And yet, the NSA had all of the information from all of this public broadcasting of public conversations before the rest of (us) public ever accessed it!
it's really all you can do in such a situation, since the government doesn't wish to be held accountable.
One can simply hope that this incenses the public enough for them to demand change. I can say this though, the chances of any business even considering doing business in any country that's a part of the five eyes process are now nonexistent, for the most part.
Are people only now realizing that "250 million communications" = approximately the population that has access to anything that can be spied on in any form? That was apparent from the beginning.
1 person = 1 communication. Thus, everyone in all capacities is spied on.
They're not asking for 2.25 % per product. They were asking for 2.25 % for their entire portfolio. Microsoft asks for around $15 per smartphone. That's around 5-10% of manufacturing cost or thereabouts.
You can't get rid of the question of "should stuff be patented in the first place"? at the same time as a judge is required to interpret existing law.
The most important part about rates is that they are negotiable. If it's too high? Work it out with the party, maybe even get it down to zero. The fact that such a thing did not occur is the fault explicitly of Microsoft. there was *no* negotiation. There was no discussion with Microsoft outside of the courts as to whether or not this should be license free or should be FRAND or shouldn't.
For these kinds of contract matters you are supposed to work it out with the party. when did that happen, again? It didn't.
They never got to asking for a rate, Mike. There was no negotiation. MS asked them for an offer and then sued, claiming the rate was exorbitant and in bad faith. Not only that, but it was the same rate they charged anyone else. The standards essential pricing. Oh, and MS got a judge so favorable to them that we have to wait until appeals to get rid of the biased guy. Did I mention the judge tried to decide on what Motorola can do internationally in germany?
John Yoo missed nothing. The only reason they want to call "Traditional press" press, for the purposes of free speech protection is because you can shake down traditional press. You can't shake down wikileaks.
It wasn't about legitimacy and never was - it was all about "who can be controlled".
the healthcare plan had some decent ideas actually, it's just a lot of it was complete garbage and very poorly thought out.
free birth control and physicals and basic health stuff at a level that the entire world has a higher standard on than we do (US is far from a leader for healthcare) is a good thing.
just like the fool that defends his case can set a bad precedent, doing so here can set back all the MPAA/RIAA trolling going on if not end it outright.
case in point: have you been hearing about MPAA/RIAA going after people for torrenting at all lately? hint: nope.
they have distanced themselves as far as they can from any sort of courtroom trolling for the most part, as they realize this case may basically crush them altogether.
yep. This "in the public interest" claim now directly contradicts all this fighting we have been doing against other countries nullifying patents "in the public interest" (see: medical patents in india, etc)
not only does schakowsky not understand technology, she relies on her staffers for everything she does.
either she supports the NSA outright (her letters are typical "can't let the terrorists win"), or she simply doesn't even understand the issue at hand.
either way, I hope people realize the woman shouldn't even be in office.
putting money into a campaign warchest, would imply he has more than pride at stake. That implies he is making a profit off of stop and frisk currently. I wonder how, but nobody spends money on politics without expecting some gigantic benefit to themselves, right?
On the post: Ex-DHS Director Michael Chertoff: The Public Spying On Famous People With Their Smartphones Is A Bigger Issue Than NSA Spying
so ironic
Oh the irony.
On the post: 'Predictive Policing' Company Uses Bad Stats, Contractually-Obligated Shills To Tout Unproven 'Successes'
I'll beat PredPol in one sentence
There will be violent crime in california.
There you go folks! 100% accuracy, and more useful than PredPol. Stack the millions of dollars in contracts to my right, please.
On the post: NSA's Talking Points On Snowden Leaks Say To Emphasize 9/11
Unfortunately, people still depend on NYT/WSJ and other sources that aren't willing to cover reality like criticism of the NSA.
On the post: Mike Rogers: You Can't Have Your Privacy Violated If You Don't Know About It
what about SCOTUS?
I bet the EFF is going to love quoting Rogers today.
