Posted on Techdirt - 26 November 2021 @ 9:00am
from the right-clicker-mentality dept
Get your Non-Fungible T-Shirt and Right Click gear on Threadless »
Just in time for the holiday season, we've got a pair of new designs in the Techdirt Gear store on Threadless — both inspired by the ongoing conversation around (and our own experiments with) NFTs:
For those who want to celebrate and defend the ability to Right Click -> Save As, there's the I Right Click And I'm Proud design, which is available on t-shirts as well as hoodies, sweatshirts, face masks, stickers, mugs, and more. For those who want something that doesn't need the blockchain to be scarce and rivalrous, there's the Non-Fungible T-Shirt (which is available only as, well, a t-shirt).
Visit the Techdirt Gear store on Threadless to get yours today! And if you're doing some holiday shopping, also check out these academic galaxy map posters from Open Syllabus Project.
Posted on Techdirt - 27 July 2021 @ 11:15am
from the exploring-tech-policy dept
This is a sponsored post. For everyone who subscribes to the free IBM Tech Policy Lab email newsletter via our link, Techdirt receives a small commission. We would not offer this if we didn't actually believe in the value of the newsletter itself, but this is very much sponsored content.
If you're a reader of Techdirt, then you're probably deeply interested in tech policy issues. Questions around tech policy have become more and more central over the last few years. Unfortunately, much of the discussion around tech policy is (to put it mildly) not particularly well informed. Last year, IBM launched its IBM Policy Lab as an attempt to build a place to bring together smart thinkers regarding tech and policy -- and to take a long term view on what is the best policy for innovation going forward. There are some really great people behind the project.
The IBM Policy Lab includes various policy papers, live events, and discussions on important tech policy issues, and the best way to keep up with what they're talking about is to subscribe to the newsletter. We may not always agree with the recommendations that come out of the IBM Policy Lab, but it has become a good place to really explore some key issues regarding technology and policy in a forward-looking manner.
Posted on Techdirt - 29 November 2020 @ 9:00am
from the what-are-you-waiting-for dept
Last chance for storewide savings on Techdirt Gear! Sale ends tonight »
Today is the last day of our Black Friday weekend sale in the Techdirt Gear store on Threadless! We're offering discounts on all our designs, from old hits like our Takedown gear to new offerings like Otherwise Objectionable. The sale ends tonight, so hurry up and get yours while there's still time!
In addition to the standard face masks and basic t-shirts, we've taken five bucks off the price of all apparel including premium tees and pullover hoodies. If you've had your eye on some Techdirt gear, now's the time to stock up!
Posted on Techdirt - 28 November 2020 @ 9:00am
from the don't-delay dept
Get $5 off all Techdirt apparel before the sale ends tomorrow night »
It's the second day of our storewide Black Friday weekend sale in the Techdirt Gear store on Threadless! We've knocked $5 off the price of standard face masks and all apparel, including the popular trio of Nerd Mentality, Nerd Mentality and Nerd Harder, as well as our classic Techdirt logo gear and all our other designs.
The sale ends Sunday night, so get yours today! In addition to the $10 standard face masks and $20 basic t-shirts, the discount applies to all apparel including premium tees and pullover hoodies.
Posted on Techdirt - 27 November 2020 @ 9:00am
from the it-begins dept
Get storewide savings on all Techdirt Gear from now until Sunday night »
Our Black Friday weekend sale has begun! From today through the end of the weekend, we're offering discounts on standard face masks and all apparel for all of the designs in the Techdirt Gear store on Threadless. Whether it's one of our new offerings like That's Not How Any Of This Works or an old favorite like Nerd Harder, now's the time to grab that gear you've had your eye on!
In addition to the $10 standard face masks and $20 basic t-shirts, we've knocked five bucks off the price of all apparel including premium tees and pullover hoodies. The sale runs through this weekend and ends Sunday night, so get yours today!
Posted on Techdirt - 26 November 2020 @ 12:00pm
from the get-ready dept
Our Black Friday weekend gear sale starts tomorrow in the Techdirt store on Threadless »
Ever since Teespring took down our Copying Is Not Theft gear and refused to offer an explanation last December, we've been launching our new designs (and gradually moving over old favorites) on Threadless — and now, it's time for our first storewide sale!
Starting tomorrow, we're taking $5 off all t-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts and selling standard face masks for just $10 each! The sale applies to all our designs on Threadless, and runs through to the end of Sunday — so if you've had your eye on some Techdirt gear, or you haven't yet checked out our store, now's the time to get your wish-list ready!
Posted on Techdirt - 11 March 2017 @ 12:00pm
from the more-gear dept
Copying Is Not Theft and Home Cooking Is Killing Restaurants are back »
Last week we brought back two of our 2016 T-shirt designs, and today we've got another two favorites returning to the Techdirt Gear store on Teespring: Copying Is Not Theft (a conversation starter, to say the least...) and Home Cooking Is Killing Restaurants.
