As EMI Cites Harvey Danger Lipdub As Inducing Infringement, Harvey Danger Singer Says Lipdub Makes Him Incredibly Happy
from the who-did-what-now? dept
You may recall back in December that we wrote about the oddity of EMI suing Vimeo, claiming that by creating its own "lipdub" videos of people singing along to a song, it was actively encouraging (i.e., "inducing") copyright infringement. The main example, of course, was the company's first lipdub, which kicked off the craze, to the song Flagpole Sitta by the band Harvey Danger:Lip Dub - Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.
That Flagpole Sitta video made me incredibly happy, just when I thought there was NOTHING that could make me listen to that song again. A thousand thank you's.A thousand thank yous... and a lawsuit from your label.
Filed Under: copyright, flagpole sitta, harvey danger, inducement, lipdub
Companies: emi, vimeo