On the post: Kim Dotcom Seeks Millions From The New Zealand Government For Illegal Raid On His Home
Re: Re: One thing to say...
One can simply hope that this incenses the public enough for them to demand change. I can say this though, the chances of any business even considering doing business in any country that's a part of the five eyes process are now nonexistent, for the most part.
On the post: Feds Had Court Reverse Ban On Warrantless Searches On Americans Because 'We Wanted To Be Able To Do It'
250 million communications
1 person = 1 communication. Thus, everyone in all capacities is spied on.
On the post: The Trustworthy Government Officials Delusion: Eventually Any Program Will Be Abused
On the post: NSA & GCHQ Covertly Took Over Security Standards, Recruited Telco Employees To Insert Backdoors
this wasn't covert
This is what's for. NSA takes the information, and breaks encryption on all OS's with it.
On the post: Once Again, Motorola Gets Slapped Around Over Attempt To License Standards Patents At High Rates To Microsoft
Re: Re: Re: Re: I disagree completely
You can't get rid of the question of "should stuff be patented in the first place"? at the same time as a judge is required to interpret existing law.
The most important part about rates is that they are negotiable. If it's too high? Work it out with the party, maybe even get it down to zero. The fact that such a thing did not occur is the fault explicitly of Microsoft. there was *no* negotiation. There was no discussion with Microsoft outside of the courts as to whether or not this should be license free or should be FRAND or shouldn't.
For these kinds of contract matters you are supposed to work it out with the party. when did that happen, again? It didn't.
On the post: Once Again, Motorola Gets Slapped Around Over Attempt To License Standards Patents At High Rates To Microsoft
I disagree completely
Don't you read groklaw? sheesh.
On the post: Guy Who Wrote Legal Memos Defending US Torture Defends NSA Because It Takes Too Long To Obey The Constitution
Re: There's one thing John Yoo missed
It wasn't about legitimacy and never was - it was all about "who can be controlled".
On the post: Simple Question: How Could President Obama Not Know That Ed Snowden Had The IG Report That Showed Widespread NSA Abuse?
Re: Re:
free birth control and physicals and basic health stuff at a level that the entire world has a higher standard on than we do (US is far from a leader for healthcare) is a good thing.
On the post: Comcast Confirms That Steele-Hansmeier Controlled IP Address Used To Seed Content
just like the fool that defends his case can set a bad precedent, doing so here can set back all the MPAA/RIAA trolling going on if not end it outright.
case in point: have you been hearing about MPAA/RIAA going after people for torrenting at all lately? hint: nope.
they have distanced themselves as far as they can from any sort of courtroom trolling for the most part, as they realize this case may basically crush them altogether.
On the post: Surprise: Obama's New US Trade Rep Overturns ITC, Stops Ban On Apple Products
Re: thus showing another reason to ignore TPP
On the post: The 217 Representatives Who Voted To Keep NSA Spying On All Your Data
schakowsky doesn't do anything
either she supports the NSA outright (her letters are typical "can't let the terrorists win"), or she simply doesn't even understand the issue at hand.
either way, I hope people realize the woman shouldn't even be in office.
On the post: Prime Minister David Cameron: Google, Bing and Yahoo! 'Enable' Child Porn
Re: Re: yahoo is bing
They just think "google", and type google into google to get to google. etc.
On the post: Prime Minister David Cameron: Google, Bing and Yahoo! 'Enable' Child Porn
yahoo is bing
(it's how they count bing marketshare at existing, as well)
On the post: White House Believes Ed Snowden Shouldn't Have Any Free Speech Rights, Attacks Russia For Letting Him Speak
On the post: Latest Leak Shows Microsoft Handed The NSA And FBI Unencrypted Access To Outlook, SkyDrive And Skype
that means they're enabling FBI/NSA spying on enterprise customers, too.
On the post: Mayor Bloomberg Opens Own Wallet To Erect Protective Wall Of Money Around His Beloved Stop And Frisk Program
here's the thing
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