Our Goal: Take over and control the Internet so as to, once again, control 99.9% of media distribution and licensing through our traditionally oppressive and iron-clad self enriching models of success.
Our Plan: Turn the Internet into an insidious pool of copyright infringement. Increment awareness of infringement and escalation of our self-preservation litigation stratagem. Lobby for and implement laws that cede control away from individuals and back to us, where it belongs.
And now my understanding of just what copyright is for has taken another hit.
I'm really starting to really not give two hoots about your copyrights and that moves down to two shits if you own any copyrights to works created by dead people.
Actually. I believe that "mega-want movies, games and music" means anything but what you think it means.
I'm quite sure that the mega-wanters could give a hoot if your business, and all that it has to offer, dropped dead today. You honestly believe that the world wouldn't step up and bridge that pitifully narrow gap? Do you?
You seem to espouse creativity via your offerings yet you can't poke your business plan out of a wet paper bag? Pathetic really, truly pathetic.
I think that Congress should be excised as the cancer on US society it is: it does literally in the interests of the people, and there is a legally-mandated responsibility to get rid of it.
Yeah mate, what's a fucking "reasonable measure" then!?
How about spelling things out for fuck's sake. Is it so much to ask for things that are intended to made into law? Congress's penchant for vague wording, where the intent seems to be deliberate obfuscation, is really having, and will continue to have, some adverse (a&e)ffects That kind of carelessness leads to abuse. That abuse will literally eat away the very tenets of this free society.
"If anyone in Congress, The White House, DOJ, ICE, Homeland Security, or any other branch of Government’s knowledge in technology stops somewhere around 1997 then it is time to retire as you are no longer qualified to hold your position in 2012. "
And because I'm just that type of guy right now... Fuck You Mr. Lamar Smith and each and every one of you Cool Congress mother fuckers that believes for one second that your paying corporation's are your peoples. Your time is truly running out. Tick-Fucking-Tock
Ask yourself who or what is doing the blocking for these bad locations.
Ask yourself if you have a real choice about how you are connecting to the Internet.
Ask yourself about who is compiling this list of bad locations.
Ask yourself how this list is compiled, implemented and managed.
Now ask yourself how you could get around these bad site filters to investigate for yourself.
Finally, ask yourself who might claim that a location is infringing on copyright and what the result of that could be under SOPA.
One short answer from me is that all of those bad locations you're referencing can be gotten to via DNS right now, one way or another, via DNS name resolution. Their DNS presence has not been hijacked.
Can't we just tip both houses of congress over and empty them out? We've been bludgeoned for years now and clearly there is a problem. The bread is stale.
Perhaps we start deleting those reps whose last names start with A-L this year and get M-Z next year? You know, today and tomorrow.
What possible harm could come of it? I can't expect worse at this point.
So until folks that are white knuckling copyrights can take a breath we will continue to have to deal with strong arm propaganda financing (contracting apparently) our representatives in order to have them produce yet more counter-productive and short-sighted legislation.. Propping up history and thieving and squeezing all of society far and near.
It'd be nice if they (media investment services and the supposed perpetual owners of culture) would start taking reality head on, embrace the changes of communication and realize that a single send key can port data virtually anywhere. And yet you expect your ancient distribution and control protocols to matter? We are customers and pirates, listeners, watchers and readers, smart and not so and the traditional mediums and format of delivery, even the majority of "current" ones, are failing reality tests.
Evolution happens. It might be time to jump that train. You'd better run.
So when, exactly, do we get to fucking drive representatives about legislation that affects us all?
When things so blatantly reflect the direction of money, corporate fucking money no less, why the hell wouldn't you call out every fucking possible interconnect? Do you like being driven? Because I fucking don't. When I get some God Damn representation up in this mother fucker I'll calm down. Until then you can take your mike wah-wah bullshit up through your daddy's master and have a donation crafted to legislate this site's views and commentary off of your planet.
On the post: RIAA Takes MPAA's Condescending Response To Protests Up A Notch
Big Media 21st Century Manifesto
Our Goal: Take over and control the Internet so as to, once again, control 99.9% of media distribution and licensing through our traditionally oppressive and iron-clad self enriching models of success.
Our Plan: Turn the Internet into an insidious pool of copyright infringement. Increment awareness of infringement and escalation of our self-preservation litigation stratagem. Lobby for and implement laws that cede control away from individuals and back to us, where it belongs.
Our Most Significant Impediment: You.
On the post: Denial: MPAA Pretends That No Big Sites Have Joined SOPA/PIPA Protests
Re: Yet Another Analysis of the MPAA's Statement
On the post: Andy Samberg, Neil Gaiman, Trent Reznor, Aziz Ansari, Adam Savage & More Tell Congress: Don't Pass PIPA Or SOPA In Our Names
Re: Re:
Here's one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/courts-law/supreme-court-upholds-law-that-extended-copyright- protection-to-foreign-works/2012/01/18/gIQArWi47P_story.html
And now my understanding of just what copyright is for has taken another hit.
I'm really starting to really not give two hoots about your copyrights and that moves down to two shits if you own any copyrights to works created by dead people.
