Yet Another Company Thinks It Can Stretch WiFi To Compete With WiMAX
from the just-don't dept
For years and years and years we've been hearing about companies that claim to have taken WiFi and been able to turn it into a wide-area technology. Yet, every time, the reality is a lot less appealing. The technology rarely works, except under specific ideal conditions. So forgive us for being skeptical of yet another company claiming that its special take on WiFi can take on WiMAX. It's even come up with the name MaxFi that's almost certain to have the WiMAX folks checking with their trademark lawyers. While it's nice to see some folks trying to do more with the technology, given the long trail littered with failed plans for wide-area WiFi, let's consider this one to be yet another story that makes a nice headline and little else.Filed Under: extended range, wifi, wimax