In addition to our usual offerings (tees, hoodies, mugs and stickers) we've added a bunch of additional options for Copying Is Not Theft gear, at the expense of color choices (necessitated by the design). There are tank tops, long-sleeve tees, crew neck sweaters and a second option for women's tees. Also, in addition to our usual $23 premium men's tees, you have the option of a cheaper Hanes tagless tee for only $20. We don't know if this is something people prefer, and we're not sure how big the quality difference is (the premium tees are very nice) -- but if lots of people opt for the cheaper t-shirt and are satisfied with the quality, we'll consider making this available for more shirts in the future. Vote with your wallet and by letting us know in the comments or on Twitter!
Check out the Techdirt Gear store for these returning designs, and more »
Posted on Techdirt - 3 March 2017 @ 12:20pm
from the old-favorites dept
Takedown and Math Is Not A Crime are back in the Techdirt Gear store »
As promised, over the next few weeks we're going to be bringing back most of last year's designs in the Techdirt Gear store on Teespring, and today we've got our first returning champions: the long-time favorite Takedown tee and the surprisingly controversial Math Is Not A Crime gear.
We've also got some brand new designs coming soon, but for now this is your chance to get one of these designs if you missed them last year! You can also help us out by sharing the store with friends — and we love seeing photos of Techdirt gear in the wild when you tag us in them on Twitter.
Check out the Techdirt Gear store for these returning designs, and more »
Posted on Techdirt - 18 February 2017 @ 12:00pm
from the faster-service dept
New Gear From Techdirt: I Invented Email »
As some of you might have noticed, recent upgrades over at Teespring have allowed us to change the way we offer Techdirt gear. Instead of running individual week-or-two long campaigns that only print and ship once the whole thing is completed, we've now got our logo gear (in two styles) and our I Invented Email gear running on a cycle with new orders printing and shipping every three days, so you don't have to wait nearly as long to get your hands on it. Those of you who already ordered should be getting your shirts, hoodies et al soon!
Another batch closes tomorrow (Sunday) night — so order now to get in on the next shipment! The Email gear won't be around forever, so don't wait too long.
Posted on Techdirt - 19 October 2016 @ 12:45pm
from the show-your-support dept
Post sponsored by
We've teamed up with Namecheap and the EFF to promote Internet Privacy Week and continue the fight to protect your privacy online. Show your support by signing and sharing the new Internet Privacy Bill of Rights.
The fight to protect online privacy is happening on many fronts, but when it comes to the internet services we use every day, the best possible results will come from collaboration between users and providers. This week, we're helping Namecheap and the EFF take a step in that direction with the declaration of Internet Privacy Week and the unveiling of the Internet Privacy Bill Of Rights.
The goal is to get online service providers to agree to uphold privacy by respecting five key user rights with respect to their data and how it is collected and used: transparency, control, recourse, export, and due process. The focus of the bill is on openness and control, leaving plenty of room for providers to do innovative things with data while ensuring users have full knowledge of what's happening and a say in how their data is used. Read more about the five rights on the Privacy Week campaign page.
There are two important things you can do to help out -- and just by doing so, you'll be raising money for the EFF:
- Sign the Bill Of Rights! Namecheap and the EFF will be reaching out to service providers to convince them to agree to the bill, and the more support they can show the better.
- Share the campaign! Spread the word to help gather more signatures, and also to get the attention of companies.
For every 500 signatures and shares, Namecheap and its partners will donate $5000 to the EFF, up to a maximum of $25,000.
Internet Privacy Week continues until October 24th, and we'll be bringing you some extra coverage of privacy issues, as well as more information about the Bill Of Rights. Also check out coverage on the Namecheap blog.
Posted on Techdirt - 17 September 2016 @ 9:00am
from the don't-delay dept
Last chance this year to get Nerd Harder, Takedown, and more Techdirt gear! »
Want to get someone some Techdirt gear for Christmas? I know, I know — you probably don't want to think about that yet. But since Teespring fulfillment sometimes takes a few weeks, we wanted to give everyone a nice big window to get their holiday orders in — or to snag some gear for themselves this fall. So why not get some holiday shopping out of the way early? Four of our classic designs plus one new one are available from now until October 3rd. Among them is the popular Nerd Harder line, which is now available on hoodies, mugs and stickers as well as t-shirts.
It's the last time this year we'll be offering any of these designs, and your last chance ever to get some Vote2016() gear! Order now and get it just in time for the election.
Hurry up and get your gear before it's too late.
Posted on Techdirt - 15 September 2016 @ 1:03pm
from the the-super-early-holiday-sale dept
Nerd Harder is now available on hoodies, mugs & stickers »

Though several of our Teespring offerings have been hits, none have quite matched the popularity of the original: Nerd Harder. But that was before we started experimenting with products beyond mere t-shirts, and so as part of our super-early holiday gear sale we've added options for hoodies for $35, mugs for $14 and stickers for $4 in black, gray and navy blue. So even if you already snagged a t-shirt the last time, it might be time to nerd even harder with some new gear. If you didn't — well, t-shirts are still available too.
