'See Something, Say Something' Campaign Creates Massive Database Of Useless Info From Citizens Spying On Each Other

from the the-government-is-the-worst-conspiracy-theorist dept

The ACLU's recent release of "Suspicious Activity Reports" from various California law enforcement agencies (working with DHS Fusion Centers) shows that the government has developed a strong culture of paranoia through its increasingly-broad anti-terrorism efforts. The catchphrase, "If you see something, say something," has resulted in plenty of seeing and saying, but has failed to turn up much in the way of usable counter-terrorism intelligence.

Much in the way that intelligence agencies like gathering data "just in case," the Fusion Centers are aided and abetted by law enforcement officials who are willing to add to the data piles by approaching anything "suspicious" (very broadly defined) as potentially terrorist-related. This state-approved paranoia has spilled over into the private sector as the documents detail several second-hand reports from concerned citizens.

In both cases (law enforcement and private individuals), much of the "suspicion" seems to be based solely on reported persons being (or appearing to be) Middle Eastern. This term shows up so often it's often simply abbreviated as ME. For instance, page 21 has a report of some "suspicious" photography occurring on a Metrolink train, involving two people, one dressed in a "'Middle Eastern' costume."

Speaking of photography, aiming a camera at any government building, power station, railroad track, bridge, dam, oil refinery, airport building or any other building that an observer feels should remain unphotographed is enough to get your description (at the very least) added to the FBI's e-Guardian database. Even filming on-duty cops can raise the "suspicions" of law enforcement [p. 10].

After responding to a call of disturbance aboard an MTA bus, a male white and a female white in a black Dodge Charger (newer model) video taping deputy personnel. When Sgt [redacted] attempted to contact the couple. they fled the scene and could not be located. The reason for the couple video taping is unknown.
There's more. Photographers filming a manufacturing plant deemed suspicious until questioning discovered they were filming the pollution, not the plant [p. 28]. Five males "photographing a mannequin on a bus bench" -- weird, but not dangerous [p. 50]. Man filming Highway 101, allegedly for a "Stop the Violence" video not cited or bothered further [p. 64], but like many others, had his case kicked up the ladder to the "JTTF" (Joint Terrorism Task Force). A citizen filming officers serving a warrant across the street from his/her house and is duly noted in the database [p. 167]. Throughout the 300 pages of reports, almost everything involving cameras, law enforcement (or concerned citizens) and structures is either added to the FBI's database or handed over to the JTTF.

This is troubling, but it gets worse. A demonstration against law enforcement's use of excessive force makes its way into the database [p. 165]. An "overly assertive" person complaining about security measures at the Shasta Dam (son had pocketknife confiscated) received his/her own entry into the e-Guardian database [p. 280]. An officer reports a traffic stop dealing with a person who was "unstable and possibly had a fetish about police that could easily turn to becoming antipolice" [p. 235]. This too results in a database entry.

The 300+ pages detail vagaries and contains several statements given by the type of people who peer through the slats of their blinds all day long, one hand resting on the phone in case anything "suspicious" happens. When you portray terrorist activity as omnipresent, you're basically asking to be inundated with useless "tips" detailing with very subjectively suspicious activity and having to entertain the fantasies of bigots and busybodies.
On May 25,2012, at approximately 0710 hours, the RP was commuting on the Sacramento Regional Transit commuter train when she overheard two passengers reading from a book that may have contained references to terrorist information gathering and strategy. [p. 171]

Since December 17,2011, the Chico Police Department (CPD) has responded to the Chico, CA on three different occasions in apartment complex located at response to receiving reports of a resident yelling in his apartment and making derogatory statements towards the United States and the president. [p. 185]

On 09/14/2011 Sac RTAC/CCIC received an email stating that an individual, living in New York, New York, may be here in the United States illegally. The complainant also stated that they do not know how the individual affords such a lavish lifestyle… [p. 213]

