from the one-way-to-make-a-point dept
We've discussed at great length the problems with the UK's
libel laws, which have put a chilling effect on free speech and public participation. The problem of libel tourism has even resulted in the US passing laws saying that it will
not enforce any such judgments in the US.
Glyn Moody points us to the news that the Kyiv Post has apparently decided to protest UK libel laws by
blocking access to the site if you're coming from the UK. The page in question states:
The Kyiv Post, effective Dec. 14, 2010, is blocking access to all web traffic originating from the United Kingdom in protest of the draconian libel laws there that hinder legitimate free speech and threaten the work of independent journalists, authors, scientists and others worldwide. In a phenomenon known as "libel tourism," rich and powerful plaintiffs file lawsuits in London -- "the libel capital of the world" -- to exploit laws stacked in their favor, stifling journalism and threatening news organizations and others with costly lawsuits.
Nice to see a media publication take a stand like that, even if it's mostly symbolic. Hopefully it will help spur the UK to finally reform its libel laws.
Filed Under: kyiv post, libel, protests, uk