Glass-Tongued Copyright Troll Thinks Google, Popehat, and Boing Boing Are Engaged In 'Black Hat Seo'
from the what-a-maroon dept
After taking a hiatus from issuing bogus DMCA takedowns against this site, self-proclaimed poet "Shaun Shane" is back at it. The harassment of anyone who dares to publish a certain poem of Shane's -- the one about tongues made of glass -- is a (possibly) Texas-based cottage industry. The harassment continues to this day, but not much of it is directed at Google. Most of Shane's "work" is done over at Twitter, where tweets are greeted with takedown requests.

Presumably, this had led to an immeasurable increase in books sales for Shane. I mean, an unauthorized tweet = 1 lost sale, if I'm not mistaken. Whatever the case is, Shane is back to abusing the DMCA process for something that neither looks like fun nor for profit. Shane has issued several bogus takedown requests over the past couple of months.
Some are normal takedown requests targeting any place that has reproduced his poem. These are fine, but only by comparison. In other requests, targeting TorrentFreak, Boing Boing, Popehat, and Techdirt, some very interesting theories are being advanced. (But not respected. No one is being delisted for the imaginary crimes against IP that Shane has pitched to Google.)
This notice argues contributory infringement, claiming the posting of the poem in full somehow "encourages criminal infringement." That's as sane as the notices get. From there, all bets are off.
This one, targeting a Techdirt URL, attempts to fashion a defamation claim out of thin air (and all without once using the word "defamation").
The reported Url violates Title 28 U.S. Code § 4101 by making the false statement that I do not know the Director John Waters . I have know and been with friends with him since 1984. I was formal film student of his from 1985-86. I acted in the film "Reckless Eyeballs" directed by him. To prove these facts I will provide you with the phone number and email John Waters so you may verify these facts from him directly.
"Reckless Eyeballs" is mentioned on John Waters' Wikipedia page. But there are no links supporting it and it has "this film featured the poet Shaun Shane as the lead" appended to it for no apparent reason. Oh, wait. There's a very apparent reason. The IP address that added the edit traces back to Pearland, Texas, one of "Shaun Shane's" stomping grounds. So, make of that what you will. (And chances are you will make "Shaun Shane did not appear in a John Waters short" of it.)
Another notice, sent April 15, attempts to fashion a conspiracy theory out of Google juice.
I am the Author Shaun Shane, someone is using Bots to artificially raise the reported Url's ranking in Google search results beyond what Google's search algorithm has naturally assigned it and are engaging in "black Seo".
Apparently Shane realized there's no such thing as "black Seo" as the DMCA notices sent the following day attempt to amend that error.
I am the Author Shaun Shane. Someone is using Bots for the reported Url to artificially raise it's rank in Google search results and beyond what Googles search algorithm would naturally assign it and is engaging in Black Hat Seo.
This is better but still stupid. At least we have "Black Hat Seo" instead of "black Seo" to work with, but there's nothing artificial about these search engine rankings. The sites targeted by these notices are all high-ranking sites: Boing Boing, Popehat, Techdirt and… um… I guess, Twitter. (A Popehat tweet is also targeted.)
Welcome back, Shaun. The world is a little duller without you around. We await your newest conspiracy theory about SEO black magic and defamation that dare not speak its name. Meanwhile, we've been given another "anomaly" to file away with the hundreds of others in the annals of DMCA abuse.
Filed Under: black hat seo, copyright, copyright troll, dmca, poetry, shaun shane, takedowns
Companies: boing boing, google, popehat, techdirt