A private citizen observed two men, possibly of Middle Eastern decent [sic], at [redacted] gas station in Manteca, CA on 9/9/2011. The men were driving a vehicle with New York State plates. The citizen is aware of the current terrorist threat to NY... [p. 214]

Suspicious ME [Middle Eastern] Males Buy Several Large Pallets of Water [p. 270]
Dozens of low-quality tips like these pollute the report. An overheard question in a public restroom ("What jihad wouldn't want to kill Obama and get his 72 virgins?") [p. 223]. A "suspicious male" in possession of flight simulator software [p. 172]. A male taking photos of a feedlot [p. 173]. Someone goes down to the cop shop and shows an officer there how he/she can locate a "recipe" for rocket fuel at Make.com [p. 173]. "Suspicious" inquiry as to location of newly-built power plant (subject asks off-duty officer and another customer at gas station) [p. 203]. "Suspicious" but "cooperative" male "caught" taking pictures of the railroad [p. 211]. Person applying for a job at a prison leaves behind "suspicious" book called "Daily Reminder" filled with "arabic writing and phone numbers" [p.285].

Much of what doesn't detail useless bias projections or photographer harassment deals with theft. Lots and lots of theft. Some is troubling, like the disappearance of hundreds of pounds of fertilizer or dozens of propane tanks. (Then again, fertilizer is expensive and both products do have some resale value rather than only being valuable as bomb ingredients.) More troubling (at least to reporting officers and their supervisors) is the number of reports of weapon and uniform theft from official vehicles and buildings. Several reports of copper wiring disappearing from power stations and industrial sites also feature in the reports, suggesting there's something more nefarious afoot than the obvious, non-terroristic conclusion: an easily unloaded metal with a decent going rate.

Going beyond all of the mostly useless stuff lies the truly bizarre.
Student Found in Possession of Notebook Containing Radical Writings
On May 12, 2012, a Roseville Police Department officer working in the capacity of a School Resource Officer observed the partial quote "the blood of tyrants" on a woodshop project… [p. 171]

On 12 February 2012 at 0800, a UC Davis PD officer took a vandalism report at Emerson Hall Dorm, 1st floor men's restroom of anti-government graffiti written in black marker on the wall signed by the moniker name of [redacted] with a circle around the "E." [p. 191]

On 11/21/2011, an anonymous female called the CCIC to report possible illegal selling of controlled substance, Oxycotton [sic]. The caller is associated with the subject [redacted] attempting to sell oxycotton [sic] on his [redacted] page… [p. 202]

On 28 October 2011, Sacramento Police Department officers found two sets of anti-religious graffiti on a wall of the [redacted] The first set of graffiti, in black spray paint, was of 2 upside down crosses with a pentagram in the middle of [report ends]. [p. 206] (Halloween much?)
And then there's this. Unfortunately, the responding agency chose to use screenshots rather than delivering the entire report, so we'll never know where this was headed., but the opening partial paragraph is certainly intriguing.
On Saturday October 29th, A CHP Special Investigations Officer was off duty in a parking lot of a [redacted] in South Sacramento. He saw a parked custom Chopper style M/C that was chromed out with high handle bars in good shape. With his training and e[xpertise? ...] [p. 205]
With the exception of the erstwhile "Oxycotton" dealer, every one of these clearly non-terrorist activities ended up in the e-Guardian database.

Sure, there's some potentially useful counter-terrorism info in this collection, but the problem is that it makes up for a small subset of the data gathered. Not for nothing did a recent Congressional investigation tear into the DHS and its Fusion Centers for producing and acquiring such low-quality intelligence. According to the report, the centers have done little more than waste money and trample on civil liberties in the pursuit of hundreds of useless "leads."

