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  • Aug 12th, 2014 @ 8:58am

    Re: This is tragic

    Crap I put stop instead of keep when talking about the out of control shit. Sorry about that.
  • Aug 12th, 2014 @ 8:55am

    This is tragic

    I wonder if anyone in the police upper ranks even realize that the worst they can do to fix the police's already dismal public perception is to stop doing out of control shit? Killing a human being by asphyxia is a horrible thing to do and even if it got recorded by the Devil himself still its the police doing the evil deed. They need to focus on reigning-in the "we are absolute authority, and above the law" mentality since it creates more enemies and distrust from the general public. Focusing on the cameras recording them not only makes them seem petty in the face of murder, it is also a retarded thing to do.
  • Jul 4th, 2014 @ 8:23am

    The first wrong assumption about copyright is...

    That it somehow fosters innovation, new works and discoveries... How? It is so focused on the side of profit and locking away works in effective perpetuity that it works against innovation at every step.

    Let's put copyright in perspective:
    If I build a house I get paid one time for the services rendered and that's it. but if I write something or compose a song somehow people are expected to pay me in perpetuity... it should be credited to me as the original author and perhaps protect my song from being distributed for a very reasonable amount of time to allow me to make some money off it but the current model of people expecting to make a living on copyright royalties alone for even a single work and then handing it off to descendants so they can mooch off it too is hardly conducive to innovation nor new discoveries.
  • Jul 4th, 2014 @ 7:56am

    Re: One word: narcissist

    Id say it is more opportunistic than narcissistic, she more than likely is focusing the potential money and publicity this could bring. What she wants is of course impossible in the real world but I kinda doubt she's ever lived there. (And I don't think anyone sane would ever accuse her of being smart...)
  • Jul 4th, 2014 @ 7:41am

    What an ugly mess!

    This is such a messy situation! I for one support the right to be anonymous on the internet but at the same time abhor the notion of people (Especially elected officials)using said anonymity to spread racial/hate speech or to manipulate public opinion.

    Perhaps there should be a la where elected politicians are forbidden from using anonymous accounts as long as the hold office and that includes having proxies post on their behalf (Yes I do know it is a pain to enforce but what else can we do?)

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