Techdirt's New T-Shirt: The 2016 Election Choice... In Code
from the e-voting? dept
Limited time offer: Support Techdirt and get a Vote2016() t-shirt or hoodie!
Techdirt tends to care about policy a lot -- and politics very, very little. But you have to admit that the 2016 Presidential election is fascinating on many different levels -- in part because the unfavorability ratings of both major party candidates is at record breaking levels, and perhaps for good reason. Since you guys seem to have really appreciated our first few t-shirts/hoodies, we decided to create a new one that reflected a more techie perspective on this election, and the recognition of how many people may be voting... expressed in code. Buying one not only gives you a chance to express your opinion (and geek-cred) on the election, but it also helps support Techdirt.
Once again, we're using Teespring for this campaign, which means if you want in on the initial run, it's only available until Monday, August 15th, so order yours today. The t-shirts are only $20 and the hoodies are also a steal at $35 — and this time, it's also available as a sticker!
Filed Under: 2016 election, code, donald trump, election, hillary clinton, lesser of two evils, t-shirt