As the ACLU points out, the system itself has been skewed towards collecting garbage for quite some time, thanks to the involved agencies' own efforts to expand the scope of their mission.
So why are police submitting reports (sometimes received from community members, private security guards and via anonymous tips) about such innocuous conduct for inclusion in anti-terrorism databases? Because under the NSI and related programs,everyone – our neighbors, public employees, storekeepers – are encouraged to help. "If you see something, say something," says the Department of Homeland Security. The "Functional Standard" for Suspicious Activity Reporting defines "suspicious activity" to include many activities that are not only lawful, but protected by the First Amendment. Even worse, the FBI encourages fusion centers not to limit themselves to the Functional Standard and instead to report "all potentially terrorism-related activity." With such a broad and vague standard, no wonder we are seeing innocent activities reported as "suspicious," especially when they involve community groups against whom we still see significant governmental bias.
The only upshot is that the involved definitions are in the process of being refined, along with the Functional Standard itself -- the inevitable result of major government entities (including the Senate's Homeland Security subcommittee) calling out a program as being completely useless. No one likes losing a budget line, so there's bound to be some improvement. However, any positives must be weighed against the FBI's tendency to declare nearly everything "relevant" to a terrorist investigation. To help guide this process towards something more useful and less damaging to the public, the ACLU is urging everyone to join its campaign to push the agencies to work towards smarter intelligence gathering, rather than simply gathering more data.

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Filed Under: dhs, fusion centers, homeland security, see something say something

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  • identicon
    Out_of_magoo, 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:17am

    If you see something, say something.

    I see that the Department for Homeland security are a bunch of domestic terrorists-on-welfare. As such, I'm saying so.

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    • identicon
      Out_of_the_Danube, 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:00am

      Re: If you see something, say something.

      What a bunch of lazy welfare queens. Why aren't we cutting their benefits already?

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  • icon
    kP (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:23am

    If You See Anything, Say Anything

    Anyone with an ax to grind or a screw loose can file a report. Let big data sort is out! What could possible go wrong?

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    • icon
      Ninja (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:49am

      Re: If You See Anything, Say Anything

      Was thinking about it. We should all start reporting stupidities and made up stuff. Overload the idiots.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:44am

    what a fucking cheek!! the government wants people to do the spying for it and the security services, because they have been caught with fingers in the till. they can say then 'we didn't spy! it was so and so!' then they want to lock up the one who tipped them off like they have been doing for ages (another one just this week, if i remember correctly)!! that way the government get a bogoff. spy on one, get two in prison, plus no backlash for illegal surveillance practices!!

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:46am

    It's not totally useless

    Look at how many people it takes to receive this information, collate this information, report on this information, and their supervisors, and their supervisors, and their supervisors and so on. All those people processing all this useless intelligence are off the unemployment roles. You silly goose, this is wonderful employment that we get to pay taxes through the nose to collect, sort, report, and file away this useless information. Wasn't McCarthism good for this too?

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    • icon
      DannyB (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:59am

      Re: It's not totally useless

      > Look at how many people it takes to receive this information, collate
      > this information, report on this information, and their supervisors,
      > and their supervisors, and their supervisors and so on.

      I'm sorry to point out that for some intelligence information collected you should also mention "masturbate to this information", and their supervisors, etc.

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  • icon
    DannyB (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 9:56am

    Which police state was it again?

    I heard an amusing comment back when one of the police stated ended. I think it might have been either Romania or E. Germany, but I don't remember for sure.

    The comment was that half the population was employed to spy on the other half.

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    • icon
      jupiterkansas (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:03am

      Re: Which police state was it again?

      Meh, real police state would also employ the other half to spy on the first half. It's no good unless everyone is watched.

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 4:57pm

      Re: Which police state was it again?

      East Germany.
      The Stasi had warehouses full of this type of shit.

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  • icon
    DannyB (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:02am

    The real purpose of See Something, Say Something

    Look no further back than the 20th century.

    Even if most people, maybe even if ALL people DO NOT spy on their neighbors, everyone has the awareness that anyone around them may be spying on them. Their friends. Their neighbors. Their children.

