'Pro-Tech' University Decides To Block Social Networks As An Experiment

from the in-what,-withdrawal-symptoms? dept

Romenesko points us to the news that Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is trying a little experiment, where it will block all access to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and AOL Instant Mesenger for one week. It's not because the university thinks these technologies are bad -- in fact, the university has apparently done a lot to embrace these tools -- but just to see what they learn from it, and get a sense of how integrated some of these tools have become in our lives. Of course, I imagine one thing they might quickly learn is that when people want to use certain tools, they'll find their way around such blocks, and access them anyway...
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Filed Under: block, social networks
Companies: harrisburg university

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  • icon
    jjmsan (profile), 10 Sep 2010 @ 7:49am

    Guidelines for experiments on Human Subjects

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    A Dan (profile), 10 Sep 2010 @ 7:58am

    Routing around damage

    The most obvious route, of course, is cell phone data coverage. They can still use these things through their phones, and I'm sure many of them already are. I would also guess that students at a Science and Technology school would be more capable of technical means to bypass blocks.

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    • icon
      Hephaestus (profile), 10 Sep 2010 @ 11:01am

      Re: Routing around damage

      "The most obvious route, of course, is cell phone data coverage."

      I was going to suggest the same thing my blackberry has all those on it, well except mySpace which I deleted because I don't like the owner ... Poor old Rupert ...

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  • identicon
    ranon, 10 Sep 2010 @ 8:03am

    If it is truly for a week, a lot of people might decide to just be cut off for that duration, as an experiment.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Sep 2010 @ 8:16am

    if they need it that badly and do use a work around, that is just as valuable as them not using it for that week.

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    Zacqary Adam Green (profile), 10 Sep 2010 @ 9:01am

    The percentage of students who use workarounds would probably be a very useful data point.

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  • identicon
    NullOp, 10 Sep 2010 @ 9:45am


    Oh, they'll get around it. The question is would they put the same effort into their studies? I think not. On the ladder of priorities, human interaction comes way ahead of "studying". Although, what if we were comparing human interaction vs learning? If you don't learn, your human interaction will not amount to much and won't be around long a la "the slowest gazelle" scenario.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 10 Sep 2010 @ 10:00am

    Who needs a workaround? How will they block 3g access or off-campus networks? It seems like a pointless misuse of student funds, that could easily backfire.

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  • icon
    btr1701 (profile), 10 Sep 2010 @ 11:57am


    I think I'd be more than a little annoyed that the university was playing little experimental games with my internet service (which students pay for in their tuition fees).

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  • identicon
    Tyler S., 10 Sep 2010 @ 12:06pm

    Harrisburg made it on Techdirt!

    So awesome to see something about Harrisburg that doesn't involve our bankrupt city and it's debt problems@!

    As soon as I read the headline in my RSS I knew it was about HU :D

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  • identicon
    Christopher Sadoun, 12 Sep 2010 @ 10:03am

    Jesus Died for All
    1. 'Earthly Jerusalem Babel is not my Mother'
    2. There is no 'unforgivable sin'
    3. There is no 'handing people over to Satan'
    4. 'Heaven above is the Mother of us All'
    All go to Heaven

    Even while Jesus was dead


    Am, shortwave, and Ham radios should be put in cell phones too.

    "you have taken away the key to knowledge." (Bible, New Testament, Luke 11:52)


    "The supply is endless, the wealth from all its treasures!" (Bible, Nahum 2:9)

    "4 The chariots storm through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares. They look like flaming torches; they dart about like lightning." (Bible, Nahum 2:4)

    There was a General in the U.S. Military who became Governor of New Mexico from 1878-1881. He wrote the book Ben Hur. It was the best selling novel until 1936. It was made into a movie in 1959.

    In the Movie Ben Hur. Ben Hur grew up with Messala. Messala grew up and became a Roman Centurion. Ben Hur grew up to be a Prince of Juda. Then they Clashed. They put each other in various prisons and finally had a chariot race. Both Got Hurt. Then when they watched the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Heard him say Father Forgive them for they know not what they do. They both became Christian and dropped there swards, and stopped fighting.

