Are you suggesting these quotas are to combat racism?
Ah, Mr. Helmet, surely you jest.
Affirmative action was put into place with the following thought processes:
You have two men in a footrace. One man has a ball and chain clamped around his ankle. The gun fires, both men run. Obviously, the shackled man falls behind. Eventually, an enlightened judge says that shackling one and not the other isn't fair. So they remove the shackles. Now, the unshackled man is already so far ahead that there is no chance that the formerly-shackled man will ever catch up if the playing remains fair. So, naturally, you give the formerly-shackled man an edge.
These came in the form of quotas and other so-called affirmative actions.
We have a Black President. Any disadvantage that these minorities had are gone. We have minorities as experts in every profession. The playing field should, therefore, be leveled again.
The shackled man has caught up, and any additional edge he is given is really just shackling the first man.
I may have taken a lot of time to read a stale thread-- but I'm amazed at all this distrust over which spot on which land mass another human so happened to be born on. Silly humans, always bickering over pointless topics.
The root problem is that companies have a quota of "minority" employees they have to meet, which removes the level playing field-- which of course causes bitterness in the ones who now have an upward sloping playing field.
Remove that, and let the best man/woman win. Now you don't have people saying they had a job "stolen" because some "minority" quota had to be met. Problem solved.
If people are going to continue to "infringe" there needs to be a suitable punishment for it.
So.. $1.92 million isn't suitable enough for you? You want to go ahead and remove due process?
Do you realize the grief you're asking for? Mike can see your IP address. He calls/writes/notifies your ISP that you've infringed 3 times and he can kick you offline. Fair use isn't taken into account, and can vary widely from use to use.
All it takes is a letter from a *private* citizen to accuse you. No lawyer, no judge, no jury. They said you did it, so you must be guilty.
Stop and think, man. All of you shills would immediately be kicked offli-- oh wait.. maybe this isn't such a bad idea.
To be honest, people should consider themselves lucky that no government has moved to put "infringing" into the realm of criminal offenses. That would take the top off it completely.
I wish they would, really I do. Across the board, make it criminal.
I'm at a loss too. My sarcasm detector must be malfunctioning. If anything, mud-wrestling seemed to be the incorrect term, I just assumed he meant "mud flinging".
Mark is probably brand new to the intertubes, and hasn't had a chance to allow his skin to thicken.
Am I the only person that sees the irony in the fact that almost everyone that is okay with the decision to expose the identity of this blogger posts anonymously?
More to the point, Suing someone and losing should be expensive. Very, very expensive. Remember, *we* pay for these lawsuits.
Jesus was all about file sharing. Think Loaves and Fishes.
That's right ladies and germs, he only bought 3 fish and a loaf of bread, but he fed hundreds of people! What about the fish/bread vendor's bottom line!? Think about all the lost potential sales!!
That's right, if you're against File Sharing, you're against Jesus. Take that, RIAA.
If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. (Except for that absinence thing, thanks but no thanks J-dog.) :P
On the post: Fewer Foreigners Coming To US Grad Schools: This Is A Problem
Re: Re: All this hate..
Ah, Mr. Helmet, surely you jest.
Affirmative action was put into place with the following thought processes:
You have two men in a footrace. One man has a ball and chain clamped around his ankle. The gun fires, both men run. Obviously, the shackled man falls behind. Eventually, an enlightened judge says that shackling one and not the other isn't fair. So they remove the shackles. Now, the unshackled man is already so far ahead that there is no chance that the formerly-shackled man will ever catch up if the playing remains fair. So, naturally, you give the formerly-shackled man an edge.
These came in the form of quotas and other so-called affirmative actions.
We have a Black President. Any disadvantage that these minorities had are gone. We have minorities as experts in every profession. The playing field should, therefore, be leveled again.
The shackled man has caught up, and any additional edge he is given is really just shackling the first man.
Anything else? :)
On the post: Fewer Foreigners Coming To US Grad Schools: This Is A Problem
All this hate..
The root problem is that companies have a quota of "minority" employees they have to meet, which removes the level playing field-- which of course causes bitterness in the ones who now have an upward sloping playing field.
