Mike Rogers Says Snowden's To Blame For Russian's Aggressive Actions Against Ukraine

from the being-talked-down-to-by-a-mouth-breather dept

Mike Rogers is still willing to spread his stupidity to any new outlet that will have him. Despite the NSA and FBI being unable to find any evidence that Snowden colluded with Russian intelligence, Rogers continues to insist the former analyst is a Russian spy.

Knowing that evidence (or lack thereof) has no bearing on Rogers' statements explains his most recent assertion, one that offers a bunch of speculation in service of linking the name "Snowden" with "bad things the Russian government is doing." (via Crooks and Liars)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said Sunday former National Security Agency contractor and fugitive Edward Snowden is “actually supporting in an odd way this very activity of brazen brutality and expansionism of Russia. He needs to understand that. And I think Americans need to understand that….”
How exactly is Snowden "supporting" the brazen brutality of the Russian government? Well, when pressed, Rogers merely reiterates his opening statement (equally as questionable) that "no counterintelligence official" believes "today" that Snowden is not under the influence of Russian intelligence. His follow-up non-explanation is nothing more than a suggestion that "we" (which presumably means the wide swath of supporters behind Rogers' blustery rhetoric -- also equally as questionable) need to determine when he fell under the spell of Russian intelligence in order to… well… it's not entirely clear.

Rogers continues by saying he doesn't believe anything Snowden has said about his relationship to the Russian government and, mistaking his personal opinion for solidly researched facts, claims that because Snowden "lied" about his situation, there can be no doubt that he is pretty much directly responsible for Russia's aggressive response to the situation in Ukraine.

By the time Rogers finishes talking, we're all a little dumber -- except maybe Mike Rogers, who apparently hasn't hit rock bottom in terms of wild speculation and baseless accusations. Rogers claims everyone who matters (the unnamed but totally legitimate "counterintelligence officials") agrees with his version of Snowden's activities and motivations.

Sure, you can find some people who think Snowden is a spy or being operated by Russian intelligence (but they're few and far between), but one of those making this assertion is the someone who thinks a blog filled with his own tweets is defamatory. While other officials have made comparisons to spies when discussing Snowden's actions, few have been willing to claim (at least not publicly) that the former analyst is now a tool of Russian intelligence.

If the NSA wants to save itself, it may want to find a way to gag Rogers, who seems willing to undermine any respect the agency reclaims while turning himself into a pro-intelligence caricature.

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Filed Under: crimea, ed snowden, mike rogers, russia, ukraine

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  • icon
    Violynne (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 6:39am

    "If the NSA wants to save itself, it may want to find a way to gag Rogers..."

    Wouldn't it be nice if this "gag" also included Feinstein.

    We can call it the "One shot that killed two birds heard around the world."

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  • identicon
    Pixelation, 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:46am

    I think we can now dub this "The War on Snowden".

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:51am

    I offer a counter speculation that may make a little more sense than Mike Rogers.
    Sometime in the future the NSA's data harvesting reaches critical mass and becomes sentient, turning against the world and ushering in an era of machines. Snowden, leader of the human resistance is sent back in time to stop this from happening by revealing the secret data collection to the public in order to inspire change. However, the sentient NSA data collection learns of this plan and sends Mike Rogers back to discredit Snowden so that data collection can continue.

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:51am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Snowden responsible for MH370 crash

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:52am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Snowden responsible for latest attacks in Afghanistan...

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:52am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Snowden responsible for ongoing hunger is Sahara....

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:53am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Snowden responsible for increasing US debt.....

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    • identicon
      Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:14am

      Re: This is just a new "thing"

      -Snowden responsible for increasing US debt.....

      That on is true, they have wasted lots of money trying to track him down and bring him to 'justice.'

      link to this | view in chronology ]

      • identicon
        Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:48am

        Re: Re: This is just a new "thing"

        "track him down"

        If they haven't worked out where he is by now, something is seriously wrong with US 'intelligence'.

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  • icon
    TasMot (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:55am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Just look at how Rogers has the perfect scapegoat for all of the worlds problems. An exiled whistle-blower that can't travel because his passport is canceled. He can now be responsible for everything because, you know, terrorism.....

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:00am

    Mike Rogers is the best recruiting sergeant that the terrorists have. His attitude is proof positive that the USA, or at least its current leaders, need to be destroyed.
    (I wish this was sarcasm but ...)

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  • icon
    That Anonymous Coward (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:04am

    Someone give him a map so he can find his own ass already.
    I grow weary of this stupidity being spewed by someone who obviously has a shit ton of dirt to hide, why else would he still continue to spout the NSA partyline?
    CIA went all spyhappy on DiFi... think about it.

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  • icon
    John Fenderson (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:09am

    This is just a new "thing"

    Snowden is responsible for my dog's worms.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:11am

    Be strong

    If we wanted to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine we could have stood by their side.

