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  • Sep 15th, 2012 @ 12:08pm

    Re: Cybersecurity and Politicians

    I think, if truth be known, is that what the government really wants is the authority to shut down any website it doesn't like. I suspect they're much more interested in that than they are in preventing "piracy", though they may use "piracy" as an excuse for shutting them down.

    We are headed into police state martial law probably in the very near future, and I suspect among the first things ICE and other government agencies (Homeland Security?) will do when it comes is to shut down all the alternative news sites that are exposing all the things the mainline media is hiding from us.

    Watch for it.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 12:14pm

    Mega-upload prosecution goof-ups

    Seems to me with so many procedural errors in this case, it's time they just threw it all out, returned all the stuff they seized from Kim Dotcom, and allowed Mega-Upload to go back online, at least so people who have content stranded on there can recover it. Why should they punish millions of innocent users just to get at a few violators? That's like closing every street in New York City because a few taxi cabs violate the speed limit going down Broadway. No, get the violators and punish them, and leave the rest of us alone.

    I see this whole Mega-Upload thing just one more indication of the rapidity of this police state mentality that will soon be imposed on all of us, unless something is done to stop it.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 11:47am

    Police state preps?

    I see this nation on a fast track to becoming a police state, and I see Obama pushing it as hard as he can.

    Why all the secrecy in the formulation of SOPA, PIPA, ACTA and TPPA, all bills, treaties or trade agreements giving government and others unprecedented control over the Internet? What are they wanting to hide? And why this massive push to ram them through before anybody else finds out about it? And now CISPA, giving the government unprecedented authority to spy on everything that goes across the Internet? I see potential for enormous abuse in all of these bills and nothing to benefit ordinary citizens and/or users of the Internet.

    These are not the actions one would expect of a Democratic government, they are actions typical of a totalitarian police state. Combine this with the behavior and actions of the TSA, the FDA, the USDA and other government agencies, and I can come up with no other conclusion but that the USA is on a very fast track to becoming a full fledged police state in the not very distant future. It would not surprise me at all to see full martial law imposed here before the year is out.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 11:04am

    Re: This will simply confuse the RIAA

    "...math is not their strong suit."

    Fuzzy math is. Very fuzzy math. Like on a latex balloon yet.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 10:55am

    Re: Pi

    What is the greatest precision Pi has ever been calculated to? How many decimal places?

    Just curious.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 10:35am

    Patent rights for copyright?

    Seems to me like this guy is trying to claim patent rights for a copyright. You can patent ideas, you can't copyright them.

    This reminds me of the silly fight over two pictures by different photographers of a red bus on a B & W background. The only similarity between the two pictures was the red bus on a monochrome background, otherwise the two were quite dissimilar, even being taken in different locations. Copyright only protects against verbatim copying of protected material, in part or in whole, one's expression of an idea. It does not protect against someone else using an idea you came up with first.

    Claiming rights on a copyrighted work not granted by copyright law is copyright abuse, which is in itself a crime.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 10:11am


    I wouldn't put it past Obama to sign CISPA, notwithstanding his promise to veto it. After all, he promised not to sign the NDAA with its provision of allowing arrest and indefinite detention of anyone on US soil for any reason and without any due process, then sneaked and signed it on Jan 2 when he probably thought nobody was looking.

    The man is a liar and a sneak and has repeatedly ignored and violated the constitution with executive order after executive order many of which are unconstitutional on their face and all of which usurp the role of the congress.

    I see the USA on a fast track to becoming a police state, and Obama doing everything he can to push it along as fast as he can. IMO,he ought to be impeached and booted out of office. He doesn't even meet the qualifications for president of the United States, and his "birth certificate" has been shown to be a heavily doctored fake.
  • Apr 26th, 2012 @ 9:41am

    Re: Re:

    You say the RIAA/MPAA don't support CISPA? If this is the case why were they so gung-ho to get SOPA/PIPA, ACTA and TPPA rammed through, even to the extent of doing everything in deepest secrecy? And they'd have done it if insiders to the plots hadn't leaked the news and triggered massive protests against these bills.

