Techdirt's DMCA Takedown T-Shirt, Going Fast
from the don't-miss-it dept
If you haven't yet, check out our latest t-shirt, the awesome Takedown T-shirt and hoodie -- offered in a variety of colors. These shirts (and hoodies) have been selling a lot more than we initially expected, so we wanted to make sure no one missed them. The T-shirts are only $20 and the hoodies are a steal at $35. Personally, I've found them to be great conversation starters, and they look pretty awesome in the different colors (I bought myself a green one, which, so far, is the least popular one for reasons I don't understand).And here's the important part: since we're doing this as a Teespring campaign, they're only available until August 1st and then the campaign ends (if there's enough demand, campaigns may reopen in the future, but there's no guarantee...). So get yours now.
Filed Under: contentid, dmca, t-shirt, takedown, takedown t-shirt, techdirt