    There was a man named Saul of Tarsus who who did much worse than what Messalla did to Ben Hur and much worse than what Ben Hur did to Messala to the Christians. But Jesus made him a Christian. And Jesus made him The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the New Testament Gospel.

    "28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 3:28-29)

    "The Dispensationalist teaching of prophecy takes Jesus from the center of all prophecy and replaces our blessed Lord with the state of Israel. In Luke 24:44, Jesus says, "All things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Dispensationalists, in effect, have recast this section of God's Word to say, "All things written about the state of Israel in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Furthermore as Luther points out, Israel, even in the old Testament, has always referred to those who believed and followed God, not to a particular race of people or to a certain geographical area. The Psalms regularly refer to Israel. When the Psalmist is referring to Israel, he is pointing to those whom God has promised to bless. In there false understanding of scripture, the dispensationalists have misled millions to believe that the Psalms are referring to God blessing the state of Israel, when in fact, the Psalms refer to a blessing God wants to give to all who are worshiping him. In other words, the dispensationalist theology twists and redirects God's promises of blessings from children who are his through Baptism to those they believe are his through geography. Among themselves Dispensationalists would agree that the leading schools teaching their interpretation of the Scriptures would be Moody Bible institute in Chicago Illinois, and Dallas theological Seminary in Texas. One of the founders of Fuller Theological Seminary was also a major promoter of Dispensationalism." (Good News Magazine Prophecy Issue 35, Concordia Mission Society, P.O. box 8555 St Louis MO 63126)

    "24These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26)
    "I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." (Bible, New Testament, Revelation 2:9)

    "9I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." (Bible, New Testament, Revelation 3:9)

    Jesus lived in all sorts of holes. The grave is one of them.
    Foxes have holes. (New Testament, Matthew 8:20)
    King Herod is a Fox. (New Testament, Luke 13:32)
    Jesus brought us out of all of them.

    "He forgave us all our sins, 14having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross." (Bible, New Testament, Colossians 2:13-14)
    "13By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." (Bible, New Testament, Hebrews 8:13)
    Law with its religion is Satan if You don't have Christ and the Gospel. In fact we are no longer under the law but under Grace. "14For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace." (Bible, New Testament, Romans 6:14) "13Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."" (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 3:13) Law is like a hole. Law is like a Cave. Law is like a Mountain. It is slanderous It is slanderous. It is slanderous. Legality is slanderous. "12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood" (Bible, New Testament, Ephesians 6:12)

    Saul of Tarsus was a member of the Synagogue of Satan. He calls himself the "chief of sinners" But God made him The Apostle Paul who wrote most of the Gospel in the New Testament.

    "15For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?" (Bible, New Testament,Romans 11:15)

    "4Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. 5However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness." (Bible, New Testament, Romans 4:4-5)

    So we gain the Spirit of God not by observing the law. (New Testament, Galatians, 3)

    "16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (Bible, New Testament, John 3:16)

    Men readily believe what they want to believe. (Caesar)

    Saint Augustine said that if you want to believe you believe.

    You have right standing before God.
    You don't have to jump through any hoops.
    Jesus did.
    He died for you and rose again.
    Heaven is your Home.


    "The load, or weight, or burden of my neighbour's glory should be laid daily on my back, a load so heavy that only humility can carry it, and the backs of the proud will be broken. It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to one or other of these destinations. It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilization - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously - (no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption.) And our charity must be a real and costly love, with deep feeling for the sins in spite of which we love the sinner - no mere tolerance or indulgence which parodies love as flippancy parodies merriment. Next to the Blessed Sacrament itself, your neighbor is the holiest object presented to your senses. If he is your Christian neighbor he is holy in almost the same way, for in him also Christ veer latitat - the glorifier and the glorified, Glory Himself, is truly hidden." (C.S. Lewis)


    Israel is just another Nation.
    Babylon is just another Nation.
    United States is just another Nation.
    Just like all other Nations.

