Is The Internet Creating An Age Of Consumer Power?
from the there's-an-app-for-that dept
I have to admit that I can't quite tell if Baltimore Sun columnist Dan Rodricks is being somewhat facetious in noting that for every "ephemeral" consumer wrong (ridiculous fees, interest rates, closing costs, lines at the motor vehicle bureau) groups of people are suddenly able to gather a constituency online and create a social movement. While some may mock the idea that a bunch of consumers might gather online to fight the good fight over lines at their local motor vehicle bureau (department, administration, whatever your local gov't calls it), it actually does seem indicative of how consumers are gaining more of a voice online -- and with that comes power. Yes, there are some ridiculous and overly broad complaints. But we're getting closer and closer to an age where companies that repeatedly screw consumers over will have a harder and harder time getting away with it. Too many businesses have been built on the belief that even if they treat consumers badly, not enough people will know (or care) to stop bringing them business. But we've already seen some signs of that changing, and that's only going to increase over time.Filed Under: consumer power, internet