Has anyone created a killswitch app yet, that if the wrong passcode, or the wrong finger is used to unlocked the phone, it erases it instead? Doesn't seem hard.
Until a sensible judge determines that comic con or comicon is a generic term for a Comic Convention, all the competing comic cons should agree to something similar, and NOT allow SDCC to use it. Like Comic Convention. I mean, if SDCC really believed that they're exclusively entitled to comic con or even comicon, shouldn't the convention be called just Comic Con(tm).
Wait? You read Techdirt, and you don't know that you're totally wrong? Techdirt articles are almost always about digital rights. Did you even read this article, because it explains why you're wrong.
This regime just reeks of thuggish regimes, like Putin's and ErdoÄŸan. Is this really the America the Alt-Right, or conservatives want? Seems kind of Commy, in the Totalitarian Authoritarian kind of way (not the community based, people's rule, way). You know, like Russia.
They should be paying us, or subsidizing the costs of these games, for spamming us with their brands. Not the other way around. It's not like a racing game like Gran Turismo is going to be controversial like a game like GTA.
As swiss cheese our patent system is, he'll probably patent the _idea_ of entering a system without the proper authorization. The business model is to sue you if you don't log-in properly.
Well, before religious types hijacked the word to mean One Thing, it meant to adhere, firmly, devotedly and loyally without question. So it's an appropriate word, but now since Faith is so strongly used to defend religion, it means squat.
Stealing OTA TV like stealing a free weekly paper, and giving it to a friend. Isn't TV based on paid advertising, and isn't it in the best interest of advertisers to have their ads seen by as many people as possible? Maybe the advertisers should get involved, and say, "Hey, we want those potential customers."
Took me forever to find an RSS feed reader I liked...
...and it happened to be Google Reader. I can tell you this, for sure, I will less likely be reading any blogs when Google Reader shuts down. It just may need to be the productivity kickstart I need. But scrolling through blogs via Google Reader changed everything. I seriously doubt I will visit all 220+ websites that I used to read via RSS feeds manually, and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking for a new reader. If anyone should raise hell, it should be the blogs.
Took me forever to find an RSS feed reader I liked...
...and it happened to be Google Reader. I can tell you this, for sure, I will less likely be reading any blogs when Google Reader shuts down. It just may need to be the productivity kickstart I need. But scrolling through blogs via Google Reader changed everything. I seriously doubt I will visit all 220+ websites that I used to read via RSS feeds manually, and I'm sure as hell not going to go looking for a new reader. If anyone should raise hell, it should be the blogs.
“We’re chopping off the head of LulzSec.”?? and therefore "leaders" of Anonymous? What a joke. Lulzsec has been pretty silent, i.e. haven't brought'en me LULZ for a while and now we know why. LEO, and their authoritarian bosses, really don't understand what is going on, much less what it is about. By arresting these "leaders" they think they're making progress. The hydra analogy really fits, because these "heads" are really just MOUTHS, the really scary shit you will never hear about, until someone digs it up and shares it to the world, e.g. Stratfor/Wikileaks.
On the post: Minnesota Supreme Court Says Unlocking A Phone With A Fingerprint Isn't A Fifth Amendment Issue
On the post: Vice Media Goes After Vice Industry Token, A Porn Crypto-Currency Company, For Trademark
On the post: The Other Side: Phoenix Comicon Proactively Changes Names To Avoid San Diego Comic-Con Bully
On the post: Playboy Sues BoingBoing For Linking To Collection Of Centerfold Pictures
Re: BoingBoing clearly wrong
On the post: FCC Guards 'Manhandle' Reporter Just For Asking Questions At Net Neutrality Vote
On the post: NY Senate Passes Bill That Would Add Cops And Firemen To List Of Protected Classes Under State's Hate Crime Law
On the post: Copyright Office Fucks Over Thousands Of Sites With Plans To Remove Their DMCA Safe Harbors
Did a copyright troll write this law?
I assume that this DMCA policy takes precedence over basic Fair-use.
Another case of Your rights, if you can afford them.
On the post: Reddit, Mozilla, Others Urge FCC To Formally Investigate Broadband Usage Caps And Zero Rating
How hard can it be?
On the post: IBM Wants To Patent A Printer That Won't Let You Output Unauthorized Copies
On the post: DEA Loses Big Drug Case, Thanks To Illegal Wiretap Warrants Prosecutor Calls 'Procedural Errors'
On the post: Court Rules Gran Turismo Protected By 1st Amendment In Including Company Logos For Realism
On the post: Keith Alexander: I'm Worth $1 Million Per Month Because I'm Patenting A Way To Stop Hackers (Which I Didn't Tell The NSA)
Probably just a new Trolling Tactic
On the post: Can Anyone Name A Programmer Still Getting Paid For Code He Wrote In 1962?
Should be obvious...
On the post: DOJ Helped AT&T, Others Avoid Wiretap Act, Promised Not To Charge Them If They Helped Spy On People
On the post: DOJ Helped AT&T, Others Avoid Wiretap Act, Promised Not To Charge Them If They Helped Spy On People
Re: Care that the laws be faithfully executed.
On the post: DOJ Helped AT&T, Others Avoid Wiretap Act, Promised Not To Charge Them If They Helped Spy On People
Re: Do you really think
1. Yes, absolutely what they're doing.
2. No, I did not shoot Kennedy.
On the post: CBS Will Sue Aereo In Boston, Preferably In The Alternate Reality Where CBS Is Winning
On the post: The Killing Of Google Reader Highlights The Risk Of Relying On A Single Provider
Took me forever to find an RSS feed reader I liked...
On the post: The Killing Of Google Reader Highlights The Risk Of Relying On A Single Provider
Took me forever to find an RSS feed reader I liked...
On the post: Attacking The Hacker Hydra: Why FBI's LulzSec Takedown May Backfire
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