I'm wondering if they are doing this to actually extend the copyrights by saying "We're giving it a new 30 year copyright" to the library of congress? It's a logic
meanwhile I agree, this isn't much of an altruistic donation.
he does things independent. It's not trying to be cool, he just does a good job and we all appreciate what he does, which is infinitely creative remix stuff.
he even did one live remixing legend of zelda (nes). He pretty much defined his own culture by just doing what he does.
although the fear is of change, and that change can possibly = a loss and/or a loss to stockholder value;
the end result of all this fear, is that it basically becomes a fear of becoming more successful than they currently are and an unwillingness to drive towards that goal.
all it has shown is that the government deserves less privacy, not more. Everything it's released has shown how badly the US government has been acting in private.
because AA does a relatively horrible job (and I'm being generous), the middlemen exist. Mostly because they make more sense of things than AA does, and allow you to search more than just AA for flights.
this is not a magic thing here.
All AA just did is make their service less useful.
it's not a matter of being "out of reach" it's a matter of it not being free as it's supposed to be, so that people can build upon it and make better and/or new things. That is what public domain is for.
you're thinking of the wrong cord being cut. With the speeds that 4g is supposed to have fairly soon, people might be cutting all cords (cable, tv, internet), not just the tv cord, so to speak.
I mean 42mb theoretical (22mb downstream) is enough to replace the entire triple play, for me. it's just a matter of having reasonable usage limits and not 5GB/month.
"Nonetheless, I am delighted to note your firm statement that the attack will no longer work and pleased
that the industry has been finally been able to deal with this security issue, albeit some considerable time
after the original disclosure back in 2009." Guess that means 2 years ago, not 9 months ago.
this is well beyond trying to put the cat back in the bag, and just straight up ignorance. they asked the school to censor themselves and the school rightfully refused.
Maybe you should have quoted the school's reply? It's appropriate:
"Second, you seem to think that we might censor a student’s thesis, which is lawful and already in the
public domain, simply because a powerful interest finds it inconvenient. This shows a deep misconception
of what universities are and how we work. Cambridge is the University of Erasmus, of Newton,
and of Darwin; censoring writings that offend the powerful is offensive to our deepest values. Thus even
though the decision to put the thesis online was Omar’s, we have no choice but to back him. That would
hold even if we did not agree with the material! Accordingly I have authorised the thesis to be issued as
a Computer Laboratory Technical Report. This will make it easier for people to find and to cite, and will
ensure that its presence on our web site is permanent."
On the post: Universal Music Donates Master Recordings To Library Of Congress... But Keeps The Copyright
gets worse
meanwhile I agree, this isn't much of an altruistic donation.
On the post: Senator Wyden Calls Out Content Companies For Wanting To Censor The Internet
why did an anonymous troll have to wax political?
piracy benefits the creators of the content, but not as much as if they were to actually release the things the consumers wanted.
Meanwhile, the analogy with weed isn't even remotely accurate either.
this isn't magic.
anon needs to learn what business is in 2011, not in 1920.
On the post: Case Study: How To Have Fun Connecting With Fans Like A Superstar DJ
he even did one live remixing legend of zelda (nes). He pretty much defined his own culture by just doing what he does.
On the post: The Companies Who Support Censoring The Internet
Re: Re:
On the post: The Companies Who Support Censoring The Internet
what a surprise, not a single small or independent business on the list!
On the post: Australian Politician Compares Attempts To Silence Assange With Catholic Church Silencing Galileo
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Why Won't Copyright Holders Run Studies On The Actual Impact Of Piracy?
here's how it really ends up, mike
the end result of all this fear, is that it basically becomes a fear of becoming more successful than they currently are and an unwillingness to drive towards that goal.
On the post: Amazon Stops Selling Book On How To Game Amazon
the book is a how to, it doesn't mean they're faking reviews and ratings by posting it.
On the post: Report Claims Discredited Study That Linked Vaccines To Autism Wasn't Just A Mistake, But An Outright Fraud
hint: when celebrities voice support for something, it's pretty likely that it's a bad idea.
On the post: US Gov't Strategy To Prevent Leaks Is Leaked
On the post: Dear Gary Larson: Your Kids Go Out At Night; Let Them Be
On the post: New Congressional Leadership Prioritizes Wikileaks Investigation
how well has that worked for us with wikileaks?
all it has shown is that the government deserves less privacy, not more. Everything it's released has shown how badly the US government has been acting in private.
so no, not so much.
On the post: Expedia Against 'Search Discrimination'... Unless It Gets To Do The Discriminating
middlemen exist because of a shoddy job
this is not a magic thing here.
All AA just did is make their service less useful.
On the post: US Is Left Waiting For Godot On Public Domain Day: Once Again, Absolutely Nothing Enters The Public Domain This Year
On the post: Despite Promises That Franchise Reform Would Lower TV Rates, The Opposite Has Happened
not quite, mike
I mean 42mb theoretical (22mb downstream) is enough to replace the entire triple play, for me. it's just a matter of having reasonable usage limits and not 5GB/month.
On the post: A Lesson In Venn Diagrams... And Who Gets Paid To Touch Your Junk
On the post: Drink Up: Cocktails Don't Need Nor Deserve Copyright Protection
On the post: Financial Industry Favors Security Through Obscurity; Demands Cambridge Censor Paper Detailing Weaknesses
oh, and the best part
"Nonetheless, I am delighted to note your firm statement that the attack will no longer work and pleased
that the industry has been finally been able to deal with this security issue, albeit some considerable time
after the original disclosure back in 2009." Guess that means 2 years ago, not 9 months ago.
On the post: Financial Industry Favors Security Through Obscurity; Demands Cambridge Censor Paper Detailing Weaknesses
more to it
this is well beyond trying to put the cat back in the bag, and just straight up ignorance. they asked the school to censor themselves and the school rightfully refused.
Maybe you should have quoted the school's reply? It's appropriate:
"Second, you seem to think that we might censor a student’s thesis, which is lawful and already in the
public domain, simply because a powerful interest finds it inconvenient. This shows a deep misconception
of what universities are and how we work. Cambridge is the University of Erasmus, of Newton,
and of Darwin; censoring writings that offend the powerful is offensive to our deepest values. Thus even
though the decision to put the thesis online was Omar’s, we have no choice but to back him. That would
hold even if we did not agree with the material! Accordingly I have authorised the thesis to be issued as
a Computer Laboratory Technical Report. This will make it easier for people to find and to cite, and will
ensure that its presence on our web site is permanent."
On the post: Will Visa, MasterCard, Paypal, BofA & Apple Terminate Relationships With The NYTimes For Revealing Military Secrets?
this can actually get people killed.
nobody gets killed from the wikileaks stuff.
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