    It is to enhance the climate of fear they want to create. It helps to main a "big brother" atmosphere.

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  • icon
    ChurchHatesTucker (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:13am


    Student Found in Possession of Notebook Containing Radical Writings
    On May 12, 2012, a Roseville Police Department officer working in the capacity of a School Resource Officer observed the partial quote "the blood of tyrants" on a woodshop project� [p. 171]

    To be fair, Jefferson was something of a radical in his day.

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    • icon
      Josh in CharlotteNC (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:56am

      Re: Sad

      What's worse is that he would be considered a radical today, too. In the country he helped to found.

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      • icon
        Ninja (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 11:07am

        Re: Re: Sad

        He'd also be spied and persecuted too. Historical irony at its finest.

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      • icon
        John Fenderson (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 11:12am

        Re: Re: Sad

        Well, he was a radical. The real issue is that "radical" has somehow morphed into an insult, when all it really means is someone who advocates great reform.

        All important political and social advances have come about because of "radicals".

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      • identicon
        Ryan, 26 Sep 2013 @ 12:17pm

        Re: Re: Sad

        One can only hope that one day Zombie Jefferson and the other zombie founding fathers rise up and eat what is left of the brains of our politicians.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:18am

    Real Terrorism...

    Tell everyone to report on their neighbors turning everyone into a paranoid nut wondering if the neighbor next door is reporting on him like he is reporting on them.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:19am

    It's been said before

    "If you ask amateurs to act as front-line security personnel, you shouldn't be surprised when you get amateur security."

    -- Bruce Schneier

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  • icon
    Ninja (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:42am

    So your neighbor is sodomizing himself with a retractable baton while yelling incomprehensible words in some alien language? IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. If we have 7 billion humans in this planet then we have 7 billion different ideas, tastes, weirdness and suspicious behaviors that are not understood by the rest.

    I say this report shows that a lot of people need to be given cats to take care of. So they'll have all those 7 lives to take care of and mind their own business.

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  • identicon
    Tytus Suski, 25 Sep 2013 @ 10:44am

    this database is not a useless one

    db of people willing to inform on fellow citizens may come handy some time in a future

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    • icon
      DannyB (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 11:36am

      Re: this database is not a useless one

      Also consider the reverse.

      In the future it may come in handy to be able to quickly check of a comrade is NOT in the database of people with a proven track record of informing on fellow citizens.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 11:35am

    Suggested slogan for their next campaign:

    Neighbors. Watching. Neighbors.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 12:45pm



    And we thought the Stasi and the KGB were bad. At least they had to pound feet.

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  • icon
    Namel3ss (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 2:19pm

    This is exactly the kind of $#!t that went on in the Soviet Union

    They would get neighbors to rat on each other, and people got disappeared over it.

    Dark and scary times we live in when our once great nation has sunk to this low. The terrorists have already won.

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  • icon
    mattarse (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 4:37pm

    Are we sure this isn't a compendium of some old gossip column?

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  • icon
    Matthew Cline (profile), 25 Sep 2013 @ 4:38pm

    Five males "photographing a mannequin on a bus bench"
    Hey, what if the terrorists figure out a way to use cameras to bring mannequins to life? That report might be the key to preventing our great nation from being torn apart by a horde of bloodthirsty mannequins!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 5:57pm

    History keeps getting clearer

    At the age of 51, I find that every day, reading the news, I get a clearer and more intimate understanding of all the history classes I took in my youth.

    When I was growing up, it was really hard to fully grasp the things that our predecessors were concerned about. I get it now. I mean, I really get it now.

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    • icon
      John Fenderson (profile), 26 Sep 2013 @ 9:27am

      Re: History keeps getting clearer

      I get this a lot, too. A couple years ago, I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC (something I strongly recommend for everyone), and it triggered this feeling in spades.

