That Anonymous Coward's Second Techdirt Favorites Post Of The Week
from the back-again-for-more... dept
OHAI Tourists!
*pulls on orange vest*
For those of you not shaking your heads in disbelief that I'm here
again, I'm That Anonymous Coward.
People mostly just call me TAC, my current claim to fame is appearing
in 4 sets of exhibits submitted to Federal Courts by Pretenda and its
agents, as well as suing to unmask me for intentional infliction of
butthurt... or something.
I coined the term Pretenda.
I am harsh, snarky, and pretty entertaining.
I am a legend in my own mind, and the stuff of nightmares for copyright
Now if you'll all take your seats here on the short bus, the tour can
begin, as soon as I get past this pesky club Mike put on the
Hand me that canister... a little liquid nitrogen works wonders on
stuck locks.
Multitool please....
Now we connect wire 1 to wire 3 and... we're off.
(named for that creepy orb from Lord of the Rings that lets you spy on
hobbit beauty queens changing), got $196 Million in funding.
Let's ignore the absolute failure of the people behind it, and how they
planned to use the tech to undermine Wikileaks for private
customers. And they would have gotten away with it, if not
for those pesky kids in trendy masks. So a company, who has no
problem creating fake information, is being funded to gather more
'real' information for the government or anyone else with a briefcase
full of cash.
Oh everyone smile at the traffic camera, it's gathering our images to
update your status on NSABook.
Given the errors most data aggregators have... you are probably
all George Takei.
Everyone smile and say Oh My!
Everyone wave at that nice policeman
hiding in that alley... being anonymous online is okay for him, but
everyone else should register themselves.
I wonder if he works for this guy.
I guess its open minded thinking like that, that leads to
stuff like this.
Ok everyone roll up the windows, this is a bad neighborhood.
Those dark forbidding towers, the fire, the brimstone... Nope its not
Mordor, one does not just tour Mordor... this is the Surveillance Suburb.
I'd bother to narrate but this neighborhood is like the most insane HOA
Pouring money into companies, making us all less safe, with nothing to
show for it.
If you question them, you're a freaking terrorist.
They scare everyone with ZOMG the terrorists will win, even as they do
way more harm.
the cash cow is more important than people knowing the truth.
Ok this place depresses me... here let's just do a doughnut in Rep.
Rogers lawn...
Whoops sorry that was a pretty big speed bump, oh wait no it's just
EA's latest fail.
Let's pay a visit to my favorite place, the Copyright Troll
We should be safe, with the Government shutdown those nice men from ICE
are cooling their heels at home.
Just up here on the left, and this clicker I "found" opens the gates....
Given the amazing lengths some countries are going to appease the IP
cartels, well this is confusing.
And well this just seems to fly in the face of the horrible times they claim...
They have given up buying the laws they want, they just think they can say
it and make it law.
Yes it's time to hit the wayback machine Peabody for background, as you should have learned last
time I had the wheel... I go where I want, last tour I went
offsite to Ars.
I was talking about this lawfirm, Steele
Hansmeier LLC and their boy wonder lawyer Brett
They stood before a Judge and admitted they mislead the court in the
original complaint, that the discovery wasn't enough to identify the
infringer and wanted the court to allow them access to pretty much
anything with a computer in it in the target's house.
My crystal ball is that good, I saw what was happening and well popcorn
futures are way up as the comedy keeps coming.
It would be funny haha but the wheels of justice are slow, so its more
funny utoh.
See that battered McMansion? The one that looks like its been hit by
the wrecking ball a bunch of times, and somehow is still
standing? Prenda Prime, it's pretty much Steele Hansmeier with
new siding.
I think the upcoming holidays might be a little chilly.
They 'represent' him, and their best answer is we think he'll have a
good answer?
And the cash they owe, piles up higher.
I guess gaming the justice system will finally catch up with you.
The irony, it burns. How big does the lie have to be when
even a staunch copyright advocate calls you out?
What is this little dark alley... oh this is where the patent trolls are breeding.
Much like the copyright trolls they are filling peoples heads with dreams of imaginary dollars... that never seem to make it to their greedy hands.
It is almost like some people want these trolls to succeed and keep the world from moving forward.