Remove that, and let the best man/woman win. Now you don't have people saying they had a job "stolen" because some "minority" quota had to be met. Problem solved.
On the post: UK Gov't Now Supporting 3 Strikes: Lobbyists Win Again
Re: Got just one word for you all...
Tor is not designed to handle bittorrent traffic, nor should it be used as such. It's for anonymous BROWSING, not anonymous DOWNLOADING. Sheesh.
Look into a VPN service if that's what you want to do.
On the post: Fewer Foreigners Coming To US Grad Schools: This Is A Problem
Re: Re: Fewer Foreigners Coming To US Grad Schools: This Is A Problem
On the post: UK Gov't Now Supporting 3 Strikes: Lobbyists Win Again
So.. $1.92 million isn't suitable enough for you? You want to go ahead and remove due process?
Do you realize the grief you're asking for? Mike can see your IP address. He calls/writes/notifies your ISP that you've infringed 3 times and he can kick you offline. Fair use isn't taken into account, and can vary widely from use to use.
All it takes is a letter from a *private* citizen to accuse you. No lawyer, no judge, no jury. They said you did it, so you must be guilty.
Stop and think, man. All of you shills would immediately be kicked offli-- oh wait.. maybe this isn't such a bad idea.
To be honest, people should consider themselves lucky that no government has moved to put "infringing" into the realm of criminal offenses. That would take the top off it completely.
I wish they would, really I do. Across the board, make it criminal.
"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is an awesome phrase.
On the post: Recording Industry Helps Rapper/Single Mom Get A PhD, Though It Tried To Weasel Out
Re: Re: Education.. for life.
On the post: Reminder From The Innovator's Dilemma: Markets Change Whether You Like It Or Not
Re: Kodak Moment
On the post: Recording Industry Helps Rapper/Single Mom Get A PhD, Though It Tried To Weasel Out
Education.. for life.
Man, I could really have some fun with that clause.
On the post: Wisconsin Sports League Sends Newspapers Invoices For Live Blogging
The best way.
That'll show 'em.
On the post: Outed Blogger Plans To Sue Google; Skank Model Mess Gets Messier
Re: Note from the common people
That sums it up quite nicely, actually.
On the post: Outed Blogger Plans To Sue Google; Skank Model Mess Gets Messier
Re: Re: poor metaphor
Mark is probably brand new to the intertubes, and hasn't had a chance to allow his skin to thicken.
Don't worry Mark, you'll get there.
/Should have been KY-Wrestling, really.
On the post: Outed Blogger Plans To Sue Google; Skank Model Mess Gets Messier
More to the point, Suing someone and losing should be expensive. Very, very expensive. Remember, *we* pay for these lawsuits.
I'm taxed enough as it is, thankyouverymuch.
On the post: IFPI: The Pirate Party Shouldn't Be Allowed To Hold Its Positions
Re: Re: Re: Oh come now
So that if the VP has to take over halfway through a Presidency, for whatever reason, he/she does not "lose" a 4 year term.
On the post: Is It ID Theft Or Was The Bank Robbed?
Your mother's maiden name is a matter of public record. Not exactly the safest "secret" question.
On the post: Sirius XM Passes RIAA Tax On To Consumers
On the post: Street Performer Explains His Experience Connecting With Fans, Giving Them A Reason To Buy
Re: Re: Masnick's Law, revisted.
On the post: Since When Is Sharing So Bad?
That's right ladies and germs, he only bought 3 fish and a loaf of bread, but he fed hundreds of people! What about the fish/bread vendor's bottom line!? Think about all the lost potential sales!!
That's right, if you're against File Sharing, you're against Jesus. Take that, RIAA.
If it's good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me. (Except for that absinence thing, thanks but no thanks J-dog.) :P
On the post: Since When Is Sharing So Bad?
Re: Re: Re: Shortsighted
On the post: Since When Is Sharing So Bad?
Re: Sharing is the wrong meme
No hardship.
Nice try though.
On the post: Street Performer Explains His Experience Connecting With Fans, Giving Them A Reason To Buy
Masnick's Law, revisted.
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