Is Elvis Dead? Who Knows, But His Passport Made It Through Airport Security In Amsterdam
from the biometrics? dept
There's been a big push lately to use "biometrics" at airports -- especially in light of the well publicized attack attempt last Christmas. But biometrics -- especially chips in passports -- can easily be fooled, and can create a false sense of security. JJ sent over the news of two hackers who were able to get past the security check-in with a passport claiming to be Elvis Presley -- they even included an Elvis photo. Now, there certainly are some limitations with what they did, and even they admit that this sort of hacking wouldn't work in a lot of cases. However, just the fact that they were able to get past the machine with a faked biometric Elvis chip suggests that the whole focus on biometrics is a bit of a red herring, as the data can be faked.Filed Under: airport security, elvis, security