Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt

This week, Skeptical Cynic took the top spot (easily) on the "most insightful" voting with his comment on how governments are moving further from respecting basic human rights:
I have always thought that Internet was the best tool for defeating oppression everywhere. For decentralizing power and allowing each person to truly have an impact.

Governments everywhere are starting to show more and more that what they want more than anything is control and they are willing to go about it with whatever method they need to.

The problem I see is that people including those that run the government forget history and fail to see their actions in the context that they should. They fail to link what they are doing with the processes that everybody once fought against. Just look at the below information and see how many match up to what we are seeing today. I have bolded the ones I see the most.

Political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt recently wrote an article about fascism ("Fascism Anyone?," Free Inquiry, Spring 2003, page 20). Studying the fascist regimes of Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy), Franco (Spain), Suharto (Indonesia), and Pinochet (Chile), Dr. Britt found they all had 14 elements in common. He calls these the identifying characteristics of fascism. The excerpt is in accordance with the magazine's policy.

The 14 characteristics are:

Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights
Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. Not working the same way now but the idea is there

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause
The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc.

Supremacy of the Military
Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized.

Rampant Sexism

Controlled Mass Media
Sometimes to media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common.

Obsession with National Security
Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses.

Religion and Government are Intertwined

Corporate Power is Protected
The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

Labor Power is Suppressed

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

Obsession with Crime and Punishment
Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations.

Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders.

Fraudulent Elections
Am I wrong?
Coming in second was Rikuo's comment concerning whose fault it is if consumers don't want to buy what producers are offering:
No, its the producer's fault for not offering the product in the way the consumer wanted. It's not enough these days to just make an awesome movie or an awesome book. You also have to offer it in a way the consumer wants - in this case, we want it DRM free, able to be read/played on any device and without the threat of a lawsuit hanging over our heads.

Piracy doesn't cost them money.

In your ideal world, the one you envision, the consumers would look at the legal options, find them lacking and not get the content, legally or illegally. That means no income for the producers/copyright holders.

In the real world, the one we all live in, the consumers look at the legal options, find them lacking, and then get the content anyway. The copyright holders spend their own capital fighting this, burning what little good reputation they have. In the end, they still lose income, but through their own actions.

I, the consumer, don't care that you have the copyright nor will I ever care. I don't care how you intend your content to be distributed. If I want it, I will get it. If I find some sort of value in giving you money, I will, but if you dare threaten us with lawsuits or attempt to ram through harmful bills through the political system, I will stop supporting you completely.

The days of selling copies of art is almost over. Now you have to find something else to sell, as the old market is quickly vanishing.
For editor's choice, I had trouble narrowing it down, so you get an extra editor's choice on the insightful side this week. We'll kick it off with Duke's excellent explanation of why the UK's decision to block The Pirate Bay is so troubling:
Just to expand on what I wrote before (to a rather considerable degree - apologies in advance), the simple reason is that if TPB was put on trial, the record labels might have lost, or at least not won as much - that is what happened in the earlier case.

The first case on site-blocking, (using the vaguely-worded s97A, CDPA) was when the Hollywood bunch sued Newzbin directly (Newzbin was being run by a UK-registered company) - the trial (in March 2010) went spectacularly badly for Newzbin (the judge seemed rather unconvinced by their witnesses, and their initial lawyer had to drop out mid-trial and has since been disbarred for his conduct), but while the judge ruled the site was involved in copyright infringement, and ordered a blocking injunction, he limited it only to material covered by the claimant's copyrights (see the final paragraph of the judgment) for the reasons often brought up against broad site-blocking. This meant that Hollywood would have had to notify Newzbin of every file the wanted blocked. Of course, Newzbin then collapsed under the legal costs and was reborn as Newzbin2.

Following this failure, the Studios came back 12 months later (July 2011) and brought a second claim, under the same law, for the same order, but this time against BT (the UK's largest ISP), not the site. Here, a different judge decided to allow the broad blocking order, the main difference being that in this case the claim was supported by a range of other copyright lobbying groups (see paras 179-186 of the judgment). However, despite there being more groups on the claimant side, BT was the only defendant, and obviously has a different set of interests and priorities than Newzbin2.

