Hurry Up: We're Taking Down Our Takedown Gear In A Week
from the clock-is-ticking dept
Support Techdirt and get Takedown gear! Last chance this year! »
Of all the T-shirts and other gear available in our super-early holiday sale, the popular Takedown design has the longest history: it was one of the first T-shirts we produced years ago as part of an early "reason to buy" project, it was later revamped with an improved graphical design for our Insider Shop, and then this year it was revamped once again with a slightly modified look for our sales via Teespring.
And now it's your last chance to get one in 2016! The current run ends on Monday, October 3rd -- and after that we won't be taking reservations and can't promise when it will return, but it won't be until next year at the earliest.
So don't miss out and order yours today! Plus, consider picking it up now for the holidays and getting an early start on your gift-buying list -- the reason we're holding this sale so early is to give lots and lots of time before Christmas for Teespring's sometimes-slow fulfillment. And don't forget to check out the other gear in our super-early holiday sale.