on searches so that's good.

    FYI, Ted Stevens from CNET has informed me that Walter O'Brien is no longer allowed for interviews. Good luck trying to get a hold of him.
  • May 2nd, 2015 @ 8:39am


    Hm. Notice he says some of the pictures have been tampered with. There's photo shopping in there for sure.

    Man. I wonder how we can tell if they competed.. Hm

    Oh holy crap!!!!!!

    They didn't compete until 94!

    And they have every single representative for every year!!!!!!!

  • May 2nd, 2015 @ 8:26am

    Re: Re: How to register a domain name...

    I think you missed... "Started a business with a dot com name."

    Seeing as how a minor is incapable of signing contracts.

    It is literally an impossibility.

    Consider why you would trust anything someone says when multiple of their statements have been proven false.
  • Apr 22nd, 2015 @ 12:42pm

    Re: Walter O'Brien

    OK, I can't even deal with this anymore. Randi clearly has gone through a lot in her life. She has some personal challenges that it appears she has not fully resolved and I truly hope she is seeing a therapist for her issues. Truly mean that.

    I'd say by now its been made abundantly clear that Walter O'Brien is a fraud of a human being. Any arguments anyone has made were fully addressed by now. As a humanist, I find such humans to be deplorable as they prey upon gullibility and those striving for identity. This paragraph is only regarding the human being. I hope we can all appreciate the difference between a person and a TV character.

    As for the TV show, there have been plenty of comments about the show. We MUST remember, the conceit of the show is that it is supposed to be based on real life events. So, as those alleged events apply the real life Mr O'Brien, arguments regarding the validity and accuracy of such events do truly apply to the article. These are arguments doubting the veracity of his real life claims.

    A whole entire other argument seems to be occurring between Randi and, so far as I can tell, no one else. This argument regards the entertainment level of the show. Now, the intended audience for a site by name of TechDirt is a segment of the population which appreciates and often works in technology fields. These are the folks who can tell you the difference between Teradat and SQL Server. Java and HTML5. Cat-5 and Coax. For individuals of this ilk, the entertainment level of a tv show necessitates a valid set of technological factors. Much like watching a car movie with a car guy. When you work on the field, you cannot abide inaccuracies in terminology or events. Its the way of the world.If you personally don't care about computer terminology, you can feel free to ignore it. But don't expect others to agree with you just because your viewpoint is such. Its as disrespectful as telling you not not to care about your own interests.
  • Mar 12th, 2015 @ 4:17am

    Re: Re:

    Ok, so you are being marked down as not believing this dudes claims of genius and all of that. So, if you would like to discuss the episode from an entertainment only standpoint, why not have the plane land without radar? There could be explosions or at least the shearing of a few wings. It seems odd to try to defend with technology then saying its for entertainment only. The point of using WiFi was that you didn't need to fly at ten feet over the ground and you could perform the same transmission of data with a lot more leeway. Why, you can set all of the lights to green in the city and go on for miles and miles! Either way, it was unimaginative.
  • Mar 3rd, 2015 @ 1:25pm

    Re: Re: The bottom line

    I'm thinking that commenter was mostly saying the entire show is ludicrous by that the specific issue with previous versions is possibly understandable.

    The problem here are the annoying presumptions displayed in the show that:

    A) being a genius means you know everything about everything. This is something unintelligent people think about smart people.

    B) Somewhat related to A), that no one working in the tower knows anything about handling this absurd situation

    C) That all communication going into a giantic city is only directed through one central hub, and that things like COWs and COLTs don't exist.

    D) That this was delivered as even based on fact, yet no news report of a huge network outage in LA.

    E) none of this matters because the actual human being has shown no actual ability to use a computer more effectively than my dead grandmother.
  • Feb 27th, 2015 @ 1:40pm


    It should be noted, the FBI does not make arrests on foreign soil. They work with Interpol and foreign governments. But you knew that I hope.
  • Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 12:19pm

    Re: Re: Is it possible your inferior intellect isn't capable of perceiving O'Brien's claims for their true accuracy?

    Ahh, dang it. You're brilliant. I'm voting funny as well.

    Port Mike has a low intelligence because the anonymous dude says so.

    So, should I ask if 9/11 really happened or if there were two shooters on the moon or if the JFK tape was made by the Nazis to aid the Russians in Ukraine?
  • Feb 15th, 2015 @ 11:13am

    (untitled comment)

    I am loving the anonymous coward thing. You'd have thought shed notice by now that it was a way of saying "no user name" but I suppose its not obvious.

    I am fascinated by the zeal with which she defends someone she doesn't appear to know for reasons beyond understanding. I mean, if it's her relative, we'd get it. If his claims were rational we'd get it. Had he merely claimed he was really smart and left it at that, I'd understand defending it. Oh well. Some things we will never understand.

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