Help Define The Future Of Storage With The Techdirt Insight Community And Dell
from the be-smart,-make-money dept
It's been a little while since we last updated you on the Techdirt Insight Community, but there's plenty happening there that you're missing out on, if you're not a member. First, we've put together a site, sponsored by Dell, on The Future of Storage, which is powered by the Techdirt Insight Community. We're building an ongoing conversation around the future direction of the storage market. You can join in the conversation itself just by heading straight to the site and commenting on the posts, but if you have experience with storage area network technology, you should join the community itself and submit your insight on where you think the market is heading. The best insights not only get published to the site, but can earn you quite a bit of money. Basically, you can be smart, earn a bunch of money and get recognition for being smart all in one shot. Tough to beat that.In the meantime, if storage isn't your thing, there are some other open cases within the Insight Community that may interest you, including ones on helping a major beverage company provide online value to its retail partners, the market for accounting software and a look at what Sales 2.0 might really mean. All Techdirt Insight Community cases work on the same basic premise: be really smart, write up your insights and earn money and reputation. We've got lots more coming from the Insight Community in the next few months, but there's no reason to wait. Join now, be smart and earn some money.
Filed Under: future of storage, storage, techdirt insight community
Companies: dell, techdirt