Holiday Deals In The Techdirt Insider Shop
from the tis-(almost)-the-season dept
With the holiday season upon us, we figured it was time to offer some special deals over at our Insider Shop — just in case you've got someone on your list this year who would appreciate some Techdirt gear or a subscription package (or if you feel like giving yourself a gift this season). So today we're unveiling two limited-time offerings. First up, the Holiday Bundle:
For only $99 (over $50 off the regular price), the Holiday Bundle includes:
- A Techdirt zip hoodie
- A Techdirt coffee mug
- Your choice of the DMCA Tee, the Seized Tee or the Logo Tee
- Access to the Insider Chat for one year
- Access to the Techdirt Crystal Ball for one year
- 5 First Word/Last Word credits per month for one year
- An Insider Badge on your profile and comments
- A group Google Hangout with Mike Masnick
This package will only be around for a limited time, and some sizes are already selling out, so if you want one, don't wait too long to order! We're also happy to announce a special deal on multiple t-shirts, for those who want a complete set or need a few to give out as gifts:
If you're ordering t-shirts, the bundle or any other gear as a gift, please order soon to ensure shipping in time for the holidays! We've spoken to our fulfillment partner and determined that orders placed by December 14th (in the US) and December 9th (internationally) should arrive on time with all shipping options, and depending on your location there may be express shipping available, too—but ordering early is always safer!
Filed Under: christmas, holiday, insider shop, techdirt gear