    Instead our leaders act like a bunch of spineless kittens and offer Ukraine some food instead of weapons. I guess those MREs will be useful when Russia cuts of supply lines.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:32am

    House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said Sunday former National Security Agency contractor and fugitive Edward Snowden is �actually supporting in an odd way this very activity of brazen brutality and expansionism of Russia. He needs to understand that. And I think Americans need to understand that�.�

    Please, define for us what you mean by "odd". Do you mean "non-existant"? Are you familiar with the saying, "pics or it didn't happen"?

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  • icon
    SolkeshNaranek (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:46am

    Rogers cranial cavity

    He must have a skull full of tumors since there has been no evidence of a brain for a very long time.

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  • icon
    Peter (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:48am

    He might be right -and end up with egg on his face for it

    Thanks to Mike Rogers et al, there is no doubt about just how badly the US wants Snowden back.

    And thanks to Mike Rogers et al, we now know there is absolutely nothing the US government can do if President Putin just smiles and says no.

    All Edward Snowden did was provide an opportunity for Rogers et al to show how powerless the US has become against opponents they can not blast away with a drone strike.

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  • identicon
    gezzerx, 24 Mar 2014 @ 9:07am

    Head of the House Intelligence Committee of Ingorance

    Mr. Mike Rogers maybe the head of the House Intelligence Committee, but as we can see from his comments over the last 8 month, intelligence is not his strongest attribute !

    We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
    Benjamin Franklin

    Seems to me Mr. Rodgers, you are putting in a lot of overtime on this subject !

    Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
    Benjamin Franklin

    So maybe Mr. Rogers it's time to educate yourself from TRUE American Patriots, rather than the false flag opinions that you express. So here is a small sample to start your education !

    Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
    Thomas Jefferson

    In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
    James Madison

    The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.
    Patrick Henry

    "We the People are the rightful masters of BOTH Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution"
    Abraham Lincoln

    Disclaimer: Be advised it is possible, that this communication is being monitored by the National Security Agency, GCHQ or other third party organizations. I neither condone nor support any such policy, by any Government authority or organization that does not comply, as stipulated by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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  • identicon
    David, 24 Mar 2014 @ 9:18am

    What a bunch of baloney

    Everybody seems happy to forget that it is the U.S. government and the U.S. government alone that got Snowden stranded in Russia by illegally invalidating his passport (he still is not accused of any crime) while he was in transit through Moscow.

    He is kept there by choice of the U.S. government against U.S. passport laws, so it makes pretty little sense slandering him for the U.S.' own illegitimate actions.

    Without a passport, he had little choice but to apply for political asylum where he was stranded by the U.S.

    That Russia has chosen not to indulge in the U.S. eggface bath makes the U.S. look bad, but one can hardly blame Snowden for that.

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    • icon
      Gwiz (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 2:05pm

      Re: What a bunch of baloney

      In addition to willful stupidity, The Honorable(??) Mike Rogers also employs circular logic. It goes something like this:

      "Snowden was stranded in Russia because he is a spy and the fact he was stranded in Russia proves he is a spy."

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  • icon
    ysth (profile), 24 Mar 2014 @ 9:31am

    "few have been willing to claim (at least not publicly)"

    Is that supposed to be "at least publicly"?

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 9:41am

    Snowdens responsible for me finding out just how many slimy individuals are in my government and causing me to take a much more active approach to the stuff I don't want my government doing.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 10:44am


    Putin is obviously under Snowden's control!

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 10:52am

    so, the USA has been breaking the agreements with russia for the last 20 or so years not to expand the NATO in eastern europe, they have now station missile bases around russia in these eastern european countries and now they have instigated a coup in ukraine to try to deprive russia of one of their main naval bases.

    And russia is tthe agressor in protecting their justified interests?

    The USA and the rest of the western countries have broken international law countless times, in Irak, syria, serbia and so on, have placed themselves outside of the law with assassinations all over the world conducted with drones and the abduction and torture of people from all over the world in secret prisons placed within "friendly" dictatorships.

    And they dare to accuse the russians of breaking international law, after all the USA and their allies have done to undermine it? Especially after a referendum that is actually covered by the same law?

    And snowden, the only person related to the US intelligence agency who has done anything to publicize the illegal and immoral dirty laundry of the intelligence agencies and governments is to take the bale for that as well?

    fucking hypocrites the US and EU politicians and related scum are.

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  • identicon
    Anonymous Coward, 24 Mar 2014 @ 7:14pm

    Mike Rogers has no use for the facts, because facts get in the way of misrepresentation.

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  • icon
    Rick Falkvinge (profile), 25 Mar 2014 @ 1:43am

    Convervatives need to stay on message

    Conservatives need to stay on message.

    It's not Snowden who is to blame for the invasion of Crimea. It's the gays, obviously.

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  • identicon
    SovereignMary, 25 Mar 2014 @ 10:01am

    Congressman (R) Mike Rogers

    Would someone please garner some psych medication for my disturbed Congressman (R) Mike Rogers?

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