    Bible, New Testament, Revelations 11:8 and chapter 17
    Bible, New Testament, Acts 23

    John Forbes Nash of the movie A Beautiful Mind got beaten up severely. It is Balaam's error. Balaam (People who abuse John Forbes Nash) beat his donkey with sticks and stones and a militant etiquette. (Bible, New Testament, 2 Peter 2:15-16) Make him Master of Cambridge. Make him Master of Trinity College. Heaven is his home so he is a Master of Trinity. I believe in resurrection from the dead. (Bible, New Testament, 2 Samuel 23:17&22)
    (Bible, New Testament, Luke 12:37) ""Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. 12 Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard? 13 When I think my bed will comfort me and my couch will ease my complaint, 14 even then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions, 15 so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine. " (Bible, Old Testament, Job 7:11-14)

    "Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify; others you will flog in your synagogues and pursue from town to town." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:34)

    An aid ship carrying donkeys saddled with Water and Bread will be sent to Gaza.

    A Jews for Jesus aid ship will sail to Gaza.

    And eventually The Pope will sail to Gaza on an aid ship.

    "24These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26)
    The Church bears Christ's Testimony. The Church is made up of Christophers.
    "Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified ." (Bible, New Testament, Revelations 11:7-8)

    "And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." (Bible, New Testament, Revelations 17:18)

    "And upon her forehead was a name written , MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration." (Bible, New Testament, Revelations 17:5-6)

    Earthly Jerusalem is the Great City where Jesus Christ was crucified. And it is called Sodom and Egypt. It is also Called, BABYLON THE GREAT.

    Earthly Jerusalem and its Arabia is not my Mother.

    It does the inquisition.

    "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 5:44)

    In the 1981 Movie Chariots of Fire, Vangelis is the one who composed the music. He composed the Chariots of Fire song. The beginning of the movie starts with a church service. And the end of the movie closes with a church service. At the end of the movie is the Last song Titled Jerusalem. It is a Church Hymn. John Gielgud is displayed as playing as Master of Trinity. The movie does not display him as playing Joseph John Thomson, PRS (1918-1940) * who was the Master of Trinity at the time the movie took place.

    The First half of the lyrics talks about Earthly Jerusalem and how it is Satanic. A mill that grinds people and sheep is in the center of earthly Jerusalem. And it controls all the other satanic mills around the world and in this universe. Jesus Christ from heaven jumped into it and stopped it. Only he could stop it. He is God. And so the second half talks about the Jerusalem in Heaven and inside of us. Only God alone can build Jerusalem.

    God save Tiger Woods. God Save John Forbes Nash. God Save Messala. God Save Ben Hur. God Save each one of us.

    Vangelis Song - Jerusalem - lyrics:

    And did those feet in ancient time

    Walk upon england's mountains green?

    And was the holy lamb of god

    On england's pleasant pastures seen?

    And did the countenance divine

    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

    And was jerusalem builded here

    Among those dark satanic mills?

    Bring me my bow of burning gold!

    Bring me my arrows of desire!

    Bring me my spear: o clouds unfold!

    Bring me my chariots of fire!

    I will not cease from mental fight;

    Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

    Till we have built jerusalem

    In england's green and pleasant land.

    (Or in Mexico, America, or any green and pleasant land. This is a good 4th of July song.)

    Honor Jesus and Heaven and it will go well with you.

    "And do not call anyone on earth 'father,' for you have one Father, and he is in heaven." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:9)

    The same thing goes for Mothers. "But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26)

    Jesus is my Father and Heaven is my Mother. I have no other Father or mother. Jesus living in me is my honor to Jesus and to Heaven. I have no other Honor.