Interestingly, there was a follow-up judgment (October 2011) to determine the nature of the ruling, and for that (following the publicity of the first ruling) other ISPs, and even a BT subscriber, made submissions to the court on the main point, but they were dismissed as being too late and irrelevant/untrustworthy (see paras 2-4 of the judgment). The blocking order was granted against BT, along with a massive costs order, which has scared off the ISPs from fighting these cases. In December and February the blocking order was expanded to cover Sky and TalkTalk respectively - neither opposed the orders.

Then we come on to January 2012, when the BPI went after TPB; they had asked the ISPs to block it, but they had refused without a court order as such blocking could count as illegal interception of communications data. So they sued the 6 major ISPs (under the cover of 9 record labels). However, the initial judge refused to grant the order noting that, unlike with Newzbin, TPB had never been ruled illegal in England and Wales, so the case was referred to trial on this issue. In quite a concise, well-worded and well-reasoned judgment, Arnold J came to the conclusion that the users and operators of TPB were infringing copyright. That finding was then used to grant this week's blocking order. ... So in theory, TPB was put on trial.

In practice, of course, that ruling was pretty meaningless. The ISPs didn't oppose it (due to lack of interest, and not wishing to be done for the BPI's legal costs). While others might have been able to make submissions (although I'm not sure if anyone in the UK had the means and will to do so), they would have had to have intervened at some point between the 20 January referral order and the hearing on 9th February. Which means they would have had to have found out about the case, found lawyers, prepared their arguments and gathered evidence in less than three weeks. The biggest problem there being the first part; I try to keep an eye on these sorts of legal developments, but didn't hear anything about this case until the BPI was issuing press releases about it after the ruling - the case name is random enough to make it hard to search for, and court hearings are only published a day in advance in the UK. So much for open justice.

The result of this is that all the arguments and evidence submitted were by the BPI. So (as in the Newzbin2 case) no cross-examination, no challenging of the basic premises, no defences discussed (such as freedom of expression - which is respected over here, thank-you-very-much - or proportionality). This is particularly important as in the Newzbin2 case, some of the evidence which is quoted in the judgment is demonstrably false, so who knows what lies were presented in their "considerable volume of evidence".

The judge did discuss the lack of involvement from operators or users of TPB in paras 9-15). While noting that the users would be "adversely affected" by any order, he dismissed the problem on the grounds that there was no legal requirement that they be present (as the case was against the ISPs), the operators would be hard to find and unlikely to intervene (based on similar attempts in Swedish cases), and the users would be hard and costly to identify.

The main lesson to learn from this is what various groups have been arguing for some time; judicial oversight alone is not enough in an adversarial legal system. We saw this problem with issuing of NPOs to identify file-sharers (the ACS:Law business etc.), we saw this in the US with the seizure of domain names, and we will see it with payment blocking orders when they appear in the UK later this year. An adversarial legal system does not work without an adversary. If the court can't find an interested party, it should find some sort of public defender.

That said, there is some good news in this area; when GoldenEye sort an order requiring an ISP to hand over details of alleged file-sharers, while the ISP was happy to comply, the initial judge (technically a master, not a judge) realised that this was a controversial issue (due to all the complaints about him rubber-stamping these orders in the past) referred it to a full judge (the same as in the above cases) and he then personally invited Consumer Focus to intervene, and they did so. Arnold J was no doubt aware of their interests in these issues, having talked with some of their people (iirc). It's a pity he didn't think of doing something similar in The Pirate Bay case...
It may be a long comment, but that's the kind of comment the "insightful" button was made for.

Next up, we've got Michael Becker responding the MPAA's continued failure to actually adapt:
Dude, they've been voicing their concerns about Piracy for 100 years, and they've been proven wrong EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Hard to look at a track record like that and join their side. Especially when they make the simplest of things difficult.

For example, I wanted to watch X-Men First Class this weekend. Did you know I couldn't legally purchase or rent it from ANY online service? You know who had it? Torrents.

