Tons of artists now release stems of their music for fans to remix. It's pretty common to see "remix" contests as well. Still, it's pretty interesting to see how some bands are taking it even further. Eliot Van Buskirk alerts us to the news that Damon Albarn's "virtual band" project, The Gorillaz, have teamed up with Korg to offer a special KORG iElectribe Gorillaz Edition for the iPad. The regular iElectribe is just an iPad synthesizer, which people seem to like. But the Gorillaz edition has a different (more fun, more Gorillaz-style) user interface design (making it look like it's been around the block and run over by a truck or two along the way), along with a ton of presets using music from The Gorillaz' latest album. So, instead of just giving people stems and telling them to remix, this is almost like an album bundled with its own synth tool in one package. I expect we'll start seeing things a lot more advanced than this. Why release just a plain old album when you can start to enable your fans to do much more with your music?