Heh, I believe that would be news if it were 2001. It's as much of a sign of Mike being correct in his analysis that trolls are getting noisier and noisier as of lately, while resorting to mostly ad-hominem comments.
more and more information does not = pertinent or useful information.
Simply going "give us all the information you have" means you have even more information to go through to find whatever you're looking for, no matter how it is organized.
exactly. I don't even watch TV anymore but I could easily see myself paying a subscription cost for access to HBO without cable. It's the cable I don't care about, not as much the HBO. Not to mention that it's easily more money for HBO as bandwidth is incredibly cheap, and that they could have *gasp* global reach.
Until they decide to actually offer this standalone, I'll just continue to get episodes via alternate means.
I was going to say this actually motivates me to want to seed the torrent for this game, except that doing so would actually *promote* the game and not harm EA.
so I suppose the better option is to share the crap out of this article everywhere in hopes people will stop rationalizing that the battlefield series is worth buying over dealing with garbage like this.
anyone who buys from EA is just buying into stockholm syndrome. How many times do we have to go through EA being openly hostile towards gamers before people realize this?
we have: EA devs crying out for being mistreated
Origin system created explicitly for DRM
battlefield DRM systems breaking constantly and not being reliable (punkbuster since original battlefield)
servers being made reliant on EA for no reason back then too. Hell, they were even sued for it. http://www.gamespot.com/news/ea-sued-over-spore-drm-6198136
it amazes me that people would even tolerate considering EA games at this point. I'm proud to say I will never look at their games anymore unless I download them via torrent so I can play them the way I want. I'm permanently burned by their garbage attempts at looking like they care about customers when they don't.
how do you separate the soldiers who want to defend their country from being forced to do so by supporting political interests which have no focus on defending the country?
remind us to care about you when you actually post a real post and not just a bunch of fluff. Literally you have almost the same amount of text spent on linking to other posts as, well, your entire post itself.
how can someone simultaneously have a gigantic power trip, while being dumb as a rock? Maybe this should be called 50 shades of bogus lawsuits, because sounds like the equivalent of Prenda's filings against people who dare to fight back.
People are afraid of being identified? Man, that first amendment thing - clearly it's making people angry, or hiding, or....something! That's why they should be identified!
Illinois filing (note that it's vs the internet, literally): "Defendant Does 1-10 are individuals whose actual names are unknown to Plaintiff. Instead, they are known to Plaintiff only by the childish and unsophisticated - yet often exceedingly angry - pseudonyms they hide behind while falsely conversing in writing about Plaintiff and it's agents on the Internet".
On the post: Viacom Filing Attempts To Rewrite DMCA, Shift Burden Of Proof, Wipe Out Safe Harbors And Require Mandatory Filtering
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Viacom Filing Attempts To Rewrite DMCA, Shift Burden Of Proof, Wipe Out Safe Harbors And Require Mandatory Filtering
On the post: US Government's Failure To Protect Public Privacy Is Driving Business Overseas
more and more information does not = pertinent or useful information.
Simply going "give us all the information you have" means you have even more information to go through to find whatever you're looking for, no matter how it is organized.
On the post: EA Labels President: DRM Is A Failed Strategy, But SimCity Didn't Have Any DRM
They only talked about user enablement. As in, enabling them to pay us!
On the post: DOJ Misled Judges For Years About How It Was Using Stingray Devices To Spy On People
hint: it's to provide justice, not live in fear.
On the post: HBO Admits That Perhaps Cable-Free Access Might Possibly Make Sense One Day, Maybe
Until they decide to actually offer this standalone, I'll just continue to get episodes via alternate means.
On the post: Spanish Government Bows Down To US Pressures Again, Pushes SOPA-Like Law To Appease Hollywood
On the post: Rather Than Fix The CFAA, House Judiciary Committee Planning To Make It Worse... Way Worse
wrong term, right concept
On the post: Maxis: Your Reward For Buying Our Horribly Launched SimCity Is The Previous, Better Version Of It
actually even better
On the post: Maxis GM: Our Vision Is More Important Than Our Customers & Lots Of People Love Our Crappy DRM
Re: So, basically...
so I suppose the better option is to share the crap out of this article everywhere in hopes people will stop rationalizing that the battlefield series is worth buying over dealing with garbage like this.
On the post: Comic Strip Documentary Filmmakers Return To Kickstarter Because They're Scared Fair Use Won't Protect Them
Re: How many times? -- MASHUPS are always trouble!
On the post: Nielsen Finally Realizes That TV Viewers Are Cord Cutting, Calls It 'Interesting Consumer Behavior'
Re: TV Viewers Are Cord Cutting
On the post: Nielsen Finally Realizes That TV Viewers Are Cord Cutting, Calls It 'Interesting Consumer Behavior'
well, look at this way
that would sound about right.
On the post: Maxis Insider: EA Lying About Needing Servers For Single Player SimCity
two word answer
we have: EA devs crying out for being mistreated
Origin system created explicitly for DRM
battlefield DRM systems breaking constantly and not being reliable (punkbuster since original battlefield)
servers being made reliant on EA for no reason back then too. Hell, they were even sued for it. http://www.gamespot.com/news/ea-sued-over-spore-drm-6198136
it amazes me that people would even tolerate considering EA games at this point. I'm proud to say I will never look at their games anymore unless I download them via torrent so I can play them the way I want. I'm permanently burned by their garbage attempts at looking like they care about customers when they don't.
On the post: NYT Former Exec Editor Misrepresents Bradley Manning
Re: Re: "chance to fish in a sea of secrets"
how do you separate the soldiers who want to defend their country from being forced to do so by supporting political interests which have no focus on defending the country?
On the post: Prenda's Brett Gibbs Objects To Pretty Much Everything, Including Use Of Hansmeier Deposition
uh, no
but hi, Prenda staff!
On the post: Bizarre Legal Threat Of The Day: Confused Zoo Owner Threatens Popehat Over... Well... Just Read It
Re: Re:
On the post: Bizarre Legal Threat Of The Day: Confused Zoo Owner Threatens Popehat Over... Well... Just Read It
On the post: Bizarre Legal Threat Of The Day: Confused Zoo Owner Threatens Popehat Over... Well... Just Read It
Re: Re:
On the post: Prenda Law Sues Critics For Defamation
Re: bah
People are afraid of being identified? Man, that first amendment thing - clearly it's making people angry, or hiding, or....something! That's why they should be identified!
Illinois filing (note that it's vs the internet, literally): "Defendant Does 1-10 are individuals whose actual names are unknown to Plaintiff. Instead, they are known to Plaintiff only by the childish and unsophisticated - yet often exceedingly angry - pseudonyms they hide behind while falsely conversing in writing about Plaintiff and it's agents on the Internet".
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