    "Then I heard another voice from heaven say: "Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;" (Bible, New Testament, Revelations 18:4)

    "I lay in fetters, groaning; You came to set me free. I stood, my shame bemoaning; You came to honor me. A glorious crown you give me, a treasure safe on High that will not fail or leave me as earthly riches fly" (Missouri Lutheran Blue Hymnal, Hymn 19 O Lord how shall I meet You)

    "Should we still fear God's displeasure, who, to save, freely gave his most precious treasure? To redeem us, he has given his own son, Cherished one, From his throne in heaven." (Missouri Lutheran Blue Hymnal, Hymn 39 Once Again My Heart Rejoices) We should not fear God's displeasure. Heaven is made of Gospel. Heaven is the "New Jerusalem" (Bible, New Testament, Revelations 21:2). And slanderous law is not for us. Jesus got milled so we should not be milled. Jesus came entered the mill when it was going exponential. The mill is trying to mill Tiger Woods, his mistress, his wife, and tried to Mill John Forbes Nash.

    "Take heart, have hope, my spirit, And do not be afraid. From any low depression, where agonies are made, God's grace will lift you upward On arms of saving might until the sun you hoped for delights your eager sight.

    Then wonder working Powers will banish from your spirit what gave your troubled hours." (Missouri Lutheran Blue Hymnal, Hymn 427 Entrust Your Days and Burdens)

    "Do not despair, o little flock, Although the foes' fierce battle shock Loud on all sides assail you! Though at your fall they laugh, secure, their triumph can not long endure; Let not your courage fail you!

    The cause is God's ….. fear no ill impending! Though not yet seen by human eyes, his Gideon shall for you arise, God's Word and you defending.

    As sure as God's own word is true, Not Satan, hell nor all their crew can stand against his power. Scorn and contempt their cup will fill, for God is with his people still, Their help and their strong tower.

    Then help us Lord! Now hear our prayer. Defend your people everywhere For your own name's sake. Amen. Then with a mighty hymn of praise Your Church in earth and heaven will raise Their songs of triumph. Amen." (Missouri Lutheran Blue Hymnal, Hymn 39 Do Not Despair, O Little Flock)

    Jesus Died for You.

    You will go to Heaven.


    The BBC - C.S. Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader starts out with this.

    All go to Heaven is a trust worthy saying. Jesus died for you. You will go to Heaven.

    All go to Heaven
    Bible, Luke 23:34 John 19:30
    We are in Christ's Forgiveness. We are in His word. We are in Christ. We are in Christ's forgiveness statement. "Father forgive them, they know not what they do" (Bible, New Testament, Luke 23:34, John 19:30) Them includes me, you, and all son's of Adam and daughters of Eve. The people, who some say do not know Christ, are forgiven too. They could be called they who know not what they do. They could be called they who know not. Jesus will take them to Heaven. All go to Heaven.
    All are forgiven even while Jesus was dead. So all are forgiven even as Jesus was dead.
    No guide, No Freedom, No Liberty, You go to Heaven anyways.

    We go to Heaven not because trying to escape, avoiding pain, trying to wake up, trying to forgive our selfs, trying to interpret Babel, trying to make Heaven. Jesus died for All while he alone was in the light. Even now So All Have to Go to Heaven.

    The apostles did not know that Jesus Christ had to rise from the dead while he was dying and before he rose from the dead.

    They did not know what they were going to do, they were planing for a life of misery with out Jesus.

    Even when Jesus Christ on the Cross said Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

    And he said it and it was done. And they were forgiven before Jesus rose from the dead.

    And so if one of them died before Jesus rose from the dead they would have gone to Heaven. Even doubting Thomas.
    There is no unforgivable Sin. There is no Handing a person over to Satan. All are forgiven. All go to Heaven. Even while Jesus was dead.

