Copyright is there to grow the public domain. It does this by temporarily giving authors the exclusive right to the profits made from publishing, as an incentive to produce more works.
"Copyright is there to grow the public domain."
Copyright Protects Artist
. As well as ART for ARTS sake.
I can choose to keep my ART un-published.
Copyright says no one can steal it and publish it
" It does this by ++temporarily++ giving authors the exclusive right to the profits made from publishing, as an incentive to produce more works."
Wow !!!
you got a point right !!!
WOW !!
( there must flying pigs in Frozen Hell).
Except that word "temporarily".
( sorry to take away your perfect game -- er, phrase)
You know well the phrase Jefferson chose was
"Limited time",,
In Legal and Literary terms a different concept.
"Temporarily" is "brief" ,, "fleeting" , and for "transitory objects" .
Limited Time , can legally be 100 years , 1000 years, or the lifetime of the Artist. Congress decides that.
Re: Re: Masnick has never said any of those things. Nobody on this site has said any of those things.If "common knowledge" contradicts the facts, then the facts win. Sorry. As for "common sense," I think Einstein said it best: "Common sense is the collec
If "common knowledge" contradicts the facts, then the facts win."
Ans: Common Knowledge is a euphemism for establish d fact you fool. Common Knowledge also envelopes accepted Moral reason.
exp: Murder is always wrong
( war and self defense is "killing" and/or "Manslaughter" , it is NOT not Murder. go look it up)
Sorry. As for "common sense,"
I think Einstein said it best: "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
Albert was making a "joke" about about the folly of youth.
How the surety of youth looks like folly,
with the retrospect of old age.
(How shallow can you be man ?)
Uncle Albert's definition of "Common Sense " is not the one embedded in all legal systems. Ask ANY judge. I have.
Re: Re: Masnick has never said any of those things. Nobody on this site has said any of those things.Moral rights didn't exist until well after the French Revolution,
"Moral rights didn't exist until well after the French Revolution,"
KarL , this point made by you here me laugh -- fist foray there. If would make any Professor laugh back at you.
Two thoughts:
1] Moral Rights are by Nature above time.
that is why Natural Rights and
Moral Right are almost always
inter changeable phrases.
Even if you mean Moral rights were first written about after the Big French Party of 1789 ,,
You are factually wrong.
Writings on Moral Rights are as old as writing itself.
I think his name was "Play-doe"
( sorry about the spelling , I am dyslexic you know)
All agree -- all being Locke & T.J. & Rand ,,
that Copyright is at least Moral.
some say Natural.
Again well cited and well discussed already.
No need to go back.
2] With regard Moral Rights being by Nature above time
Take a philosophy course and say the"Moral rights didn't exist until well after the French Revolution.
the class will then discuss if you are fit to take the course.
And one would problaby ask whether you are fit to live.
I would not ,, but there is always one in every class .
They are just now getting that we don't want to pay for the same movie 10 times.
ME : The Law says different. I control copies of my music and all forms of transmision and physical medium.
You buy ONLY copies of Music.
The Beatles still got the acid studio tapes to Abbey Road.
And no copy will ever exactly match its sound. ( though the newly re-mastered Beatles CDs are as close as you can with digitization get.)
I have had to pay for , Abbey Road many times.
First the vinyl that wore out (2x),
The tape got eaten in the deck (3X),
The crappy sound CDs (1X) ,
Now thank G-D , we got to buy the remastered
Beatles CDs (1X) ,,
(((( Now too , I can I noticed , record the new CD tracks off You tube , which , you got to ask Paul and Ringo if they care,, I ain't speaking for them there.
Mike is a big shot ,
maybe he can score an interview with Ringo
-- at least -- ( sorry Richie ].)))
I paid -- and will pay --each time the Fab four put their
perfect music onto a new medium.
I do not care. a lot of people work for the Beatles directly and support their families from my $$
And spending $$ , helps our economy recover from the Bush-s.
.AND , big And ,,
the Beatles still got their original copy of Abbey road on ACID STUDIO TAPE.
Even after all the money
I have spent on the Fab Four,
through out most all my life,
My first billion -
- (soon Mom,, ok , stop rubbing it in) ..
With ny 1st Billion $$ ,
I am buying the Acid Tape of Abbey Road,
I bet Buffet or Murdoch will try to out bid me too.
AND soon, in 10-15 years we will buy
the "nano-mini-analog disc"
of Abbey Road.
Paul & Yoko,
you got more $$
than some countries
(rightly so too!)