    Now who's the shrill, hysterical loser?
  • Apr 11th, 2012 @ 10:10am

    Re: Its Obvious

    Hey, this works for corporations and patent trolls who have nothing to lose. But for the small guy trying to get started the patent thicket can be an impenetrable barrier. Write something that even vaguely resembles someone else's patent and trolls can sue you into bankruptcy real quick. Getting even one quality patent on an invention can cost you $100s of thousands to $millions and defending against a bad patent even more, typically $4 million up. Corporations can handle this, but it only takes one lawsuit on a small innovator and he's burnt toast.
  • Apr 11th, 2012 @ 10:00am

    Re: The whole thing is a joke

    Where did you quote this from? I don't see the above text anywhere else in this article or comments.
  • Apr 11th, 2012 @ 9:12am

    Re: The Examiner's Examination

    This sounds like an oxymoron to me. It's about prior art, and you can add a half a dozen words that change nothing, and it's not about prior art? That makes about as much sense as saying painting a golf ball brown makes it not a golf ball.
  • Apr 11th, 2012 @ 8:58am

    Takes one to know one

  • Apr 11th, 2012 @ 8:57am


    Who do you shill for, the BSA?
  • Apr 10th, 2012 @ 10:03pm


    I think copyright law in recent years has become more of a tool for extortion than to protect actual works.

    Why else would the term of copyright be made to span up to seven generations when the commercial value of most copyrights is exhausted in less than 28 years? And why does it get extended another generation every time a certain commercial copyright is about to expire? At this rate a work copyrighted today might not enter the public domain in the lifetime of your great-great-grandchildren, by which time it would be long forgotten and lost forever.
  • Apr 10th, 2012 @ 9:39pm

    They are trying to wear us down

    SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, TPPA, CISPA et al... I think these people, these corporate sock puppets are trying to wear us down to the place where they can sneak something through while they think nobody's looking.

    The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. WE must not let our guard down, or we're done for.
  • Apr 10th, 2012 @ 9:20pm

    Patent abuse

    Why doesn't the USPTO have a rule that multiple patents from different patentees covering the same technology is obviously evidence of obviousness, and that thus the technology or feature is obvious and unpatentable? And that thus all such patents are invalid? 30,000 patents just on social networking? They should put every one of them in the shredder.
  • Apr 9th, 2012 @ 12:01am

    (untitled comment)

    My analogy to the US Attorney's actions against Mega-Upload:
    This is like they find one person raising pot in a thousand apartment complex. So they arrest all the building staff, evict all the tenants, seize all their belongings and burn the entire complex to the ground.

    For more on this go here:

    This seems more like some sort of politically motivated vendetta than due process to me. Otherwise, why rob over a million users, most of whom are probably innocent third parties, of their property when there are better, more effective and much less destructive ways of going about this? Why burn the barn down with other people's livestock in it to get rid of some rats, when a cat would do the job much more effectively and without having to destroy the barn?
  • Apr 8th, 2012 @ 11:20pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    Hey guys! 15 petabytes is a WHOLE LOT of data to back up. One petabyte is a million gigabytes. To back up all this data using one-terabyte drives would require 15,000 drives and probably about 700 mega-servers. That's a bit more than backing up your 500 GB hard drive, you think?
  • Apr 7th, 2012 @ 7:41pm

    Re: Re: Re: Re:

    How can Dotcom defend MegaUpload when the feds have blocked all access to his servers and frozen all assets so he has no money to pay for legal counsel to defend himself? Sounds like a kangaroo court to me-bounce him in, rubber stamp his conviction, bounce him out. Outcome decided in advance.

    Telling the host they can clear the servers before Dotcom has a chance to find evidence to defend himself with is spoliation of evidence. If he did it it would be a felony. If the feds do it... well they're 3000 pound canaries, they can do anything they want and get by with it.
  • Apr 7th, 2012 @ 7:26pm

    Re: Re: Re:

    Further the feds have cherry picked data from MegaUpload's servers that seems to support their case, but have frozen all of Mega's assets and refused them access to their own servers so they have no way to defend themselves.

    This isn't a trial, it's a lynch job. IMO they have only one objective--destroy MegaUpload to feed their own egos.

    "Don't bother us with the facts, our minds are already made up! Guilty until you prove you're innocent, but we're not going to let that happen."

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