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  • Oct 6th, 2009 @ 10:06am

    10th caller gets license to view Eagles game

    I can see it now. Radio DJs gone bad. (in best morning show DJ voice) "Jack FM has YOUR seats for the Iggles versus the Redskins, all you have to do is be the 10th caller and you and another person will win the rights to a license with which you can view the upcoming Iggles game in person on Sunday afternoon. Understand that we will transfer all rights reserved by the Philadelphia Eagles, the NFL, and other interested parties (heretofore referred to as "the Iggles") Please note these rights are limited to the right to view aforementioned athletic contest. Reproduction via video or photographic paraphenalia is expressly forbidden, as is throwing anything other than "C" or "D" size batteries at Jim Zorn, Albert Haynesworth, Clinton Portis, and additional Redskins employees as specified by public notice on the Jumbotron." Oh well, I had fun writing this. You get my point.

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