There is a fundamental failure in the MPAA to understand that you can't live in the past, things change, and you Adapt or Die. People aren't gonna turn off their internet connection just cause Warner or Paramount might not make quite as many millions this year.

These studios are perfectly capable of providing awesome services we'd gladly pay for, but first they have to actually offer them. We've shown them how many many times, but they keep sticking their heads in the sand. You can only try and help someone so many times before you have to acknowledge that they must be willfully choosing to destroy themselves.
Finally, we've got an excellent comment from Chosen Reject responding to a ridiculous and insulting claim from an anonymous commenter on our site that Professor Eric Goldman -- one of the most respected voices on these issues -- was nothing but "a piracy apologist" for questioning the legal specifics in the Megaupload case. CR pointed out how standing up for justice is not being an "apologist."
You can call him an apologist if you wish. However, you can't call him a pirate apologist unless he's apologizing for piracy. If instead, as it appears, he's standing for justice, then he's a justice apologist. Allow me to quote someone better than me, who stood up for justice for people in a much more serious situation than copyright infringement could ever be:
The Part I took in Defence of Cptn. Preston and the Soldiers, procured me Anxiety, and Obloquy enough. It was, however, one of the most gallant, generous, manly and disinterested Actions of my whole Life, and one of the best Pieces of Service I ever rendered my Country. Judgment of Death against those Soldiers would have been as foul a Stain upon this Country as the Executions of the Quakers or Witches, anciently. As the Evidence was, the Verdict of the Jury was exactly right.

This however is no Reason why the Town should not call the Action of that Night a Massacre, nor is it any Argument in favour of the Governor or Minister, who caused them to be sent here. But it is the strongest Proofs of the Danger of Standing Armies.

—John Adams, on the third anniversary of the massacre
You can dislike what MegaUpload does, you can hate Kim Dotcom all you want, but when you throw justice under the bus simply to get people out of the way that you don't like, then you become an apologist for tyranny, corruption, greed, and abuse of power to name a few.
Moving over to the funny list, the winner (by far) was from "Grey Ferret" on the post about Sony issuing a bogus takedown. This resulted in another commenter promising to "lengthen my Sony ban," which was "already a lifetime" to which Grey Ferret replied:
How about lifetime +70 years?
At this point, I'd like to just say how freaking awesome it is that enough people in this community not only get this reference, but find it the funniest comment of the week. The ridiculousness of copyright extension isn't a minor issue. It's becoming common knowledge and people realize it's so ridiculous that it's just funny.

Coming in second was an Anonymous Coward, responding to Apple's bizarre decision to reject apps that use Dropbox, because the use of Dropbox might kick them out to the Safari browser, where they're asked if they want to buy a paid Dropbox account. Apple, jealous that it doesn't get a cut of the transaction, claimed that this violated their rules for apps routing around Apple's payment system to do "in app" purchases. This AC noticed that perhaps Apple was mistargeting its legal bomb:
"Once the user is in Safari it is possible for the user to click "Desktop version" and navigate to a place on Dropbox site where it is possible to purchase additional space."

Not to spit hairs, but doesn't this seem to indicate that it's Safari that's in violation...
Indeed. Perhaps Apple will ban its own browser from the iTunes store.

Once again, on the editor's choice side of things, it was nearly impossible to narrow down the comments to just two, so I'm giving you a bunch of extras. Well, first, we've got "bob (spelled backwards)" (I believe it's a reference to one of our frequent critics "bob") with a new plan for the internet on how to wipe out piracy:
Let me put the MPAA's objections into another light.

If you make a gun, you have a moral obligation to take some reasonable steps that they aren't getting into the wrong hands.

What reasonable steps does Google take to make sure their bandwidth doesn't get into the wrong hands? None.

Now, I don't want to be one of the common taters [sic] that voices an analogy but doesn't come up with a proposal. So, here goes.

Every internet user has to register their internet usage. That way if they are convicted, or accused, of doing something the MPAA doesn't support (or TechDirt does support) they can be perma-banned from the net. Just like criminals can't legally get guns.

Also, you shouldn't have any "concealed" carry internet laws. No Tor's, anonymous posting or trolling.