Please do invest into the quick
development of
nano-"mini-analog players"
Re: Unfortunately, that's not actually true once you've done your initial distribution -- and that's where the problem comes in. The fact that it's your labors is meaningless, as copyright is not designed to be
the VERY vast majority of "elected officials" , in the world's Democracies,
Are "united against copyright infringement".
Do you dispute that fact?
Artist and Writers and Inventors and Musicians and Poets are too -
- for the most , at least 90% ,
( and in my opinion it is exactly at : 98.314159292 % ).
So you can certainly say , that as a "political force" in the "body politic" , from local to global ,,
Artist and Writers and Inventors and Musicians and Poets
also are "united against copyright infringement".
See you in Court,
see you in Congress.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unfortunately, that's not actually true once you've done your initial distribution -- and that's where the problem comes in. The fact that it's your labors is meaningless, as copyright is not designed to be
Too bad it is against the laws.
Legal, Civil. Moral , and maybe Natural.
It infringes ARTIST control.
MY ART. My Universe.
I control it.
Who gets it.
How they get it.
Under any conditions I may apply at will.
How they use it .
When they can use it.
Where they can use it
I decide also:
Who pays for it.
How they pay for it.
and when I choose to give it free to a charity.
The Laws, Global to local may not fully be there 100% with what I write above.
But they should be.
Even according to , Locke, Jefferson , Madison , and even Ayn Rand , by most any reasonable interpretation of their written words.
Which are well studied by many in depth at Universities.
And also in elementary school at their level.
Copyright protection is a "core value" of any civilized society, according to Locke and Friends inc.
Those core values are present day law -- for the most now.
I am an Artist and Musician , and I have little problem with the "current principles of copyright law" for global to local.
As far as you Pirate Logic guys , and you Mike ,
see you in Court.
See you in Congress.
Then our grand kids will learn the history again
later in elementarily school.
And us Artist , Musicians, Poets , Painters , Writers , Sculptors,
On the post: Dutch Court Says Just Publishing Links To A Movie Is Illegal And Must Be Blocked
It's still amazing that any court thinks that just publishing links to something should be illegal,
Learn Dutch Law too.
your comment is silly in the extreme
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Copyright is there to grow the public domain. It does this by temporarily giving authors the exclusive right to the profits made from publishing, as an incentive to produce more works.
Copyright Protects Artist
. As well as ART for ARTS sake.
I can choose to keep my ART un-published.
Copyright says no one can steal it and publish it
" It does this by ++temporarily++ giving authors the exclusive right to the profits made from publishing, as an incentive to produce more works."
Wow !!!
you got a point right !!!
WOW !!
( there must flying pigs in Frozen Hell).
Except that word "temporarily".
( sorry to take away your perfect game -- er, phrase)
You know well the phrase Jefferson chose was
"Limited time",,
In Legal and Literary terms a different concept.
"Temporarily" is "brief" ,, "fleeting" , and for "transitory objects" .
Limited Time , can legally be 100 years , 1000 years, or the lifetime of the Artist. Congress decides that.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Masnick has never said any of those things. Nobody on this site has said any of those things.If "common knowledge" contradicts the facts, then the facts win. Sorry. As for "common sense," I think Einstein said it best: "Common sense is the collec
Ans: Common Knowledge is a euphemism for establish d fact you fool. Common Knowledge also envelopes accepted Moral reason.
exp: Murder is always wrong
( war and self defense is "killing" and/or "Manslaughter" , it is NOT not Murder. go look it up)
Sorry. As for "common sense,"
I think Einstein said it best: "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
Albert was making a "joke" about about the folly of youth.
How the surety of youth looks like folly,
with the retrospect of old age.
(How shallow can you be man ?)
Uncle Albert's definition of "Common Sense " is not the one embedded in all legal systems. Ask ANY judge. I have.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Masnick has never said any of those things. Nobody on this site has said any of those things.Moral rights didn't exist until well after the French Revolution,
KarL , this point made by you here me laugh -- fist foray there. If would make any Professor laugh back at you.
Two thoughts:
1] Moral Rights are by Nature above time.
that is why Natural Rights and
Moral Right are almost always
inter changeable phrases.
Even if you mean Moral rights were first written about after the Big French Party of 1789 ,,
You are factually wrong.
Writings on Moral Rights are as old as writing itself.
I think his name was "Play-doe"
( sorry about the spelling , I am dyslexic you know)
All agree -- all being Locke & T.J. & Rand ,,
that Copyright is at least Moral.
some say Natural.