(And don't forget to check out our new Math Is Not A Crime gear, plus the other returning designs in our holiday sale!)
Posted on Techdirt - 12 September 2016 @ 12:45pm
from the last-chance-in-2016 dept
Last chance this year to get Nerd Harder, Takedown, and more Techdirt gear! »
Yes, that's right — it's a September holiday sale! We know it takes some time for your orders to arrive from Teespring, so we're leaving a nice big window for those of you who want to gift some Techdirt gear in December. All our past shirts — plus one brand new design — are available from now until October 3rd.
This is the last time we're offering any of this gear in 2016, and we won't be taking reservations once these campaigns close! Most of the shirts will come back eventually, but we can't promise when and it might be a year or more. Also, Nerd Harder is now available on hoodies, mugs and stickers for the first time.
As for the Vote2016() gear, this is your last chance ever! Order it now and you'll get it just in time for election month!
Remember, you've only got three weeks from today to place your orders, and everything will ship with plenty of time for the holidays. As usual, t-shirts are $20, hoodies are $35, mugs are $14 and stickers are only $4 — though not all designs are available on all products! Hurry up and get your gear before it's too late.
Posted on Techdirt - 1 September 2016 @ 12:56pm
from the see-the-future dept
Sign up for VPN service now and get a free year's subscription to the Crystal Ball »
Today we're happy to announce that we've partnered with Private Internet Access to offer a great new deal for Techdirt readers. When you sign up for VPN service, you'll receive a one-year subscription to the Techdirt Crystal Ball: a special members-only feature that grants you early access to read and share upcoming Techdirt posts before they go public on the front page of the blog. This is normally a $15 annual subscription but you'll get a full year for free when you sign up with Private Internet Access. (And no, we won't auto-renew the Crystal Ball or force you to cancel to avoid being charged in the future!)
We know our readers care about their privacy and security, and Private Internet Access is one of the best-reviewed and most trusted providers of VPN service — one of the most critical tools for protecting your anonymity online. Sign up using our special affiliate link and you'll receive a coupon code that you can exchange for your free year of Crystal Ball access in our Insider Shop. You'll also receive some First Word/Last Word credits for use in the comment section, plus a Techdirt Insider Badge on your user profile!
Posted on Techdirt - 4 May 2016 @ 1:30pm
from the looking-back dept
Post sponsored by
As part of our funding campaign for our coverage of encryption, we reached out to some companies that care about these issues to ask them to show their support. Today, we're taking a look back at a series of four posts sponsored by Golden Frog, a company dedicated to online privacy, security and freedom.
California's Anti-Encryption Bill: At the beginning of April, we called attention to a bill in California that had gone from bad to worse. Originally a ban on smartphone encryption, it was tinkered with until it became a requirement for encryption backdoors, which could have forced manufacturers to create special California versions of their products with weakened security. Though obviously not as high-profile or as far-reaching as the Burr/Feinstein encryption bill in Senate, it was ultimately the same thing: a wrongheaded attack on device security framed as a necessity for law enforcement, despite that being a very unconvincing notion.
Thankfully, California lawmakers seem to have come to their senses on this one. The bill died without a vote a week later, after the Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection realized what a terrible idea it was.
A Scary Thought Experiment About The NSA: A few weeks ago, Glyn Moody called our attention to a fantastic (if somewhat disturbing) presentation from 2014, breaking down some ways the NSA could infiltrate our digital networks at the most basic and undetectable level. This notion remains hypothetical but all-too-conceivable, especially when there have been plenty of examples of companies cooperating with the government and the intelligence community without being tricked into doing so.
The USTR Comes (Partly) To Its Senses: The USTR's history with internet policy and digital innovation has always been, to put it mildly, discouraging. So we were surprised to see a change of tune in this year's National Trade Estimate report, which called out internet censorship in China and Pakistan as serious barriers to innovation and free expression, and even pointed out the myriad dangers of the EU's Digital Single Market strategy and the problems with a "Google tax". This is still far from a total about-face for the USTR, with the very same report managing to contradict itself when it came to intellectual property issues — but it's a very welcome step in the right direction.
Snowden's Positive Impact On Encryption Adoption: National Intelligence Director James Clapper thought he was decrying Edward Snowden when he pointed out that his actions massively accelerated the adoption of encryption technology, shaving years off the NSA's estimated timeline — but those of us who value data security and internet freedom had a different takeaway, and considered it yet another example of the good Snowden's revelations have done. The whole thing really highlighted the mismatched priorities and values between the intelligence community and the American public (as if that needed any more highlighting).
We'd like to thank Golden Frog for supporting our coverage of these critical issues relating to security, privacy and encryption. As you've likely noticed, their blog is full of great content that also explores these topics. In addition to the links we've featured so far, here are some more posts that may be of interest to Techdirt readers:
Privacy & Security on the Golden Frog Blog:
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