      The museum walks you through the entire history leading up to the holocaust, from WWI on. The thing it really drove home for me was not the holocaust itself, but that Germany went from being a free, democratic, advanced nation to a murderous despotic fascism so very easily, so very quickly, with hardly anyone noticing until it was too late. There's nothing special about Germans that made this possible. It can happen anywhere. Even here.

      And many of the things that have happened here over the past couple of decades bear a creepy resemblance to times gone by.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 25 Sep 2013 @ 7:00pm

    United States is a fascist country.

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  • identicon
    William Edgar Boggan, 26 Sep 2013 @ 7:34pm

    See Something, Say Something

    In the days of the Hitler government in Germany, the Gestapo had a big problem with people turning other people in on bogus charges just because they were angry with their neighbors, etc. See "The Third Reich in Power" by Richard J. Evans (Penguin). The policeman's lot is never good, even in a police state.

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  • identicon
    vad, 17 Apr 2014 @ 5:01am

    Smarter intelligence gathering? Dude!

    "the ACLU is urging everyone to join its campaign to push the agencies to work towards smarter intelligence gathering, rather than simply gathering more data."

    Amazing conclusion. Isn't it obvious that they have absolutely nothing to gather, which is why they do all this witchhunt in order to keep their budgets.

    The call for smarter intelligence gathering is still based on the assumption that the terrorists do exist, and DHS probably needs more "training" to "smarter" do their jobs... I'm sure they will be happy to receive it.

    How about push to defunding the useless parasites calling themselves "agencies".

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  • identicon
    Steve, 23 Sep 2014 @ 9:57pm

    Uneducated Rent-a-Cops

    We can only hope a new Ron Paul comes along who can change the whole thing, dissolve the fusion centers, toss away the files, and tell people to mind their own business. It's doubtful, though, at least till the next revolution.

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  • identicon
    Private Citizen MD, 8 Jan 2015 @ 9:54am

    Victim of See Something Say Something Campaign in MD

    I am a recent victim of the "See Something Say Something" campaign. Daily I am being followed by residents in the Washington DC Metropolitan area where my physical description is being broadcast over the Internet and throughout every Social Media Networks. This campaign must have seemed like a good idea at the time has reduced this Nation to wide spread panic. A person just sitting on a subway car reading a book or taking a nap while on the way to work or home can have a See Something Say Something report filed against them for no reason. I like to read, listen to music, listen to the Bible on CD, and or crochet afghans, baby blankets, hats, etc. on the Metro while on my way to work have had numerous reports filed against me as a suspicious black woman with crochet needles and yarn, immediately when I arrive at my destination which is usually work, the police, the bomb squad, fire and rescue are all waiting for me when I exit the Metro and tail me to work or if I stop at the store to buy breakfast or food or items for my home, then I have people following me in the store watching what I purchase and taking photos and videos of me and the items I purchase. I am now currently in that database you mentioned and am under constant surveillance by different law enforcement agencies. Ironically, when I was in my early twenties I applied to be in law enforcement with the DC, MD and VA Police Departments, TSA, CIA and the FBI and also the Military --- my only problem was the physical endurance challenges due to having issues with my shoulder it was broken as a child. I passed the knowledge training, but had problems with the weight and physical aspect of the requirements for law enforcement. I regularly give to different charities for law enforcement, military and other charities for children and disease prevention and research. This is only a brief statement of some of the things that I am currently going through due to the See Something Say Something campaign.

    Even if I sit on the Metro and do nothing false reports are filed against me. I have been home sick for the past two days and this morning like I stated the police and fire and rescue was waiting outside the store I was in --- I saw them when I exited the store and went on to work then I heard and saw Fire & Recuse leave the entrance of the store which was Target.

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  • identicon
    Noyb, 3 Aug 2019 @ 1:21pm

    Idea for a law

    Introduce a law that makes frivolous reports of suspicious behavior illegal.
    It would apply to reports that are clearly frivolous, like calling 911 because someone's taking pictures.

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