DCX2, please contact me via email/chat if you don't mind (rrezendes at gmail). I have some questions I'd like to ask since I have modded my Wii with HB but the disc drive has gone south on me. Should I have the drive repaired then add an external drive or skip the repair? How large a drive should I use - my initial thought was 1TB.
"... people not allowed to buy or own a guy legally still get them illegally on the street."
AZ where "...buying a guy..." is done in the Home Depot parking lot. However the state government who passed laws to deter this activity (because the Federal gov't is ineffective in enforcing it's own laws covering this same behavior) has come under fire as racist and bigots.
I love how people who believe the record labels are staying current with technology, business models and distribution methods come in here and bash Masnick while he uses facts and track records, independent studies, etc. to make his point when idiots like the one above spews idiotic commentary thinking he has the magic bullet to sell shiny discs until piles of gold provide them the life of luxury he obviously deserves because he's so smart.
C'mon Joe - if there were a single shred of evidence (even doctored evidence)anywhere in the USA, then every damn Congressman, local AG, and sheriff who lynch mobbed Craigslist would be on Faux News and CNN showcasing what a great job they did in cracking down on prostitution. Of course, they'll expect to be re-elected for their efforts.
It didn't happen, so there is no evidence!
Tell you what Joe, why don't you go out into space and prove to me there isn't a vacuum out there and take your eff'd up FUD with you!
Exactly - it is the absolute worst case scenario for the prosecutor who is trying to get 'em all in one fell swoop; because if a single defendant can raise doubt then they (the defendants) would all be off the hook!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Could invoke a law change
Take a good hard look at what the government has done to personal freedoms especially those dealing with the first, second, fourth and fifth amendments since 9/11/2001 - it's not surprising that trolls don't understand how loving an incompetent government is a character defect.
You LOVE something that inherently doesn't work well with reality! What is so odd about that that others don't equally see you as a defective character?!
It's not anything Masnick hasn't already said but it is brief and to the point. Right on mark, I'd say. However, there are those that will take exception to your well versed words of wisdom - it is those that believe the "way we've always done it" must be the right way because they actually produce no content of their own - they just want to be paid because the artist made something that they believe they deserve(?) a share of!
I have yet to hear an actual artist or content producer raise the objections we see here from the trolls who claim that the content industry is being eroded and devalued by the adaptive marketing practices we see highlighted here on TD! Why do only shills and trolls make these comments, wouldn't actual artists/talented folk be howling if these "new" marketing techniques didn't work at all? Radio and TV have handed the consumer content on a timely basis for 60 years, but when TD writes about how giving away content is viable (when followed up on correctly) the shills and trolls come out from under their bridge to declare the rest of the world is made up of criminal "freetards" who are willing to steal anything from anybody because they don't "have" to pay if it is freely available. Yet, time and again the studies show this simply isn't the case. But who needs facts when you have an axe to grind?!
I imagine you have oatmeal for brains based on your last three posts. No need to reply, I have determined it to be so and you are hereby dismissed summarily. Good day!
"Potential damage"? Really? If you were speeding down the highway you could "potentially" kill hundreds of people if you chose not to avoid them.
Perhaps we should send all the speeders to jail, then at the trials mention the fact that they "potentially" could have killed hundreds of people each. Subsequently we could put these folks to death since they "potentially" could have been mass murderers!
Thank you for your service to our country but your statement above, I find incredulous.
This was exactly my first thought! If I were one of the previous/current defendants ordered to pay some outrageous figure, like, oh say $150k per song, I'd be asking for an appeal on the award figure to this new perfectly reasonable (according to the labels themselves since they ARE willing to pay this amount) total of $150 per song. And if I weren't found guilty of doing my infringement for profit, as the labels did, I'd also argue that this $150 figure be cut in half to $75 per song.
That's exactly what I thought when I first read this! They set this whole thing up believing this will be precedent setting for future cases where the defendant isn't in on the whole thing from the beginning!
On the post: Nintendo President: The Free Market Is Not A Game We Like To Play
Re: Re: Re: Nintendo, DRM, and your game saves
On the post: Prostitutes Have Just Moved From Craigslist To Facebook
Slavery is legal/popular again?