    "Bod Must be Mercy. God is Mercy" (Movie - Luther - Joseph Fiennes 2003)
    During the Reformation Luther set people free from those who were trying to build a earthly Jerusalm Israel which is Babylon. The people Luther set people free from are the people who were trying to build a earthly Jerusalem Israel for a second Counterfit Messiah and burn at the stake all who oppose in the inquisition.
    "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. " (Bible, New Testament, Ephesians 2:8-9)
    "These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. " (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26 NIV) "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26 KJV)We are free from animal sacrifice and the stoning of ones own children because God is Love. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus would die before he would see any one perish.

    There is no Unforgivable Sin
    Bible, Matthew 12:22-37
    There is no unforgivable sin. Pharisees say miracles are blasphemy, Jesus says for there to be no miracles is blasphemy. Jesus said is Jesus being forgiving while the Holly Spirit is not, the Holly spirit is doing miracles, he is forgiving. The Holly spirit You Pharisees speak of is not forgiving, it does not do miracles. This is what you said of it. Any blasphemy against it will not be forgiven. If you do not wash your hands for it you have blasphemed it. If you do not polish your cup, you have blasphemed it. If you do not give a tenth of your dill and spices you have blasphemed it. If you do not do your Pharisee act as you do you have blasphemed it. Jesus was banished along with his good Spirit on the Cross. One miracle done by Jesus was to the Bad Spirit blasphemy. And Jesus ended up on the cross crucified and dead. Bible, New Testament, Matthew 12:22-37 Luke 23:46 and Gospel
    "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Bible, New Testament, Philippians 1:6)
    It is well with my soul. (Bible, New Testament, 3 John 1:2)
    "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. " (Bible, New Testament, Ephesians 2:8-9)
    "These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. " (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26 NIV) "But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all." (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26 KJV)
    Anything unforgiveness tears up the Gospel.
    Jesus Christ came to give a God amount of Forgiveness.

    There is no Handing a person over to Satan
    BIble, 1 Timothy 1:20
    No one can fight a good fight only Jesus can save. IT is not that we hold Jesus it is that Jesus holds us. Jesus caries guilt away from our consciousness not us. And so Jesus gives us these things and becomes our Noah's Arc that he alone keeps from sinking. Hymenaus and Alexander were like Saul who became Paul. Paul handed them to Jesus. There is no unforgivable sin.
    Paul Rescued Hymenaus and Alexander from the Pharisees and said to the Church that put the Pharisee in the Pulpit that the Pharisees, The False Teachers were actually taking people away from Gospel and handing them to Law and death and Satan.
    Handing a person to Satan is and was a the catch phrase used because that is what the pharisees would come into the church and do to the people.
    There is no handing a person over to Satan, is a "Trust worthy Saying" (Bible, 1 Timothy 1:15, 1 Timothy 3:1)
    Jesus will manage for You. It is Jesus's Justice to take every person into Heaven as his captive. He leads the captives forth in his train. (Bible, New Testament, Ephesians 4:8) We get Jesus's Justice, we are forgiven. We do not get the Devils Justice. Adam and Eve are not the devil.

    There is no Handing a Person over to Satan
    Bible, 1 Corintihians 5:5
    A church put a pharisee in the pulpit as a Pastor. The Pharisee only preached about lying, cheating, and stealing. And never about Jesus forgiving all sin of all time and giving all people and individuals Heaven. Then the legal demands became heavy sacks of sand and people fell to satan. The Adulterer like the woman who Jesus saved from being stoned was all ready handed to satan. To be set free from the power of death and sin one is handed to Jesus who forgives and lifts to Heaven. There is no unforgivable sin.
    Handing a person to Satan is and was a the catch phrase used because that is what the pharisees would come into the church and do to the people.
    Satan will not teach you anything. "Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:10)
    "I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?" (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 3:2)
    Satan will take away your clear mind and self control and puppet you to lie cheat and steal.

