Why has the (insert Australian equivalent) of DHS not arrested all pen bearers and charged them with tyranny... oh wait Terrorism at the security checkpoint??!!
When Terrorism can breed Tyranny then truly have we been defeated.
"The correct position is that the Coalition will encourage mobile phone and internet service providers to make available software which parents can choose to install on their own devices to protect their children from inappropriate material. "
This is perfectly reasonable. It's not like you can buy filtering software for your devices yet, so they should certainly make the service provides write some.
If only (as a parent) I could download something *now* to protect my children.....
Dude - you said it yourself... "shouldn't that be my choice?"
Just choose as business model that makes you money.
(surprise twist ending... you are NOT promised a living... no one is.)
Just whatever your choice - if you make it for your reasons (not a PR guy, don't want to CWF, etc) - DONT blame piracy for your lack of income - you are responsible for YOUR choices. Choose something that works but requires you to do "X" you really don't want to - or choose not to "X" and hence not make as much money. Choose!
"but doesn't feel morally obligated to pay me the fee I asked for in the first place. Then I have lost the money I should have made in exchange for that enjoyable experience. "
There! Right There! You lost a sale to me - I will pirate it. /hyperbole
I feel morally obliged to pay what I consider a fair price - it was an AWESOME game - I value it at $10 because the soundtrack was crappy and it had no re-playability. You felt MORALLY OBLIGED to charge $80 for it with DRM up the wazoo and an always-on internet connection.
Well sorry but Fubar that - I would have payed $30 on release day for a DRM free offline playable version. Oh look there is one... its FREE.
So you sell 20,000 for $80 - go you! you missed another 1,000,000 sales at $5 (I would have bought copies for my friends so we can play co-op). go figure why YOU have a MORAL problem.
PS - sorry for caps to lazy to learn html.
PPS - I buy Steam games.. ONLY! Bought every game I ever was given a pirated copy of - that I actually played (not many maybe 5 in 20 years). And I do NOT buy ANY game over $40... I wait (years if needed) to buy at less than 10. So how much did I spend last Steam Sale - $700 plus change for over 30 games (gifted a bunch) some of which were in my wishlist - some my mates bought - and some that looked just mildly interesting but for $5 it was an impulse puchase (no buyers regret).
So please dear gods fix your morality issues - it's not YOU that sets the "Fair Price" its the market (me)!
I remember reading something on a paralegal site about there being an actual law against anything a Juror says after the verdict and decision being legally inadmissible as grounds for appeal/mistrial etc...??
My right of first sale trumps your imaginary license... I sold it to them on paper and they sold it back to me in a file. I must suck at sales because I took a loss on it... oh well.
I just realized - I don't even need to sell it... I can just give it to them and they can give it back to me... The $1 was for postage on the digital file :)
"The instructions on irons now include "Do not attempt to iron clothes while wearing."
Those words are there to stop a lawsuit, if we stopped letting people do stupid things and shift the blame to 3rd parties we'd be better off...
If we started making people have to have responsibility for their actions"
This this a thousand times this.... you cannot stop stupidity - but you can hold those who commit it responsible for their own actions. You sir, have my vote.
So to paraphrase... ALL bands on Youtube suck. ANY band signed to a label is GREAT!
Care to rethink that? Yes - I took the extreme position from your comments but there *ARE* good bands on the tubes and there *ARE* crappy bands signed to labels.... and just maybe people have different taste in music than you...sorry but you pushed my "snob" button there.
Re: Re: Re: New Lawsuit
Dear Politicians...
You should be more ashamed you *censored* !
I guess the Pen *IS* mightier than the Sword - Blame the (Aus) DHS!
When Terrorism can breed Tyranny then truly have we been defeated.
Re: Mike has as usual, UN-stated key facts:
Statement of fact or opinion? your opinion? no fact? really? are you sure?
oblig: [citation required] you pusillanimous weasel
Oh thank god for that...
This is perfectly reasonable. It's not like you can buy filtering software for your devices yet, so they should certainly make the service provides write some.
If only (as a parent) I could download something *now* to protect my children.....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Business 101
Just choose as business model that makes you money.
(surprise twist ending... you are NOT promised a living... no one is.)
Just whatever your choice - if you make it for your reasons (not a PR guy, don't want to CWF, etc) - DONT blame piracy for your lack of income - you are responsible for YOUR choices. Choose something that works but requires you to do "X" you really don't want to - or choose not to "X" and hence not make as much money. Choose!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
There! Right There! You lost a sale to me - I will pirate it. /hyperbole
I feel morally obliged to pay what I consider a fair price - it was an AWESOME game - I value it at $10 because the soundtrack was crappy and it had no re-playability. You felt MORALLY OBLIGED to charge $80 for it with DRM up the wazoo and an always-on internet connection.
Well sorry but Fubar that - I would have payed $30 on release day for a DRM free offline playable version. Oh look there is one... its FREE.
So you sell 20,000 for $80 - go you! you missed another 1,000,000 sales at $5 (I would have bought copies for my friends so we can play co-op). go figure why YOU have a MORAL problem.
PS - sorry for caps to lazy to learn html.
PPS - I buy Steam games.. ONLY! Bought every game I ever was given a pirated copy of - that I actually played (not many maybe 5 in 20 years). And I do NOT buy ANY game over $40... I wait (years if needed) to buy at less than 10. So how much did I spend last Steam Sale - $700 plus change for over 30 games (gifted a bunch) some of which were in my wishlist - some my mates bought - and some that looked just mildly interesting but for $5 it was an impulse puchase (no buyers regret).
So please dear gods fix your morality issues - it's not YOU that sets the "Fair Price" its the market (me)!
I imagined a march of Trolls, Gnomes and assorted misfits towards a cliff.
Juror Comments (Legally) Meanigless?
Anyone have anything on that?
Re: Re: Re: The Jury
Good question - check out the writeup at Groklaw regarding Judicial... um.... inconsistencies in motion rulings.
I am certain a lot of it will come up on appeal.
Re: Re: Re:
Re: Re: Re:
I just realized - I don't even need to sell it... I can just give it to them and they can give it back to me... The $1 was for postage on the digital file :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: This time I don't agree
Those words are there to stop a lawsuit, if we stopped letting people do stupid things and shift the blame to 3rd parties we'd be better off...
If we started making people have to have responsibility for their actions"
This this a thousand times this.... you cannot stop stupidity - but you can hold those who commit it responsible for their own actions. You sir, have my vote.
Re: Re: Re:
Re: More. Rigorous. Licensing.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Re: Re:
Re: Re: Re: Re: They need to understand what market they are in
Netflix outside the US? nope (last I looked).. or maybe it was Hulu... whatever.
There are quite a few hundred thousand steam users outside the use... sarcasm/ pity we have to fly to the US every time we want to play /sarcasm
Re: but where is the great new music?
Care to rethink that? Yes - I took the extreme position from your comments but there *ARE* good bands on the tubes and there *ARE* crappy bands signed to labels.... and just maybe people have different taste in music than you...sorry but you pushed my "snob" button there.