Finally, after we ban guns and make America a more reasonable country, we can move on and tackle the next problem of banning the internet. This will lead to an increase of drive in movies which will lead to an increase of car sales which will recover the economy.

In closing, RIP Junior Seau. Guns don't kill people, uhh, something else does I forget where I was going with this.
Now I'm about to go a bit overboard on the editor's choice posts, with four more editor's choice comments -- but they're all quick one-liners.

It starts off with Chris O'Donnell responding to the story of Amanda Palmer's success in building up a massive audience that will support her. Chris pointed out this is unfair for some artists:
But this can only work for artists willing to put in years of work to build up their fan base.
For shame.

Then we've got an Anonymous Coward responding to the FBI breaking up its own plots:
Foiling plots they have started. Before you know it, we'll be paying bankers to solve the problems they created!
Next up, another Anonymous Coward explaining the different levels of scamming:
Nickel scammers may use Kickstarter, but Billion Dollar criminal scammers, just use the government.

Ask Wall Street.
And finally, a personal favorite, from hfbs responding to a critic who was trying to argue that Windows and Android aren't open enough with a rather amusing retort:
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my DRM-free files being played on whatever the fuck player I want them to be.
So kick back, and do the same, as we head into another week...
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  • icon
    Rikuo (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 12:59pm

    Wooh! Second place in Insightful! *does an embarrising victory dance*
    Hmm wonder what I should do now? Hey Mike, how about I write up an article of my own, something along the lines of "What the Average Consumer Thinks When Purchasing/Infringing Copyright of Content?"

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  • icon
    vegetaman (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 1:07pm

    All Digital

    The worst part about the move to all digital distribution channels, is that instead of realizing it as a way to save costs for both the business (no need to build as much physical media) and the consumer (delivery costs are less), they see it as a way to apply more DRM and make it so you cannot re-download your purchase nor use it across multiple devices -- even though technology shows us that this format incompatibility stuff is a bunch of fabricated bullshit in this day and age.

    But they'll monetize the idea of making you buy the same shit 3 times over and call it progress... Or at least, they'd call it progress, if it still weren't for all those pesky pirates... But with just a little more DRM and restrictive licensing and policing of the internet...

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    • identicon
      MrWilson, 6 May 2012 @ 3:21pm

      Re: All Digital

      Piracy, like communism and terrorism, is just a red herring, even if the herring in question does actually exist to some degree. The same way that Republicorp agents have used terrorism as an excuse to justify the passage of legislation that is completely unrelated to countering terrorism, the entertainment industry needs to exaggerate and condemn piracy, regardless of what actual amount of damage it might do, so that they can justify higher prices, anti-competitive and anti-consumer DRM schemes, and any other profit-driven bullshit. True patriots repurchase the same music over and over again in new formats because if you format shift, the terrorists win!

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 3:34pm

        Re: Re: All Digital

        Piracy, like communism and terrorism, is just a red herring

        You forgot fascism.

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        • icon
          Chargone (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 4:39pm

          Re: Re: Re: All Digital

          pretty sure that one's the blue herring they don't want you to notice.


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        • icon
          That One Guy (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 4:43pm

          Re: Re: Re: All Digital

          No, fascism may be a result/goal, but communism and terrorism are the excuses used to achieve the goal.

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  • icon
    Greevar (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 1:50pm


    It think it's not so much the government turning to fascism today as it is corporations are turning fascist. The MPAA, RIAA, and the ESA all seem to want to force censorship upon us. Corporations buy off the government in order to spread fascist agendas that increase their profits and establish monopolies. They use "pirates" as scapegoats to push laws that protect their monopolies in the content industry and turn anyone trying to create their own content outside of their control into a criminal. ICE has been given near carte blanche authority to take down websites if any corporation even whispers "infringement" without due process or even a chance for legal defense. They even go so far as to blame terrorism on infringement (i.e. "The pirates are funding terrorism with their downloading!"). Yeah, I think the latest regime of fascism will come from the private sector rather than the public sector.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 2:32pm

    in response to Duke's comment above, 'It's a pity he didn't think of doing something similar in The Pirate Bay case', i bet he was encouraged to not think of doing something similar.' the days of true justice have gone from everywhere, the UK is no exception. Sharkey is well known by Cameron, as is, i believe, Taylor. Vaizey hinted long before the trial as to changes coming to the UK for website blocking. the old school tie strikes again! wankers!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 2:44pm

    You should have reproduced the article without tampering with it.
    Funny how you couldn't resist highlighting the clauses that you think support your view, but play down those that don't, like:
    'Labor Power is Suppressed'
    'Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts'

    Also, don't forget The Pirate Bay is part fuelled by fascist money.

