Apparently Russia's President Gets Angry When You Hit His Blog With A Denial Of Service Attack
from the blog-is-down-for-an-hour! dept
Denial of service attacks are a pain, but they happen. In many ways they're becoming one way that people protest against powerful people and organizations -- and some have discussed how many are effectively the equivalent of a digital sit-in. Of course, it's no fun to be on the receiving end of a DoS attack, and if you're in a position of power, it isn't surprising to react angrily to such an attack. But it does seem a little out of proportion for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to demand that Russian law enforcement officials look into the reason why his LiveJournal blog was taken offline for a whole hour due to a denial of service attack."I have received many appeals in connection with the ... attacks on LiveJournal. As an active user of (LiveJournal) I consider these actions revolting and illegal.... What has occurred should be examined by LiveJournal's administration and law enforcement agencies."Of course, it does seem a bit strange that he's only concerned about denial of service attacks when they impact him personally. Also, LiveJournal? Isn't that kinda like if President Obama had a blog on Blogspot? It's not that hard these days to have a blog on your own domain...
Filed Under: blog, denial of service, livejournal, medvedev, russia
Companies: livejournal