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  • Aug 15th, 2009 @ 2:46am

    (untitled comment)

    Good ideas, but the bands are doing it backwards. What they need to do is offer concert tickets in CD's, as the cd's are the medium that is flagging. The shows, personal momentos, and hang time with the band should be used to sell T-shirts, cd's, mugs, hats, key-chains, and etc. The key is that social interaction with the band and invitations to hear thier music are far more valuable than physical items. I'm sure everybody can put the parts together from here.
  • Aug 14th, 2009 @ 12:15am

    Re: Re: Re: Michael Kirkland

    That doesn't change the fact that they have a business model. Nor does it make what they are doing any more acceptable. Infact, it makes it worse. It's not just a major financial institution bullying a private citizen, it's a major financial government intitution bullying a priveate citizen.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 10:35pm

    Re: Michael Kirkland

    Non-profit organisations still generate money. Therefore, they have a business model. Take The United Way, a non-profit organisation. They generate money by way of government grants, private donations, and public charity projects. The money is then filtered into thier many and varied humanitarian efforts as well as the upkeep of The United Way itself. Worlds apart from the business model of say, McDonalds, but no less a business model.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 10:16pm

    Re: AnonCow

    Mike did not state it was the cab drivers themselves, he stated it was the companies. Two totally different entities. The cab drivers are simply the employees, with as little say in the management of the company as any other hourly/comission employee.

    Just as Mike said, this is a typical and easily forseen action by the cab companies. That the people who run the electric vehicles didn't see this coming speaks volumes about thier capabilities.

    That said, don't think I am defending the cab companies. Thier attempt is only one step removed from outright thuggery. In fact, it's the economical equivalent to knee breaking and curb stomping.

    It is maneuvers like this that make me shrug and say, "Eh." whenever I hear of someone breaking certain laws. I know the laws were enacted not for public safety/protection but to further the monetary goals of political/economical entities. Especially since in most cases those laws are directly in opposition to my wants and needs. If 90 percent of America isn't felons yet, it soon will be.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 10:00pm

    Re: AnonCow

    Wrong. It is not the marketers who decide if a strategy is a failure or a winner. Never has been. The marketers ride the trends, predict future intrests and demand. However, large companies don't like changing markets, as it generally means loss of profit for them. Smaller companies, on the other hand, generally like a market in flux, as it often opens niches and horizons for them. Enter the marketers. One group, those who work for large companies, attempts to generate intrest in failing markets, identify new markets, and force smaller companies out through brand spam. They do this through a variety of ways, but they don't decide what works and what doesn't. They attempt different methods, find the one that fits thier clients intrests best, and proceed. Notice I did not say they find the most effective method. The company decides which sttategy to use, after consulting with the marketer. This is how you end up with idiot brand campaigns and markets that act as if they are dying of terminal cancer. Mike's method works, and it works well. The reason it hasn't caught on like wildfire is simple. There are to many large companies totally invested in the old methods. The new methods popping up revolve around the musician, not the label. Because of this the companies are pumping all available capital into legislature to halt the new methods as well as brand spam campaigns and market campaigns. With that lined up against it, no wonder musicians are flocking to it in droves. Give it time. It will win out.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 10:05am

    Re: Lonzo5

    The truly stupid thing is, it's all image related, Lonzo. The only legal way they could get him for trademark infringement is if they claim his use of thier name endorsed or improved marketing of his product. In other words, they don't want to be associated with or potentially endorsing thier own screw up. To top it all off, legaly there is no way they can win the case on these grounds, and I am certain they know that.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 9:51am


    Nope, not missing anything. They are attempting to CREATE scarcity. Not only that, but they are doing so in a way that alienates thier major customers. Add that all up with a product that is quite easily found at the expenditure of only a few minutes, and you have a company doomed to fail miserably.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 9:33am

    klu klux Hollywood?

    "The original section 92a would have forced internet service providers to cut off copyright infringers "in reasonable circumstances", acting on evidence from copyright holders."

    "People accused of internet piracy might be deemed to have waived some rights if they had not disputed warning notices."