On the post: Lamar Smith & MPAA Brush Off Wikipedia Blackout As Just A Publicity Stunt
Re: Re: Re:
On the post: Rupert Murdoch Lashes Out Bizarrely Against The White House For Asking Congress Not To Break The Internet
Re: Re: Re:
I'm quite sure that the mega-wanters could give a hoot if your business, and all that it has to offer, dropped dead today. You honestly believe that the world wouldn't step up and bridge that pitifully narrow gap? Do you?
You seem to espouse creativity via your offerings yet you can't poke your business plan out of a wet paper bag? Pathetic really, truly pathetic.
On the post: SOPA/PIPA Supporters Pretend White House Statement Means We Can Rush Through SOPA/PIPA
Re: Re: sopa and pipa
all fixed.
On the post: Harry Reid Says He's Concerned PIPA Will Break The Internet, But We Must Move Forward With It, Because Of 'Jobs'
Re: Re: Re:
and you sound like a fucking tool.
On the post: Lamar Smith Follows Leahy's Steps With Plans To Delay DNS Implementation In SOPA
How about spelling things out for fuck's sake. Is it so much to ask for things that are intended to made into law? Congress's penchant for vague wording, where the intent seems to be deliberate obfuscation, is really having, and will continue to have, some adverse (a&e)ffects That kind of carelessness leads to abuse. That abuse will literally eat away the very tenets of this free society.
Watch the watchers.
On the post: Website Censored By Feds Takes Up Lamar Smith's Challenge: Here's Your 'Hypothetical'
And because I'm just that type of guy right now... Fuck You Mr. Lamar Smith and each and every one of you Cool Congress mother fuckers that believes for one second that your paying corporation's are your peoples. Your time is truly running out. Tick-Fucking-Tock
And to big copyright "owners" .. eat a dick.
On the post: Lamar Smith's Head-In-Sand Approach To SOPA Critics Inspires 'Lamar Smith Can't Hear You' Anti-Campaign Poster
Ask yourself if you have a real choice about how you are connecting to the Internet.
Ask yourself about who is compiling this list of bad locations.
Ask yourself how this list is compiled, implemented and managed.
Now ask yourself how you could get around these bad site filters to investigate for yourself.
Finally, ask yourself who might claim that a location is infringing on copyright and what the result of that could be under SOPA.
One short answer from me is that all of those bad locations you're referencing can be gotten to via DNS right now, one way or another, via DNS name resolution. Their DNS presence has not been hijacked.
On the post: NBC Universal's Own Preferred Researcher For 'Anti-Piracy' Stats Comes Out Against SOPA/PIPA
On the post: ICE Propaganda Film Pats Itself On The Back For Censoring The Web; Promises Much More To Come
Yeah, fact this... Whatever.
On the post: US State Dept: Don't Censor The Internet! Unless We Order You To, As We Did In Spain...
Awesome is what awesome does.
Shouldn't we be taxing their paychecks now? All your governments are belong to us.
On the post: How Senator Wyden's PIPA Filibuster Will Work, And What Harry Reid Will Try To Do To Kill It
Re: Re: Cynicism reigns in Congress
It's a horrible bill and its existence is indicative of a horrible path.
Gateway people are opening the gates of destruction and representatives seems to be functioning on the same short-sited level as they are.
Enjoy the walk but next time, if we will be so lucky, perhaps you should choose curtain number two.
On the post: It Is Time To Stop Pretending To Endorse The Copyright Monopoly
On the post: Why Johnny Can't Read Any New Public Domain Books In The US: Because Nothing New Entered The Public Domain
My strong-armed, manipulated copyright hold means more money for me. Profit from public.
You have no culture. We own you.
On the post: Lamar Smith Out Of Touch With The Internet: Still Thinks It's Just Google That Opposes SOPA
Perhaps we start deleting those reps whose last names start with A-L this year and get M-Z next year? You know, today and tomorrow.
What possible harm could come of it? I can't expect worse at this point.
On the post: Lamar Smith, Against Regulating The Internet... Until Hollywood Became His Biggest Campaign Funder
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
So until folks that are white knuckling copyrights can take a breath we will continue to have to deal with strong arm propaganda financing (contracting apparently) our representatives in order to have them produce yet more counter-productive and short-sighted legislation.. Propping up history and thieving and squeezing all of society far and near.
It'd be nice if they (media investment services and the supposed perpetual owners of culture) would start taking reality head on, embrace the changes of communication and realize that a single send key can port data virtually anywhere. And yet you expect your ancient distribution and control protocols to matter? We are customers and pirates, listeners, watchers and readers, smart and not so and the traditional mediums and format of delivery, even the majority of "current" ones, are failing reality tests.
Evolution happens. It might be time to jump that train. You'd better run.
On the post: Lamar Smith, Against Regulating The Internet... Until Hollywood Became His Biggest Campaign Funder
Re: Re:
When things so blatantly reflect the direction of money, corporate fucking money no less, why the hell wouldn't you call out every fucking possible interconnect? Do you like being driven? Because I fucking don't. When I get some God Damn representation up in this mother fucker I'll calm down. Until then you can take your mike wah-wah bullshit up through your daddy's master and have a donation crafted to legislate this site's views and commentary off of your planet.
On the post: How Firefly Fans Made One University's Campus Safe For Free Speech
Re: Govt Centric Behavior
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