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  • May 21st, 2013 @ 5:40pm


    WTF!!!! This kid is just expressing the fustration of a generation that is freakin pissed at the mess we all made and are going to leave them to clean-up!!! Thee future in this counry is up in the air the safety and security we all grew up with is none exsistant to the new generations...They are pissed, scared and feeling over-whelmed with the prospect of having to fix this Freakin Mess That they (the people who were apart of this arrest, and government in a whole) have created for them...Im scared and pissed and im an adult...they (the kids) see a bigger picture and understand the gravity of what is happening in our country....Let that boy go!!! let him express his disappointment and anger...cuz these kids if enpowered properly will be the one to save our country from certain extermination and put us back on track od leadership in the world. without them our future gens will not exist as we know it now.....

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