    Pharisees like to crucify people and say they are going to Hell. Jesus on the cross said "Father forgive them"… "it is Finished." (Bible, New Testament, Luke 23:34, John 19:30) Jesus forgave all. Then He died. All were forgiven while Jesus was dead. Even the people who only believed he was dead were forgiven. All go to Heaven. All are forgiven. Even while Jesus Christ was dead. The Gospel of Jesus's death is the same Gospel today. Those who never saw, smelled, tasted touched, or heard of Jesus are all forgiven. Even in his absence. Even in his death. Even if they only see his death. Even if they only see his Absence. They are all forgiven. All go to Heaven. Other wise Holy Jesus is in the Habit of handing people over to unHolly Satan. And Holly Jesus is preached as unholly unforgiving. And the New Testament came by a old covenant method which means it is old covenant, Hebrews 8:13 and that is why there is so much unforgiveness in the New Testament.
    One meets the Old covenant in the New Testament like a wall and a firey black thing but that does not leave the old covenant uncanceled. But that does not mean the old covenant is no longer canceled. "By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." (Bible, New Testament, Hebrews 8:13) "He forgave us all our sins, 14 having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross." (Bible, New Testament, Colossians 2:13-14)
    The New Testament does not replace the death of Christ. Or exchange the death of Christ for the New Testament. The New Testament is supposed to follow suit with and support that Jesus forgave all on the cross and then died. It should not talk unforgiveness, do a pharisee's way of life, or hand a person to satan. It should be clear so You can peer into it. Nothing in it should look down on you. ""See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 18:10) Nothing in it should look down on you. All are forgiven. Jesus put all above his very own life. The entire New Testament is the Hand a Person to Satan unforgivable Sin Catch phrase. And to peer into it without the catch phrase. To peer into it with the catch phrase fallen away like the white Ribbon that says kills that is draped over a big heart. All go to Heaven. All see the big Heart. The ribbon can not cover it completely, only a little. Heaven above is the mother of us all. (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26) And will give every person there Michael Gabriel Tropical flying Saucers of fire and of fire. (Bible, Old Testament, Daniel 10:13) "Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold: for there is none end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture." (Bible, Old Testament, Nahum 2:9) "4 The chariots storm through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares. They look like flaming torches; they dart about like lightning." (Bible, Nahum 2:4) Miracles galore where ever, when ever we want, over and over, Jesus bringing any dead person to life and countless numbers of people. Narnias and communion. That for each person. Jesus forgives all and carries all to Heaven. There is no unforgivable sin. There is no unforgiven sin. We walk in a land of Forgiven sin and forgiven Men. Jesus's death appeases.