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    • icon
      The eejit (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 2:57pm


      You've obviously never heard of tl;dr.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 3:16pm


      I thought it was fueled by magnet links?

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    • icon
      c0c0c0 (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 3:55pm


      It wasn't "tampered" by Mike, it was highlighted by the original commenter Sceptical Cynic was-actually-put-trial-uk.shtml#c6

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 4:13pm

        Re: Re:

        It wasn't "tampered" by MikePolitical scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt recently wrote an article about fascism

        Has now been quoted twice on techdirt with the bullet points:
        'Labor Power is Suppressed'
        'Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts'
        glossed over as if they are immaterial compared to the other factors of facism the Dr raises.
        That's your loss if you want to be taken seriously. Not mine.

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        • icon
          Chargone (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 4:44pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          let's see, the article shows up in a comment with Those Parts The Commenter Thought Relevant To The Current State Of Things highlighted.

          the general community considers this a relevant and insightful point on such a scale that it makes the end of the week post that exists Purely To Show Which Posts The Community Thought Significant.

          i'm really not sure what you're complaining about.

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        • icon
          That One Guy (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 5:22pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          'Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts'

          I think I'll pick up that particular gauntlet...

          If anyone is practicing that on a large scale it would be the major studios and publishers. You know, the people who are buying and attempting to buy all those laws to shore up their businesses, and to hell with collateral damage?

          How many times have they said that the absolute explosion of new content, new artists, and new ways for the artist to connect and share with their fans and future fans does not matter, because they are the only ones who can decide what is and is not artistic/good?

          How many times have they tried to crush any new distribution model that would help out new or currently unknown artists simply because they aren't getting a cut or can't control it?

          So yeah, considering how cozy DC and Hollywood are these days, and therefor how much the goals of the latters is increasingly becoming the goal of the formers, I'd say the good ol' US fits that category just fine.

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          • identicon
            Anonymous Coward, 6 May 2012 @ 6:10pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:

            I would go even further and say that the current patent situation in software, where companies hold patent rights literally over anything their employees create (also true in other industries - Bratz dolls, anyone?) is a clear disdain for creators in favor of big business and the moneyed class that benefits from it. They use the fact that many industries still aren't unionized to force ridiculous contracts on anyone who wants a job.

            As a kid I always wondered what it'd be like to live in the Gilded Age....

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        • identicon
          Cowardly Anonymous, 6 May 2012 @ 6:19pm

          Re: Re: Re:

          And I'll pick up this one:

          "Labor Power is Suppressed"

          We have seen a decline in the number and support going to unions over the past couple of decades, and somewhat recently had a fairly significant debacle over a political union in a certain state. Further, the US supreme court decision known as the Citizens United case has allowed corporations significantly greater influence in legal circles.

          Whilst labor power has not yet been suppressed, the people really can not afford to wait to act until after it is. At that point, the Facist regime is entrenched and the people no longer have the power to remove it. As such, the signs of decline in labor power must be sufficient as a warning for this particular element.

          I'm not entirely ready to start throwing out the label of Facism, as the period of history where it was taken on by certain powers is still in a position where serious scrutiny evokes only dishonest and emotional responses.

          However, that our government and the companies they collude with are growing ever more conspiratorial, oppressive and corrupt is fairly obvious at this point. We are in the critical window where a significant, though desperate, action could potentially yet prevent a decline into a full police state without the need for that action to be illegal and violent.

          The real question now is, what will that action be?