Again well cited and well discussed already.
No need to go back.
2] With regard Moral Rights being by Nature above time
Take a philosophy course and say the"Moral rights didn't exist until well after the French Revolution.
the class will then discuss if you are fit to take the course.
And one would problaby ask whether you are fit to live.
I would not ,, but there is always one in every class .
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
If you want to make money, then it is silly, stupid, and Quixotic. If you want to do it for "ethical" reasons, then it's just Quixotic.
Does any one out there know what the heck that means?
I don't in relation to our discussion----
of ART for ARTS sake.
Artist don not care about Money.
That is why 99.9999% , are un-heard of and mostly poor,,
But we still make Art anyway,,
BECAUSE WE have to ,
or else we do not feel alive.
There is nothing Quixotic about it at all.
Your words here are nice lyrics though.
got a tune for it?
can I steal them ?
I got some chord patterns looking for good lyrics.
[ which is how this all started 3 -( 4 ?!?) weeks ago]
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
No. He is saying the copyright holders' business needs trump their desire to persecute file sharers.
If you mean i would rather not spend the $$ going afer Pirates , you are Right.
It is not about $$$
It is about Moral Principle.
I ain't about $$ really ever,, from the Artist prospective.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
At the expense of the public - who are supposed to be the ones ultimately benefitting from copyright law.
Ans ; WRONG.
We have disused this 10 X.
everyone from Ayn Rand to John Locke to Justice O'Connor,
has been quoted to dispel your big lie
The Copy right clause promotes Arts by PROTECTING
ARTISTS rights.
It is to protect ARTists from the PUBLIC TYRANNY
of Pirates.
I like when you post Karl.
you just feed my case with your
blatant mis-conceptions.
that are de-bunked the first day of any Civil Liberties college class.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
No. The law is bad because it attacks open culture, civil liberties, and privacy rights, while it does absolutely nothing to stop circumvention
while it
+++does absolutely nothing to stop circumvention+++
If if "does absolutely nothing to stop circumvention"
attacking "open culture, civil liberties, and privacy rights" well at all.
And to me the attack on "open culture, civil liberties, and privacy rights",
is ALL from the Pirates.
My Art is my PRIVATE PROPERTY to regulate as
I see fit . so says the law.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
They are just now getting that we don't want to pay for the same movie 10 times.
You buy ONLY copies of Music.
The Beatles still got the acid studio tapes to Abbey Road.
And no copy will ever exactly match its sound. ( though the newly re-mastered Beatles CDs are as close as you can with digitization get.)
I have had to pay for , Abbey Road many times.
First the vinyl that wore out (2x),
The tape got eaten in the deck (3X),
The crappy sound CDs (1X) ,
Now thank G-D , we got to buy the remastered
Beatles CDs (1X) ,,
(((( Now too , I can I noticed , record the new CD tracks off You tube , which , you got to ask Paul and Ringo if they care,, I ain't speaking for them there.
Mike is a big shot ,
maybe he can score an interview with Ringo
-- at least -- ( sorry Richie ].)))
I paid -- and will pay --each time the Fab four put their
perfect music onto a new medium.
I do not care. a lot of people work for the Beatles directly and support their families from my $$
And spending $$ , helps our economy recover from the Bush-s.
.AND , big And ,,
the Beatles still got their original copy of Abbey road on ACID STUDIO TAPE.
Even after all the money
I have spent on the Fab Four,
through out most all my life,
My first billion -
- (soon Mom,, ok , stop rubbing it in) ..
With ny 1st Billion $$ ,
I am buying the Acid Tape of Abbey Road,
I bet Buffet or Murdoch will try to out bid me too.
AND soon, in 10-15 years we will buy
the "nano-mini-analog disc"
of Abbey Road.
Paul & Yoko,
you got more $$
than some countries
(rightly so too!)
Please do invest into the quick
development of
nano-"mini-analog players"
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Who cares about the industry let them die along with all those artists that support them.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
"Most of the people downloading media would probably not purchase said media if they couldn't download it."
You want my Art.
Pay for it only,
a check is ok.
unless you have
then cash
or gold
no checks
from pirates.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: I could give you links to our lawbooks, but as they are in Dutch, I doubt you have any use for it.
please do try the dutch too !!
I can try the Google translations apps,,
see how well they do against your English translation.
it be fun .
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
When push comes to shove a majority is all that counts, that majority means physical strength to subdue the other side.
Very Wrong , and well discussed in throughout
Political Theoretical History.