    There is no Handing a Person to Satan
    Bible, 1 Timothy 3
    All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. The devil wanted all people reproached by the law and with him in Hell. No one is reproachable. Jesus died for all. Jesus will not look down on you or reproach you. "Do not fear the reproach of men." (Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah 51:7) The reproach of the devil will flee. Clear mindedness and self control come from Life alone. Jesus is Life. Jesus will manage for each person. "But the the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked his faith is counted as righteousness" (Bible, New Testament, Romans 4:5 KJV, NIV) "The lord will provide." (Bible, Old Testament, Genesis 22:14) The lord's provision will take care of God's Church. Only Jesus can take care of the Church. Jesus alone is Savior. Jesus will manage for You. It is Jesus's Justice to take every person into Heaven as his captive. "This is why it says: "When he ascended on high, he led captives in his train and gave gifts to men." " (Bible, New Testament, Ephesians 4:8) He takes all to Heaven, he captures them, he forgave them all. By forgiving all the devil can no longer have him. Jesus died. All are captured from the devil even while Jesus was dead. All go to Heaven. We get Jesus's Justice, we are forgiven. We do not get the Devils Justice. Adam and Eve are not the devil. "He shall bruise" (Bible, Old Testament, Genesis 3:15) the serpents head. The pharisees are the ones who were looking for reputation with outsiders. They would go to the Kings. The would "cross land and sea to make one convert." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:15) And when they persuaded them of rules and regulations they would make them "twice a son of hell" (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:15) as they are. The Pharisees had reputation. There is no such thing as reputation. Reputation is the devils label. There is no disgrace. Jesus will never leave or forsake me you or anyone. The devils trap, Psychology, is the devils downfall. "Have no fear o little flock though the foes farce battle shock loud on all sides assail you. Though at your fall they laugh secure there triumph can not long endure let not your courage fail you." (Missouri Lutheran Blue Hymnal - Hymn 300 - Have no Fear oh little flock) "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." (Bible, Psalm 116:15) Power is perfected in weakness.
    All men get grace and miracles not out of being worthy of respect or there own effort. Sincerity is a Pharisee's word. Jesus died for all amidst all feeling. Clear minded ness and self control come from Life alone. Jesus is Life. People do not keep hold of truth. The Truth keeps hold of us and will set us free. "The truth will set you free." (Bible, New Testament, John 8:32) Jesus caries guilt away from our consciousness not us. Pharisees were testing Jesus all through his ministry. "No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest." (Bible, New Testament, Hebrews 8:11) Do not call any one Teacher for You have one teacher, Jesus Christ. "Nor are you to be called 'teacher,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ." (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:10) Do not call anyone Father for you have one Father Jesus Christ. "And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. " (Bible, New Testament, Matthew 23:9) Because of Jesus, nothing can be against any body. God is for every person. " If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Bible, New Testament, Romans 8:31) No weapon formed against you me or anyone will prosper. " No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD." (Bible, Old Testament, Isaiah 54:17) Pharisees would look to ranks of the Pharisees word respect in a persons wife. Clear mindedness and self control come from Life alone. Jesus is Life. If there is any good it is from Christ. Christ is with you me and anyone in everything. Clear minded ness and self control come from Life alone. Jesus will manage. Not by strength or might but by my spirit says the Lord. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." (Bible, Old Testament, Zechariah 4:6) "The Lord will provide." (Bible, Old Testament, Genesis 22:14)
    Any lack of assurance of salvation comes from the devil. We do not buy our salvation and its assurance of salvation, with deeds. That is what the Devil has the Pharisees do. There is no unforgivable sin. Jesus died for You. You will go to Heaven.
    Sin ceasing the opportunity afforded by the commandment sprang to life. "But sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from law, sin is dead." (Bible, New Testament, Romans 7:8) So telling people how to behave Is and was the catch phrase. That is what the Pharisees would come into the church and do to the people.
    Jesus is the foundation for the Church. The church is built upon Jesus. Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life." (Bible, New Testament, 14:6) It is because Jesus Forgave All while he was on the Cross dying. And that All are forgiven while Jesus was dead. That all through Jesus Go to Heaven. Saying the Church is a big organization like the Pope does, is to say the church is an earthy Jerusalem Babel who built the tower. The pope has built a big tower, saying he has built the tower up to God. Then says to have anything of Jesus you have to ascend the tower. When Jesus came down to all people and walked the earth and brought us up to him. And listens to our prayers continually, even as all can see the big Heart with the white ribbon that says kills falling off of it. The bible says this at the end of 1 Timothy chapter 3.
    "Beyond all question, the mystery of Godliness is great:
    He appeared in a body,
    was vindicated by the spirit,
    was seen by angels,
    was preached among the nations,
    was believed on in the world,
    was taken up in glory."

    We are built in the image of Christ. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Bible, Old Testament, Genesis 1:27) Earthly Jerusalem Babel will try to babel up the fact that we are made in the image of Christ. (Bible, New Testament, Galatians 4:24-26, Revelations 11:7-8, 17:18, 17:5-6, 18:4, Colossians 2:13-14) And make it A hard to figure out mystery. When really we are forgiven it is finished. (Bible, New Testament, Luke 23:34, John 19:30) The pope has built a Great Great Great big tower, saying he has built the tower up to God. Then says to have anything of Jesus you have to ascend the tower. While Jesus came down to all people (He appeared in a Body) and walked the earth (was vindicated by the spirit) and brought us up to him (Was seen by angels, took away the white ribbon that says kills and went to heaven). And he listens to prayer where ever it may be continually, even as all can see the big Heart with the white ribbon that says kills away off of it.