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          • identicon
            Cowardly Anonymous, 6 May 2012 @ 6:21pm

            Re: Re: Re: Re:


            Political Union -> Public union (aka, union for those working low-level jobs under the employ of the government)

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  • identicon
    RD, 6 May 2012 @ 5:48pm

    Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

    The Avengers made 200 million JUST this weekend. Piracy






    The problem is compelling reasons to buy and making a GOOD PRODUCT. Avengers is GOOD. People will pay to see it in a theater (big screen/IMAX/3D) environment.

    When it eventually goes to home video and streaming and what not, simply STOP RESTRICTING BY REGION AND/OR STREAMING SERVICE TYPE.

    This cannot be THAT hard to figure out.

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    • icon
      Jay (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 12:16am

      Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

      Wanna know what would have made it even better?

      If the DVD was right there to purchase for $5. Come on... How many people would have loved to walk out with the DVD and wanting to watch at home?

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      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 7 May 2012 @ 1:48am

        Re: Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

        Even at $20, the sales from people just leaving the theater would likely be phenomenal. They really should experiment with that.

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      • icon
        That One Guy (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 2:04am

        Re: Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

        At $5, or even $10, I would snap up the DVD to a movie I just watched and liked in a second, and I'm sure most people would as well.

        Also, a deal like that would really get to people's 'impulse buy' instinct, where they know that they can either pay a little to buy it now, or pay even more to buy it later. That right there would drive sales even on so-so movies.

        And really, which is better, trying to get someone to buy a movie when it's still fresh in their mind and they're still thinking about it, or hoping that 'buzz' stays long enough for it to hit shelves and have them run across it then?

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    • identicon
      bob, 7 May 2012 @ 4:24am

      Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

      Bullshit. If piracy didn't exist they would have made 2000 million. Why do you hate paywalls, Masnick?

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      • icon
        The Groove Tiger (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 6:45am

        Re: Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS

        Your mom is the Ultimate Paywall.

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      • icon
        Ninja (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 10:28am

        Re: Re: Avengers made $200 million in 3 DAYS


        I almost got fooled till my brain worked on the 2000 million part and entered the "wait a minute..." mode. Nice one! But you aren't the real bob, are you? If you are you get a 10/10 =D

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  • identicon
    Lawrence D'Oliveiro, 6 May 2012 @ 6:04pm

    Sanitrights�A Modest Proposal

    Because people who do hard work are entitled to be paid, right?

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    piootr468 (profile), 6 May 2012 @ 6:43pm

    great comments

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 7 May 2012 @ 1:15am

    Ending the TSA

    Support the legislative abolition of the TSA by asking the president to take a leadership position on getting such legislation.!/petition/mr-president-please-champion-abolition-tsa-thro ugh-appropriate-legislation-and-fire-john-pistole/1NKT3Rtf

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  • icon
    Ambivalent 'bout Tech (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 6:31am

    Check your sources

    Sorry, but there is no Dr. Lawrence Britt. Lawrence Britt (not a doctor; not a political scientist) wrote a novel about right-wing extremism. Britt was (is) no fan of conservatives and the Bush administration in particular. That's not to say his points aren't worthwhile -- but there is absolutely no academic study behind them. Just sayin'. I get enough emails with incorrect sources as it is. I don't want to have to start scrubbing Techdirt, too.

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    The Groove Tiger (profile), 7 May 2012 @ 6:33am

    At some point while reading Duke's insightful comment, I forgot I was in the "Best of the Week" article, and thought I was reading a standalone article.

    This, to me, means that Duke's comment should definitely be elevated as a standalone post, somehow.

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    Kevin (profile), 8 May 2012 @ 11:44pm

    facism is America's history

    Five minutes after the to be US War of Independence was won oppression and paranoia started. Anything that was deemed British was discouraged. Simple things to start like driving on the right side of the road, calling scones biscuits, Calling biscuits cookies, changing some measurements, currency and the list goes on.
    The USA has a long history of oppression from the treatment of American natives,burning so called witches, to liquor prohibition, McArthurism, Hooverism and all done for the good of the people. So what is different now. Nothing.
    The USA is not, has never been and will never be the land of the free. It remains the land of the privileged few paid for by the majority.

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