Again? Wal-Mart's Straight Talk 'Unlimited' Mobile Data Plan Actually Quite Limited
from the that's-not-straight-talk dept
And I thought the days of companies claiming "unlimited" data plans when they really were very very limited had died out after Verizon Wireless got fined and started backing away from claiming "unlimited" data for plans that were actually quite limited. However, with Walmart teaming up with TracFone to offer the misleadingly-named "Straight Talk" mobile phone service, some are noticing the return of very limited mobile data offers advertised as "unlimited." As is pointed out in that link, beyond simply being flat-out wrong and more than a bit deceiving, it's pretty ridiculous for a brand called "Straight Talk" to lie in its advertising, and hide the details in the very very fine print.Filed Under: limited, straight talk, unlimited, wireless service
Companies: tracfone, wal-mart