from the join-us dept
We're going to try something new, starting today: The Techdirt Book Club. There are tons of interesting books coming out these days, and we keep getting questions from the Techdirt community about other things they should be reading. So, we're going to try to set up a somewhat informal "Techdirt Book Club" (not to be confused with the
original Techdirt book club from a few years ago, where we offered a bundle of cool, signed books). In this case, we're going to pick a book to read as a community each month, and then host a discussion towards the end of the month about the book hopefully
including the author of that book as a part of the discussion.
To kick it off, for the month of March, we're thrilled that Rebecca MacKinnon has agreed to take part in a discussion around her recently released book,
Consent of the Networked, which discusses "the worldwide struggle for internet freedom." Considering recent events around the globe -- from the Arab Spring to the SOPA/PIPA fight to ACTA, Anonymous and Wikipedia -- that have touched on this topic, it certainly seemed timely. The book is fascinating, and there's plenty of "red meat" topics for discussion -- much of which people around here are likely to agree with... and some they might not. Thus, I'm sure it'll be an interesting and lively discussion.
If you'd like to take part...
go read the book. Later on in the month, we'll get the discussion kicked off, but we didn't want to do that until people have actually had a chance to read the book. Then Rebecca will join in the discussion as well, and hopefully we'll all learn something and solve the world's problems (or something like that).
This is very much an experiment at this point, so we're learning as we go, but the plan is to do this with a new book every month, and hopefully have some great discussions with lots of interesting authors.
Filed Under: book club, consent of the networks, internet freedom, rebecca mackinnon