DailyDirt: Crazy Weather We're Having
from the urls-we-dig-up dept
As more and more amateur photographers take their cameras with them everywhere, there's been a huge increase in awesome pictures on the internet. It's not just pictures of babies and cats, but also interesting meteorological phenomena that previously went undocumented. Here are just a few cool (and somewhat rare) quirks of the weather that have been captured on- San Francisco enjoyed a nice double rainbow last week. Is that a total of four pots of gold? [url]
- Iridescent clouds are sometimes called fire rainbows, and they're beautifully-colored clouds caused by the diffraction of light through water droplets of uniform size. Neither fire, nor rainbow. Discuss. [url]
- A picture of a storm brewing in Brunei has been spreading all over the internet. If only there was a way to combine cute kittens and big scary clouds.... [url]
- A "roll cloud" in Brazil looks pretty scary as it tumbles across the sky, but it's actually pretty harmless. Lots of strange cloud formations are caused by weird wind patterns that stir up warm, moist air with cooler air pockets. [url]
Filed Under: iridescent clouds, meteorology, pictures, rainbows, roll cloud, weather