    These days, more so than any in recent history, people ACCUSED of a crime are suddenly second class citizens. Innocence or guilt, these are secondary issues in the media and litigation frenzies. Businesses, reputations, family units, and careers are eagerly ripped apart in the quest for the "TRUTH". And even should you find a guilty party, does the punishment fit the crime? How is hundreds of thousands in fines considered fair for theft under a hundred dollars? How is a thousand dollars fair for a theft of under a hundred dollars? If this is fair, should we not recieve hundreds of thousands of dollars in renumeration for every defective music trac, disconnected internet sight, and scratched movie we purchase? After all, we actually lose more money over these things than big companies do a downloaded song, and we make far far less.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 4:47am

    six of one, half dozen of the other...

    I have worked salary jobs and hourly. When I worked salary the company expected me to work eighteen hours a day and be on call the rest. When I worked hourly, the company expected me to clock out for everything and it was the end of the world if I achieved overtime. Whatever model companies choose, it is the one best suited to the company. Workers, on the other hand, always fight for the method that best suits them. It is inevitable. The breakdown comes when the gap between the two is to great. For example, if an hourly company only allows twenty hours maximum, then it's workers are going to corrupt the system as much as they possibly can. For them the job will be just that, a job they do while looking for something decent. And if your employee's don't care about the work or the company, you will fail. It may take time, but it is garaunteed to happen. Untill companies are force to recognize that, while profit is the destination, good products and happy workers are the way to get there.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 4:28am

    on again off again

    On topic:

    I am an author. I write for money. I like to be paid lots of money. I do not care if my writing still generates money when I am dead. My sons and daughters have no claim on the fruits of MY labor. If I am able to put some in a fund, so be it. If not, then they have to work, too. Pay me a percentage, or flat sum. I do not care. If, in ten years another author picks up where I left off....good. Then my writing never dies. Should I be paid because thier efforts enhanced my own? I don't see why, they did the enhancing. I don't see why it should be any different with patents. You make a chair, I make it better. You want more money? Make my better chair even better. Make it faster or cheaper or more comfortable. Don't whine cause you can't keep up with me.

    Off Topic:

    At least the bots are pleasant....

    Off Topic.
  • Aug 13th, 2009 @ 4:17am

    Leave them under the bridge...

    Well, trolls are useless ninety percent of the time, that's true. But new readers can be thrown off by them. Sometimes it's best to dust off a few of your favorite trolls, heat them up, and throw them out for everyone to see. That has more than one positive effect. First, people can see the idgits for who and what they are. If nobody feeds em, they are likely to die of neglect. Second, a subject can often be judged by it's proponents and oponents. Let the people see that only morons and idgits disagree. And third, it's a good way to relieve stress and frustrations. Nothing says fun like a good troll beating contest.
  • Jun 29th, 2009 @ 11:00pm

    content is advertising

    I used to be Q.A. for an insurance sales company. Many detest these companies and thier methods, employee's included. That said, one of the things I did like about that company is that every transaction was closely scrutinised and if there was any doubt that the customer knew what he or she was doing or purchasing, then the transaction was canceled. Now, this wasn't advertising, but if even telemarketers and insurance companies agree that tricking your customers into purchasing things is bad, well then, it must be something pretty awful indeed. I don't know if legal action should be taken for merely having the sites up, but those tricked should have legal options if they can't get thier monies back.
  • Jun 18th, 2009 @ 8:57pm

    In regards to the email

    Quite infantile, but hardly intimidating. I heard worse on the playground in elementary school. If that is enough to cause a person to change thier actions/views, then they truly are the cowards the words call them. I'm not defending the student, mind you, but this is hardly the kind of thing to lose sleep over. Put the kid in detention, slap a dunce hat on him, and get back to teaching. To take this kind of thing to court is not only a waste of our resources, but an admission of failure on the part of the school system. After all, a large part of public schooling is to teach people how to interact socially.

    Hmm, come to think of it, with those kind of role models and teachers it's no wonder that ninety percent of our youth is worthless.
  • Jun 18th, 2009 @ 3:33pm

    Re: Scale and Sustainability

    A lot of people making *some* money is vastly preferable to a few people making most of the money. In fact, the only situation I can see where it wouldn't be preferable is if the other option is a lot of people making a lot of money. Of course that option is not going to happen, so I'll go with the a lot of people making some option.

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