DailyDirt: Push Button, Rub Hands, Wipe Hands On Jeans...
from the urls-we-dig-up dept
Just the idea of touching anything in a public bathroom grosses some people out. Germaphobes may have some reasonable things to fear (eg. MRSA and other superbugs), but for the most part, people are pretty safe from the germs in public restrooms (and maybe computer keyboards are just as dirty as toilets). Handwashing is generally the best defense, but here are a few links for the ultra-paranoid.- The Mayo Clinic reviewed several hand washing studies and concluded that paper towels are better than air-blowing hand driers. Plus, you can use that paper towel to open the door on your way out.... [url]
- If you're really worried about germs on bathroom doorknobs, there's an
app for thatway to open doors with your feet. If fact, there are TWO products on the market: the Toepener and the StepNpull. [url] - Wristpull is yet another ingenious device that allows you to open a bathroom door without touching a doorknob with your hands. Watch this video of how it works -- and then begin to worry about the germs on your sleeve/wrist.... [url]
Filed Under: bathroom, germs, health, hygiene, public restroom, stepnpull, toepener, wristpull