They extract money from people who innovate so they can spend more money to keep themselves alive.
Heh, lemme flick on the high beams.... look at them run!
Ok it's gross back here, let's get out on the road...
FSCK someone got funding restored for ICE, everyone duck down while I
get us out of here.
Well Mike can have those bullet holes filled with bondo...again...
I would be depressed about all of the NSA
coverage, except my paranoia apparently was well founded.
Looking at the few revelations so far, can people understand why
Occupy, LulzSec, & Anonymous scare the crap out of the powers
that be?
We had paramilitary action against citizens exercising their right to
Fun fact pepper spray is banned for use on soldiers in war because it
is chemical warfare, but hosing down citizens seems to be perfectly ok.
'Merika - home of the meek and surveilled.
Maybe those they demonize most are the ones who are done being meek.
Maybe we should stop accepting what they tell us, as it's clear
they have no problem lying to us, and educate ourselves about them.
Not everything they do is well received, but when people fight back it gets messy.
I guess CFAA is the digital firehose being turned on protestors.
And back to the parking lot...
Ohhh look! Everyone wave at the drones
we aren't supposed to know about.
So we've watched our rights get stripped away.
We've all paid the tax on innovation, and gotten nothing but more bad laws.
If you question those rights we all think we still have, they call you names and start digging for dirt (or farm that job out).
Is anyone scared that the guy in the Guy Fawkes mask is making sense?
Republicans are red, Democrats are blue, the really sad thing is,
neither side gives a fsck about you.
Oh hey, Mike did my $25,000 ever show up?
You can use part of it to have the tour bus fixed up.
And that was part of the week that was.
I remain,
(untitled comment)
"During this incident was determined for the safety of our officers drone would need to be utilized to neutralize the situation."
Please explain to the class how this would have worked out.
I mean adding yet another distraction during an event where your officers were already in over their heads despite being better armed than most 2nd world nations.
Were you just gonna strap a bomb on it and crash it into the bad guys?
Maybe get one that can hold a 9 mm & fire?
I mean y'all freaked out over 1 event, but don't seem to have a problem with them abusing citizens, violating their rights, and ambushing people who dare think the PD isn't treating people fairly or legally.
Don't worry, we've arranged for them to learn how the surveillance capabilities work by spying on council members in a rotating schedule & releasing the recording to the public.
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Something something regulatory capture...
We might see tactical nukes used, but really the important thing is making sure we make sure copyright is okay.
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IkEgbWFuIG9uY2UgZHJlYW1lZCBoZSB3YXMgaW1wb3J0YW50LiBXaGVuIGhlIGF3b2tlLCBoZSBubyBsb25nZXIga25ldyBpZiBo ZSB3YXMgYSBpZGlvdCBkcmVhbWluZyBoZSB3YXMgYSBzYXZpb3IsIG9yIGEgamFja2FzcyB3aG8gaGFkIGRyZWFtZWQgaGUgd2Fz IGEgc21hcnQuIg==
(untitled comment)
Imagine my shock that MeinSpace isn't working out they thought it would.
Now the various factions are claiming to be the true voice of MeinSpace, as they turn on each other in ways much worse than they ever experienced on those other liberal platforms who hate them because they are conservative (not because they were calling for the murder of Pence to giving 'Merkia back to its true leader).
(untitled comment)
Such a shitshow.
Is he or isn't he banging a former Ms. California... and does anyone really care?
With his skin being this thin will be be retiring from being financebro and become a cop?
5th scanned paragraph have an I to make it Indeed.
(untitled comment)
" or what stops a police officer from abusing their power."
So its SOP around the office...
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Someone might want to check 49 other states real quick.
So we've gone from rape kits being ignored & left to mold in warehouses to now they run them so they can have a larger pool of data to check for other crimes.
Well we never got around to finding your rapist, but we know you stole this garden gnome... into the paddy wagon with you.
Something something rapes could be solved if all LEOs had to give samples?
(untitled comment)
“repeatedly offered to provide Mr. Parker with the additional copyright license”
Is this like when Rightshaven & the newspaper played the just the rights to sue game transfer rights that don't actually exist?
I've seen the video a time or 3, but on tv rather than the internet.