    People are believers by nature. All are in Christ even as Jesus forgave all while on the Cross. All are forgiven even while Jesus was dead. Adam and Eve and all people in the times of B.C are forgiven. All people in the times of A.D. are forgiven.

    Handing a person to Satan is and was a the catch phrase used because that is what the pharisees would come into the church and do to the people.
    There is no handing a person over to Satan, is a "Trust worthy Saying" (Bible, 1 Timothy 1:15, 1 Timothy 3:1)

    If some one weak is put in the pulpit. If someone weak is preaching that is all the better. They would have the testimony of Paul. Saul of tarsus who persecuted the Church was put in the pulpit, position, Pastor by Christ and by him named Paul. In fact 1 Timothy 3 is the Trust worthy saying Catch Phrase that says all are Pastors. All are priests. All are chosesn. Each person is a Holy Nation.

    "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (Bible, New Testament, 1 Peter 2:9)

    I am weak God is Strong. Yes Jesus loves me.

    I am weak and can only Mew.

    Let Jesus's Miracles be my food.
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my chariots.
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my House.
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my galore
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my Narnias
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my Communion
    Let Jesus's Miracles be my Gifts
    Jesus is My Life. So Jesus is my Living.
    Life is Living. Living is Life.

    Jesus is the Gospel. The Gospel is Jesus.

    I have been given new life.

    I received it from the Gospel.
    I received it from Christ.

    "in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (Bible, New Testament, 2 Corinthians 5:17)

    The same for You.

    Life is a construction of Miracles.

    "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." (Bible, New Testament, 1 Peter 2:9)

    A persons living declares the praises of him who called Myself and all people out of darkness into his wonderful light. So all people preach the gospel, this way or that. Like all can see the heart when the White ribbon with the word kills on it falls away or is taken taken away. The Heart can be seen with the ribbon on it anyways, it does not cover the whole heart.

    "In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel." (Bible, New Testament, 1 Corinthians 9:14)

    It is impossible for there to be no miracles.

    Drinking chocolate Ensure, and eating chocolate Ensure dumplings as ones only food, speaks of Christmas, Santa Clause, and Christ.

    All go to Heaven is a trust worthy saying. Jesus died for You. You will go to Heaven.

    If anything says otherwise. And it is Satan who says otherwise. Turn upside down the Tables on Satan. There is no Unforgivable sin, There is no Handing a person over to Satan, There is no handing a person over to Satan, There is no Handing a person over to Satan, All go to Heaven. There are five Satanic tables to be turned in the New testament. In the BBC - C.S. Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia - Prince caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the dawn treader movie starts out with a tables being turned.

    Jesus died for You.
    You will go to Heaven.

    All go to Heaven is a Trust Worthy saying.

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  • identicon
    Christopher Sadoun, 13 Sep 2010 @ 11:57pm

    The Last half Hour of BBC - C.S. Lewis's - Chronicles of Narnia - The Silver Chair

    is a very good part.

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  • identicon
    Christopher Sadoun, 17 Sep 2010 @ 9:47am

    The Holy Spirit will remind me of everything he has said to me and teach me about all things.

    And so he will remind me of Life. And so he will give me life.

    "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." (Bible, New Testament, John 6:63)

    "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life." (Bible, New Testament, John 6:63)

    The Holy Spirit will remind me of everything he has said to me and teach me about all things.

    And so he will remind me of Life. And so he will give me life.

    Disney's Pinocchio is about a resurrection from the dead.

    Disney's Flight of the Navigator (David rides a silvery flying saucer that Darts about like lightning Bible, Old Testament, Nahum 2:4)

    Book: Saints Who Raised the DEAD True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles by, Father Albert J. , Hebert S.M.

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  • identicon
    Christopher Sadoun, 17 Sep 2010 @ 9:48am

    The Same for every person.

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