Last Week To Order The Techdirt Holiday Bundle In Time For Christmas!
from the countdown dept
Our Holiday Bundle of gear in the Insider Shop has been a hit this season—and if you want to give one as a Christmas gift, time is running out. This Friday, December 14th, is the final deadline for Christmas shipping in the US, and to be safe (given the unpredictability of holiday mail) we recommend ordering sooner rather than later.
For only $99 (over $50 off the regular price), the Holiday Bundle includes:
- A Techdirt zip hoodie
- A Techdirt coffee mug
- Your choice of the DMCA Tee, the Seized Tee or the Logo Tee
- Access to the Insider Chat for one year
- Access to the Techdirt Crystal Ball for one year
- 5 First Word/Last Word credits per month for one year
- An Insider Badge on your profile and comments
- A group Google Hangout with Mike Masnick
Plus, don't forget about our ongoing t-shirt sale! When you buy three or more t-shirts in any styles and sizes, you get them all for 15% off. The discount is automatically applied in your cart.
Happy holidays, and a big thanks to everyone for supporting Techdirt through our Insider Shop! By the way, if you want to give us a present this year, you can always drop something in our tip jar.
Filed Under: holiday bundle, sales, techdirt, techdirt insider shop