I can imagine that everytime this video ends up on a platform it causes him great pain, but I honestly can't see how the platforms could do more for his case.
They can't check every video uploaded in realtime, they can use matching like the NCMEC images/content id, etc do but minor changes to the files can render those new uploads invisible to the all see technological eye.
While he imagines its really simple to instantly locate and remove the file, this isn't reality.
They didn't go fast enough!!
There should be a fast lane for ME!
The belief that somehow the platforms are making huge amounts of money from these horrible videos aren't really based on reality. But this belief fuels they that can do more because of all of the imaginary dollars.
Who ever suggested making it an NFT to him should be ashamed, but with that species of lowlife shame isn't something they can feel.
I am sorry people keep uploading the video, but what do you realistically expect them to do?
Hire everyone on the planet to watch the other halfs uploads in real time to make sure the video of her being murdered is never uploaded ever again?
Develop a drone program that gets close to peoples homes & remotely checks to see if they have a copy of the video and then destroy the computer?
I'm sorry you are in pain sir, but you need to stop listening to the people around you telling you its possible to stop it from ever being uploaded again. That isn't how any of this works & your pain has made you ignore reality.
It would be a perfect world where objectionable video never made it online, but the world isn't perfect & you can't demand it be perfect. You blindly ignoring truth because of your pain doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a dangerous person who has no problem with undermining everything else just to protect yourself.
Re: Re:
They aren't going to say anything requiring self awareness.
They will claim the Cows Herd threatened something & if you demand proof you are just part of the lame stream media attacking them.
Their base isn't big on facts or evidence.
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He hangs out with Chuck... why did anyone ever expect it wouldn't be like this?
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And yet somehow people want to connect even more shit to the internet of shitty bad ideas.
This morning your exercise bike said no classes for you, this afternoon your Tesla said no brakes for you, this evening your internet connected fridge lost connection and cooked everything inside of it... why... because we decided if you didn't pay us to be connected to our server we'd ruin all your things.
Re: Re:
huh I just looked and I can pop over to walmart and purchase a 4g medical alert pendant or system...
so someone designed them
Re: 'How surprising, we had no idea it would do that...'
Perhaps it is time to look elsewhere than senile citizens for leadership.
They are so removed from reality that you can show them here is where we told you the bill would do this, you said it wouldn't, and you passed it and look what we told you would happen did, and somehow think they were right in what they did.
They are stuck in this stupid tit for tat game & its now to the point where the guys they are against are cheering them on to do it... how mentally damaged so you have to be to see your enemy cheering on your course of action and still think its a great idea?
Re: Re:
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This is what you get for choosing the company that has a murderer as their spokesman.
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And this is called Doublethink.
it is the part of 1984 that can't really be believed...
mainly because people this stupid can't seem to hold onto power, I mean his coup went as well as his steaks, university, presidency, etc.
Yeah in reality thats how it would roll, but in this hellscape you will have old people screaming that ATT is trying to kill them as they won't be able to press a button & get saved.
And politicians like big corporate donations but outraged old folks get more media coverage.
(untitled comment)
It is not like no one knew this was coming, ATT has been talking about ending & pushing users off 3G for quite a long time.
One does wonder how much of this was corporations feeling that ATT would NEVER EVER do it to them because they are to important to take a smaller bonus for having to upgrade their technologies.
We'll tell law makers horror stories about how people will have fallen & not been able to get up but no one could hear them because ATT turned off the spectrum they told us for years they would turn off but we saved money not upgrading & how dare they do what they told us they were going to do!
We are to important to have this done to us!
I mean I could feel bad if there was a container of 4g medic alert things stuck on a ship, and could see an extension being fair...
But I'm willing to be there haven't even created designs for 4g based replacements yet let alone found the cheapest supplier to make them.
It is a pity that despite seeing these same stupid panics happen over & over no ones bothered to ask how the fsck did they happen again?
Ooooh 5G will take down planes!!! But we've done no testing despite knowing it was coming for a very long time.
Ooooh 3G going away will kill all the old people, let criminals wander free, lock up cars of poor people paying way to much for transportation...
They don't have a black freind, but their wives have 2 black eyes.
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"Nobody would accept such a situation."
Tim, pookie, have you not met the **AA's?
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