AZ where "...buying a guy..." is done in the Home Depot parking lot. However the state government who passed laws to deter this activity (because the Federal gov't is ineffective in enforcing it's own laws covering this same behavior) has come under fire as racist and bigots.
Sorry the typo was easy money and humorous.
On the post: Recording Industry Persecution Complex: Claiming EMI's Plight Is Due To File Sharing
On the post: Prostitutes Have Just Moved From Craigslist To Facebook
AJ is the true FUD...
It didn't happen, so there is no evidence!
Tell you what Joe, why don't you go out into space and prove to me there isn't a vacuum out there and take your eff'd up FUD with you!
On the post: Mass P2P Porn Lawyer Tries Filing A Class Action Lawsuit... In Reverse
Re: Re: Whats the difference?
On the post: Mass P2P Porn Lawyer Tries Filing A Class Action Lawsuit... In Reverse
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Could invoke a law change
You LOVE something that inherently doesn't work well with reality! What is so odd about that that others don't equally see you as a defective character?!
On the post: David Guetta: The Way To Beat 'Piracy' Is To Give Your Music Away Free
Re: Re:
It's not anything Masnick hasn't already said but it is brief and to the point. Right on mark, I'd say. However, there are those that will take exception to your well versed words of wisdom - it is those that believe the "way we've always done it" must be the right way because they actually produce no content of their own - they just want to be paid because the artist made something that they believe they deserve(?) a share of!
I have yet to hear an actual artist or content producer raise the objections we see here from the trolls who claim that the content industry is being eroded and devalued by the adaptive marketing practices we see highlighted here on TD! Why do only shills and trolls make these comments, wouldn't actual artists/talented folk be howling if these "new" marketing techniques didn't work at all? Radio and TV have handed the consumer content on a timely basis for 60 years, but when TD writes about how giving away content is viable (when followed up on correctly) the shills and trolls come out from under their bridge to declare the rest of the world is made up of criminal "freetards" who are willing to steal anything from anybody because they don't "have" to pay if it is freely available. Yet, time and again the studies show this simply isn't the case. But who needs facts when you have an axe to grind?!
On the post: You Would Think Sony Knew Better Than To Install A Rootkit In The PS3 [Updated]
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On the post: FiveFingers Blocks Right Finger -- Just Asking For Middle One
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On the post: The Awkwardness Of Cutting Out The Middleman
Not a business model?
That sounds like a terrible way to do things! how dare she connect personally with her fans, have fun, converse, eat, drink, be merry AND get paid!
Sounds like what she needs is a job in a cubicle! /s
On the post: Homeland Security Seizes Spanish Domain Name That Had Already Been Declared Legal
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On the post: Court Says Playing Dungeons & Dragons In Prisons Represents Gang Behavior
Hide the chess sets!
Holy crap - a "gang" of white pieces vs. a gang of black pieces - it's racial and gang related and certainly won't help with your rehabilitation!
On the post: Red Cross Says Theater Nurse Costume Violates The Geneva Conventions
Re: Re:
{Edit functions requested for billionth time!}
On the post: Red Cross Says Theater Nurse Costume Violates The Geneva Conventions
On the post: Press Realizing That Treatment Of Bradley Manning Is Indefensible
Re: I can find no sympathy
Perhaps we should send all the speeders to jail, then at the trials mention the fact that they "potentially" could have killed hundreds of people each. Subsequently we could put these folks to death since they "potentially" could have been mass murderers!
Thank you for your service to our country but your statement above, I find incredulous.
On the post: Major Record Labels Agree To Pay $45 Million For Copyright Infringement In Canada
Re: Precedent?
On the post: Guy Agrees To Pay $250,000* Just Days After Being Sued For Uploading Movies
On the post: Iceland Officials Ask US To Explain Why It's Trying To Get Lawmaker's Twitter Info
On the post: How Trademark Law Is Supposed To Work: Groupon Sues Australian Clone That Tried To Squat Groupon Name
1. Obviously Groupon is not for you, but apparently it works for thousands of others and therefore they seem to have a marketable product.
2. Perhaps that's why Google made a play for Groupon which Groupon declined to be a part of.
On the post: How Trademark Law Is Supposed To Work: Groupon Sues Australian Clone That Tried To Squat Groupon Name
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