Guess Who Facebook's Just Sued For Spam?
from the the-usual-suspects dept
Last year, when MySpace won an uncollectable judgment against well-known spammer Stanford "Spamford" Wallace, part of the punishment was that he wasn't allowed to set up any more MySpace profiles. Mike noted at the time that it didn't say anything about Facebook, speculating that's where Spamford might pop up next. So guess who Facebook's just sued for sending spam Facebook messages? Yep, ol' Spamford and a couple of his pals. Facebook alleges they used phishing attacks to break into users' accounts, then sent messages to their contacts. It sounds pretty similar to the previous MySpace case, and it's hard to imagine it won't end up the same way: Wallace disappearing, Facebook getting a default judgment with an uncollectable judgment, and Spamford moving on to the next big social site.Filed Under: sanford wallace, spamford wallace
Companies: facebook