.Philoshophers & PhDs,
have explored this topic of "Majority vs. Minority Rights" since people began to write.
, and they will continue to explore it.
We will not solve it here.
But please remember ,
The U.S. Constitution's main principle is to
PROTECT the Minority from Majority Tyranny.
We all learned that in 6th grade social studies.
Now it is all perspective who is the oppressed,
and who is the oppressor.
But are you saying that ARtists -- I meanthe the Beatles & Shakspere are the opressors ?
Are you nuts ?
You Pirates?
The U.S. Constitution's main principle is to
PROTECT the Minority from Majority Tyranny.
Tyranny and Pirates go hand in hand through out factual history and even in the history of literature and art.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
- A challenge, name two artists who have starved because of piracy
the phrase :
Starving Artist.
A top ten , worldwide , human thought
idiom, metaphor , and fact.
To death no,
we are too loved by too many,
we will always be sustained.
(Pirates will be killed though.)
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Unless that music or art isn't available in the first place, thus there is no "food" to put on the "table."
Very exactly .
What would Ayn Rand say?
Artist , we will got on strike.
TRY and live without us, you Pirates.
you really do not deserve my Art.
And I do not want to give it to you .
My right.
I can still make my Art.
And get full spiritual satisfaction
from it
and not share it
with a soul
I ain't making that much money anyway.
Enjoy your world without our Art.
ATTENTION ---All Artist execute plan 66 !!!
We are going to our secret Island.
Remember what Mingus also said ( paraphrase):
Being a Musician /Artist is like living on an island.
there is among people there ,
no Race ,
no creed,
being a man nor
a women does not matter.
Everyone is just an Artist.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
"In the meantime, I expect to see more legal actions taken against infringers, not less."
ANS : And is will just get better , and better ,
until the evil Pirates are all slain,
by law and force,
on land ,
on the sea,
or online.
(There might be some good Pirates,
Darth Vader types
who will repent before
legal death.
G-D bless 'em)
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
"Art isn't a chair and so the same protection clauses do not need to apply. Artists don't make salaries the way that software engineers do"
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Unfortunately, that's not actually true once you've done your initial distribution -- and that's where the problem comes in. The fact that it's your labors is meaningless, as copyright is not designed to be
Are "united against copyright infringement".
Do you dispute that fact?
Artist and Writers and Inventors and Musicians and Poets are too -
- for the most , at least 90% ,
( and in my opinion it is exactly at : 98.314159292 % ).
So you can certainly say , that as a "political force" in the "body politic" , from local to global ,,
Artist and Writers and Inventors and Musicians and Poets
also are "united against copyright infringement".
See you in Court,
see you in Congress.
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Unfortunately, that's not actually true once you've done your initial distribution -- and that's where the problem comes in. The fact that it's your labors is meaningless, as copyright is not designed to be
Too bad it is against the laws.
Legal, Civil. Moral , and maybe Natural.
It infringes ARTIST control.
MY ART. My Universe.
I control it.
Who gets it.
How they get it.
Under any conditions I may apply at will.
How they use it .
When they can use it.
Where they can use it
I decide also:
Who pays for it.
How they pay for it.
and when I choose to give it free to a charity.
The Laws, Global to local may not fully be there 100% with what I write above.
But they should be.
Even according to , Locke, Jefferson , Madison , and even Ayn Rand , by most any reasonable interpretation of their written words.
Which are well studied by many in depth at Universities.
And also in elementary school at their level.
Copyright protection is a "core value" of any civilized society, according to Locke and Friends inc.
Those core values are present day law -- for the most now.
I am an Artist and Musician , and I have little problem with the "current principles of copyright law" for global to local.
As far as you Pirate Logic guys , and you Mike ,
see you in Court.
See you in Congress.
Then our grand kids will learn the history again
later in elementarily school.
And us Artist , Musicians, Poets , Painters , Writers , Sculptors,
We will Win
On the post: Four Years In, How Successful Has Hollywood's Attack On The Pirate Bay Been?
2. Doing it for non-commercial purposes. Number 2 works fine for me - no matter if it is a private individual or a multinational corporation.
Number 2 works fine for me - no matter if it is a private individual or a multinational corporation."
Too bad it is against the laws.
Legal, Civil. Moral , and maybe Natural.
It infringes ARTIST control.
MY ART. My Universe.
I control it.
Who gets it.
How they get it.
Under any conditions I may apply at will.
How they use it .
When they can use it.
Where they can use it
I decide also:
Who pays for it.
How they pay for it.
and when I choose to give it free to a charity.
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